Chapter 17: The corps of the Assistant

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Midas' POV:

I looked around in a panic. He must be here! He needs to be- Pang... A gun went off... No.. No, please! NOT LIKE THIS! I ran to the crater... And there he Is... His Lifeless body... Laying on the ground surrounded by flowers... Not like this, please... Please be Alive somehow! I Slide into the crater. I check his body for any sign of life but... He was shot through his heart... The was calculated... You don't just shoot at that angle. 

I found foot prints in the mud of combat boots. I swear, whoever killed you, Gabriel... Shall die at my hand! I looked back at his corps. How could I let this happen... And why did I suppress my feelings so much? My sweet Assistant... I Hugged his Corps as I buried my face in his chest. Blood on my face from his wound as it gushed... I felt tears leave my eyes... How could you leave me like this...

8 weeks later.

I'm sitting in My office. We just passed Gabriel's funeral. It was hard for everyone... Mostly Skye.  She refuses to move on. She had been too busy in her own room. Mourning the loss. But another thing. Maya Is missing. She hasn't clocked out since the day Gabriel was shot. I have my suspicions. But she abandoned us. So why bother traitors? I still can't believe it. One of My best Agents in my inner circle. Betrays me. 

Leave the agency and their job behind to rot! I Stand up from my chair and head for the second office. I hate when people betray others without signs. No warning! JUST DEATH! The Agency is on thin ice. Everybody is too busy mourning Including myself! THAT IO has been ahead of us. And now where lacking behind. I'm getting desperate. I know I powering up that device now is a risky move. But do WE have a choice no! Over the past weeks, I have kept Gabriel's body in a glass casket.

I'm going to fire him with the device. GIVE THE ZERO POINT WHAT THEY TOOK FROM ME! With its stupid visions and blackouts! WITH THEIR HEAD ACHS AND GLOWING VEINS! I'M DONE! WITH THIS REALITY ZERO BULLSHIT! THE ZERO POINT WANTS HIM! IT CAN HAVE HIM! I open the Elevator. It took me down to my second office as I exited the elevator. 

I burst into my office. There was Gabriel, In his glass casket. The rest think he's buried, But I have ways of convincing people. I opened up the windows and bridge to the device. Here we go. I pushed Gabriel with his casket into the device. I have tampered with it. But this should work. I strapped the casket into it and folded the wheels. I locked the device and went back up with the elevator. I had to get ready. I went to the meeting room. I locked the door.

I put it on the intercom. "This is a warning for everybody in the building. Please exit the building as fast as you can. You can take the boat or the helipad. Just exit the building." The intercom closed. I had the message on repeat. I saw outside loopers comming this way as the storm started to come closer. This is it. I put on the radio. An old song started playing. I don't wanna set the world on fire. Pretty good for the mood.

I Watch as more loopers start to gather and My agents. I started reading the machine. Putting in the right settings and flipping open the cap above the button. Before slamming it... My mind thought back to Christmas... How I wish that ended differently. But it will change now. Everything will change. I slammed the button and the sirens went off.

Jules' POV:

What's happening?... Why did Dad... He had fired up the machine. I felt a hand clutch mine. It was Lorenzo. He looked scared. "Hey, It's going to be okay... Nothing bad will happen I'll promise." Lorenzo looked at me like he didn't believe me. "Are you sure? Ever since the death of his assistant Dad has been closed off!" Lorenzo said consered. "What are you kids doing here!!!" We saw Tntina walk up to us with the other Agents. "Where is your father? Where's MIDAS?!" Meowcells yelled. 

"He's still in there... Isn't he?" Brutus said in a soulless tone. "Guys? Oh, thank god it's you!" Is that... MAYA! "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Tntina yelled as Brutus held her back.  "I have been... Hiding. It's what Gabriel told me to do." Maya confessed. "SO YOU DID SHOOT HIM!-" Tntina was in blame rage. "HE ASKED ME TOO OKAY! I didn't want this! But he was already on death's door step! WAITING for the Zero point to take him to his grave!!!" 

Maya yelled back. I was speechless. we all were. "He,... He asked you..." Skye muttered out. "Why would he ask you to shoot him!" Meowcells asked. "He said to... To do me this favor. He was already broken on the ground. Head in his hands, as He yelled in pain! His veins Glowed as he screamed! I couldn't let him suffer... Not any longer." Maya confessed. "And you couldn't have told us weeks ago... In person. When you saw one of us alone?" Brutus asked. "I was on the other side of the Island Brutus! I couldn't get Myself to break Gabriel's promise." 

As they were debating the ground started to shake. "Uhm Guys!..." Lorenzo said trying to break them up. The Agency started to Crack as this Gaint Machine came out off the ground. "It's the device but... Something off... Terribly off!" I panicked. "Wait what is it?!" Maya asked me. "That's the device, a giant powerful machine that controls the Zero point! That thing can push back the storm but somethings off-   IS THAT GABRIEL!!!" My sentence was broken as Skye yelled in fear. I is Gabriel... His corps at least. "What is Dad doing!" I yelled in fear. We were surrounded by loopers. 

The device was being powered up. It took less than a minute and the Gabriel was shot up into the Zero point as the storm pushed back... A faint white flash absorbed our vision and... Everything seemed peaceful. We then saw Dad step out of the building. He stood in front of the device as The zero point had cracked open. "What happened?..." We saw Gabriel or what was left of him being carried by zero-point strands... His eyes were wide open and shining white. This is wrong... this is so wrong...

"He's alive! That golden bastard did it- That's not Gabriel..." I broke Brutus' sentence. "How do you mean that's not Gabriel?" Tntina asked. "That's the Zero point! Using his dead body like a puppet! The real Gabriel is probably in the Zero point!" I said. "That's just messed up," Maya says. "Who's Gonna tell Midas?" "I think He already knows." Brutus said To Tntina. Then something horrifying happened. Gabriels body started crushing and deforming into sometype of messe dup humanoid deer. His legs twisted he gained deer legs. Antlier horns sprouted from his head. It created a monster for the Zero point... 

I saw my dad look on in fear the same way Gabriel had done. Dad had told us that. I think Dad is seeing what Gabriel was seeing... Monsters... Shadows... We saw the monster scream...  The storm had turned into a tsunami... "What the H#LL is going on! And where did Midas go?" Dad had disappeared... The body that was once Gabriel was pulled back into the Zero point... As the tsunami attacked us all...

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