Chapter 12: It's calling me.

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Gabriel's POV: 

It's been two months since my last trip to Dreamland or whatever I need a name for it but, it's okay. Now let's see how the boss is holding up. I walked over to Midas' office. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door and saw Midas sitting at his desk writing in files. "Everything going smoothly sir," I said to him. "Good to hear." He said. 

I saw Midas look at me. "You talked about flying glass butterflies and portals at one point right? I think we have found what's bothering you." I looked at him. "Sir do you hear yourself! That's a giant claim!" I said to him. "It's better if I show you." He said. I followed him out of his office. He took me to a special elevator that had been recently built into the agency. "Sir... Where are you going with this." I asked him but no response. 

He just tapped the Elevator button and we entered it. He took out a golden key and turned it. Instead of going up... the elevator went down. "Sir I need you to tell me... Where are we going." He looked at me. "You'll see." After what seemed like forever the windows became clear. We were deep underground. Then it stopped. The doors opened and a hallway came into view

Midas started walking into the hallway and I quickly followed. At the end of that Hallway a heavy closed door. Midas opened it using the same golden key. "I need you to promise me you won't tell anybody this. Not even agents. When I show you this." I looked at him. "Yes sir." He opened the door and I saw a second office. But the giant window in the back says it all. 

I walked past the golden statues and helmet collections and straight to the window. A giant machine powered by a blue, cyan, purple? Orb... The same colors as the butterflies... The same color as the linear dystopian reality I have been seeing multiple times in my dreams and blackouts! "Sir... What is this thing!" I asked him as he walked up to me. "Your answer." 

Midas said. As soon as I laid my hand on the glass a string of glow moved toward my hand from the orb. It touched the other side of the glass. Midas looked... Sad as if he knew something I didn't. "Sir... What are you hiding from me? What is this thing?!" He looked at me. "This... orb. Is called the Zero point. A powerful multiverse portal that sucks in everything it can to protect itself. It was damaged by a rocket used by the seven. Sucking us in." Midas tried his best to explain.

"Wait... what? Who or what is the seven?" I asked. "A crew of zero point users and protectors. Or so they claim." Midas said. He looked down at the Orb. "This is my doomsday device. I had some help from my daughter to build this thing." He said. "But what does it want from me?" I asked. He looked at me. "I have no Idea. But it reacts to you. I bet it even speaks to you and that concerns me... I don't want anything happening to you. You know that." 

I felt him take my hands. "You my assistant. I can't lose you." He said softly. "As for Shadow and Ghost. You deserve to know the truth... It's a setup." I looked shocked at him. "Wha? What?!" He sat down in his chair. "It's a distraction so The organization I used to work for doesn't find me or stop me. This device. Can push back the storm and save everybody. This loop that happens has us all trapped. We can help everybody escape this loop once and for all! Please say you're with me." 

Midas looked at me. He had a firm grip on my hand. Everybody is playing double roles... This was serious. "If I can have you here. We can control when you enter that space here! I can hook you up to the machine. Once inside we can know more about this Zero point! We can control it! Together!" I thought about it. This whole thing could be dangerous. Yet how can I say no to that face of his...

He wants to do the right thing. Who am I to stop him... "How do you get me in there?" I asked. Midas grabbed a chair and placed it in front of the zero-point window. He grabbed a head machine. I sat down on the chair as he put the helmet thing on my head. "Are you sure this is safe sir?" I asked. "Yes, Just trust me okay Gabriel?" 

He turned on the machine and I felt my brain stop. As my body fell asleep Yet, I felt wide awake. Not even a moment later I was In that space! IT WORKED! I need to give Midas more credit. He's a very smart man... I walked around... No butterflies this time to lead me. I took in my surroundings and found the same tree from the last time.  But now... There was a bunker... I walked over to it slid it open and slid inside. underneath the tree was the same orb! 

Just like in Midas' office! This thing! But now... It's so close. I can touch it. I let my curiosity win and touched the orb. It latched onto me as I sucked in its power. I felt it pump through my veins! the agony and pain I felt was unbearable! As if it was killing me from the inside out! My body starts to feel light. I don't know if it's consuming me or I'm consuming it! The stings of pain were too much to bear I screamed out in agony.


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