Chapter 15: slowly catching on

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Midas' Pov:

Gabriel gave me directions and we ended up at Weeping Woods. "Here we are. Now, show me where in your dream it happens. because if it's coming from you it's either a realistic nightmare or a horrifying vision." I stepped out of the Jeep and waited for Gabriel. Soon enough Gabriel Joined me. "Well let's begin. Give me some time to recall while we walk. It's basically Imprinted in my memory from all those nights."

Gabriel said and I followed him. "I first walked softly. Then I heard gunshots behind me and started running from a certain point. Then I just go for it. without looking back." Gabriel says. "Do you recall which way you were going?" I asked. "Seeing how fast I ran and the position of the river. I was going probably going... East." Gabriel started walking east from the beginner's point.

"If I am right I should hit a crater in the forest in about less than a mile. That's the part where I fall or trip into it." We walked for a while until... I found out Gabriel was right. We found indeed a crater. "If this is real. I could find the cause of the gunshot... Maybe because I was too panicked. I didn't know if somebody or something was behind me." Gabriel explained.

"Then we better go searching for any traps or potential threats." We entered the crater. This is going to ruin my suit for sure. But it's for Gabriel. It's for Gabriel. We got work to do now. As we checked the area. Nothing seemed weird. "It sounded like a gunshot. So maybe it was a gun trap. Like a shotgun ready to fire?" Gabriel said. I searched a bit around the place and we found nothing.

I saw Gabriel walking around with a nervous and uneasy look on his face. "Let's go back. There's nothing here... It makes me... scared... Knowing that something or someone is out there, That wants me dead! Well sorry if I'm not comforted by that! Living now day by day knowing it could be my last..." I put my hand on Gabriel's shoulder. "Don't say that. I know it's... Scary. But I'll make sure you're safe." I took his hand and pulled him up.

"Sometimes I ask myself why you care about us. The agents and everything. Yet you're the father that keeps everything together in a symbolic way. And I appreciate that." Gabriel said honestly. "let's go back before the rest starts to get suspicious." We made our way back to the Jeep. "I don't want you to look deeper into this. Do you understand? any more step into this and you could... You understand." I said to Gabriel as we reached the Jeep.

This may have been harsh but. It is for the best.

Gabriel's POV:

Once we were back we hurried to get to the office. We have been testing that device for weeks now. I got in the same chair as the device helmet was placed on my head. Slipping back into that pocket universe. But now... I wasn't in a forest or train station... I was in front of a church...? Or is it a temple? I walked to the front door. I was softly knocking on the wood.

The doors slid open as I did. The same purple-cyan plants overgrew it. That resides in this little reality. A stone throne was neatly placed at the end of the room. A crown is overgrown by flowers seated on the seat. I walked over to it. I grabbed the crown and sat down on the throne. "What do I do with you?" I asked myself. Am I supposed to play King or not? I place the crown on my head. The vines attached themselves to my head. Okay, That isn't coming off until I'm done.

Ghosts entered the temple one by one. Asking questions like. "What do we do about this object?" "What are you gonna do about the water shortage." Just the basics. I tried my best but it was hard tho. I was making decisions. I'm not the best at those. It felt like I was stuck here for hours. Eventually, the vines released my head and I took off the crown.

I think I passed the test. I opened the doors and saw a neat village instead of a wasteland. I did that?... Did I pass a test or something? I felt my head fuzz, and everything turned black as I passed out. I woke up on the same couch in Midas' office. I just routine at this point. I stood up and got back to work. I reached the surface and walked over to the kitchen to get coffee.

"GABRIEL!" I heard Maya yell behind me. "You're coming with me!" I felt her grab my arm and pull me into the training area. "Maya. Let me go!" She didn't listen and pushed me into a chair. "You're going to speak and you will speak now." I was confused... did she... No, she doesn't! I kept my silence. I was not speaking to her. "SPEAK! What is happening to you? What are you hiding!?"

"I-... I-..." I started to panic. Skye, Terra, Lynxx, and also Remedy entered the room. "Oh my.... You do not look good!" Remedy said.... She's getting closer. No please... Please don't.... "Gabriel we want you to speak, and you will speak now." Maya said pushing Remedy back a bit. "If we have to force it out of you We will." Oh now meowcells is here too! "You guys don't under stand please I can't-..."

Loud, angered foot steps where comming closer to the door. The handle of the training room turned gold as the room felt silent. The door was busted open as the lock had bent... Midas... "Everybody out. NOW!!!" His voice was worse then ever... he was really angry. I saw him approach me as he pulled me by my arm. "Midas... Whatever is happening to Gabriel Is not health. He lost most of his color and is paler than ever!!!"

"You will not question Remedy. There is no need to worry. We need to focus on IO and shadow for now. I'll take care of my assistant." His words sounded like a threat. Midas dragged me with him as we left.

That night I slept again on the couch. But, it started to hurt... So... I may or may not have Walked to Midas' room and spelt with him... It's better than a couch....

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