CHAPTER 1: washed-up boy to shore

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???? POV:

Where am I... It's so cold... I can't see... am I dead? No, I'm alive... I can feel sand... I can hear water flowing against the shore... I'm on a beach... I can feel the cold water... I can hear footsteps coming my way... they are coming closer... I am alive.


It's a cold evening, and I'm sitting behind my desk trying to finish this stupid paperwork. As I am the boss of this agency and need to keep track of every little thing that happens! "Ugh, why is there so much every single day? I'm losing track of EVERYTHING that happened so far! And now I'm in the grotto working my ass off!"

The days have been getting harder. Every day I get more paperwork on my desk to sign or fill in. Problems I need to fix with shadow! Weapons that need fixing! I can never catch a break!!! Yet even if I do I'm more than 6 piles behind. Or Somebody comes up to me and asks something about it!

I am so DONE WITH IT!!! THESE THINGS ARE DRIVING ME INSANE! MY OWN FAMILY, MY WORK, MY POWERS, THE SHIT WITH SHADOW, PAYLOADS, AND MY DIVORCE FROM MY WIFE!!! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! I slowly came back to my senses as I realized what I just thought. "Oh my lord, I have lost it... Am I turning Insane?"

I mutter to myself as I hear a knock on the door. "Who there?" I ask as the door opens. Remedy peeks around the corner. "Boss it's me. Are you Okay?" Remedy asks. "I'm fine Remedy. No need to worry about me. Now why are you here?" I asked.

"Well, Boss we found someone washed to shore on the beach by the grotto... He looks hurt. We have no idea who it is or how he got here. But there was a small blue, purple-ish butterfly." She looked at me and I knew what she was going to ask.

"What should we do with him? We can't just leave him there..." She said. How can I let a stranger inside... no that person could be dying or worse already be dead. "Bring the person inside and let me see it. Then I will make a decision." I said. She let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay, Sir will bring him inside" Remedy left my office. "My head..." I mutter out. I need to do something about those anger outbursts or what it is, or else I end up like my brother. Insane and stealing all day. I walk out of my office to the medical tents.

"Remedy any news. Or better is this person okay?" I walked up to her. "Boss we can identify who it is...." I looked at her. "Okay, sorrowful news. Where is he?" I ask. "Oh! Follow me, Boss." I followed Remedy to the Medical tent. when we stepped inside I saw the person remedy talked about.

I stood next to the bed the person was lying on. He had some sort of really Blond fluffy hair. He was quite average for his height. He looked good, but I bet he's older than he looks. He also had Glasses. Remedy also said he had Brown eyes. "So what have you at least found out about him?" I asked remedy.

"Well, he was carrying a bag around. With a bunch of stuff. One of the things that were in tacked is a journal." Remedy handed me the Journal. I got it out of the plastic bag and opened it. "Well, his name Is Gabriel according to the Journal. He was overseas," I said as I moved through the pages.

"Well, here it's stated that he left his old job to settle as an Explorer and archaeologist. But why is he here and not there? How did he move so quickly? So many questions, so few answers." Remedy look at me. "What's your verdict boss?" She asks me.

"Remedy I'm requesting you keep him alive. He's good at things that I might need him for," I said. "What do you have in mind, Boss?" She asked. "He Might be valuable to us. He knows too much about how he got here, Besides he's here, and probably hears what we're saying." Remedy nodded.

"I can understand that Boss," She said. "Great in that case we should-" I heard coughing coming from the man. Remedy ran to the bed to help him sit up. The coughing became louder. "Are you okay Sir?!" Remedy asked.

"Who are you?" The guy asked. "My name is Remedy. I'm here to help you" He sat up. "Are you an angel? Is this heaven?! No, right?" He panicked. "No, Sir you are not in heaven." I heard a sigh of relief coming from the man.

"Beg me my pardon Miss, but who are you? ouch!" "Sir? Are you okay?" He put his hand to his head. "My head hurts, everything is dizzy. The room is spinning in circles." "Okay, It's going to be alright Mister Dawn." It was clear he was in pain. "What's happening?" I asked. 

"He's having a very bad version of seasickness. Causing giant headaches. I suggest Sir that you'll Leave for now." I left the tent with the Journal. I skipped through the pages of the book seeing that the person who used this before was the man in the Medical tent. 

I took the journal back to my office to look through it. Gabriel seems very adventurous and knows a lot. Looking at it it's very much damaged. Been through a lot. I'm keeping this if he doesn't heal.

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