Chapter 20: Immortality

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Gabriel's POV: 

I See Jules work on the poison as I calm the beast. Putting it in a sleeping trance. "Is it good to go? Just a question... Don't want you to rush." I asked. "It's almost done. Your blood helped nicely... Or the Monster's blood. How you wanna call it I just have one thing to ask. Did you even like my dad back... When you worked for him. Because he loved you." Jules asked.

I fell silent. "Your father... Is an amazing person. I just fear we never had the right time... With me being slowly killed by the Zero point and your father's dreading promise that he would protect me from everything... We never got the chance to. I already felt like shit. I ruined what could've been the start if the zero point didn't cause me to hallucinate this..." I petted the monster's head as it drifted into slumber. 

"So you actually liked my father back?" "Liked is a small word, Jules. I Loved your father for the man he is. He was a kind man... But I believe my death might have driven him mad. But if I find him. I will also promise to fix him." I said determined. "Gabriel... You have done a lot already. Maybe you need a break." I felt her hand on my shoulder. "Let's handle this first. I promise to get us all out of here." I Gave her a small hug.

"Is it... Okay If I call you dad too?" Jules' question kinda pulled me back. "Since you kinda acting like it and it feels right." She handed me the syringe that held the soft killing poison. "If that's what you want. Who am I to stop you." I inserted the Syringe into the beast's arm. I was slowly injecting it. I saw it struggle for a bit. Then slowly it stopped moving and breathing. 

I felt terrible. Yet power streamed in my veins. "Ah fuck... This hurts." I held onto my arm. I saw Jules helping me into a chair. I tried to take off my jacket. Jules helped me. My veins were Brighter than ever... Is this what Immortality feels like? "Okay, It's fine Jules. I just killed my body I'm just feeling that. My body is just Disconnecting from my spirit." I felt pain. It took a while to stop. 

"It's gone now... I'm... I'm... fine." "Thank god." She hugged me. "I'm fine Jules..." I gave her small pats on her back. "The others need to see you. The whole crew is here Expect Dad. They would be so happy to see you." I paused. "Jules I can't... I will only cause more damage If I do I..." She looked at me. "Please, Dad." Okay! that hit. "I... Fine... But don't say I didn't warn you." 

I saw the Beast's body disappear by the zero Points power. I take Jules' hand as we head for a boat to leave. "We're headed for the Fortilla. You're also gonna meet a lot of my friends. Like Ocean and Fade!" I heard Jules say as she was driving the boat. It took a while to get there but there we are. It looked messy. Like it was made as fast as it could.

We stopped at one of the many platforms. It seemed to go with the water. Like standing on a ship. Gives me flashbacks. I followed Jules to a control room of sorts with technology that observed the Island. And... There they are... Maya, Brutus, Meowcells, Tntina, and Skye... "Look who I brought!..." Jules said a bit awkwardly.

They looked at me like they saw a ghost. "G...Gabriel? How are you... No this is shady as fuck I don't believe this!" Tntina said quickly. "Well show it. Show that he's Gabriel-..." I pulled out my earbud as Brutus faltered to speak. "Here, Model 5X. This is the way this genius tracked me." I rubbed Jules' hair. I do Have trouble walking tho- Oh." I felt Maya hug me.

"Wow, it's... it's really you..." I tried my best to... Hug back. I'm not the best with affection. "Have you guys any Idea where Midas is? What even happened when I was gone?!" I asked. "Gabriel... Midas is gone. We have no idea where he went he just, Vanished after he fired that device of his." I looked at my feet. "why... How did he vanish? when did he Vanish?! I need this information so I can find him!" I Panicked. 

"Gabriel... We have decided to declare... Midas dead..." I heard from Brutus. He's gone... "this is my fault..." I sobbed. "Hey! hey... Don't say that!" "NO Maya. It is..." "GABRIEL you were dying you had no hand In Midas' Madness! Nobody did." Maya grounded me. I was devastated... Not even a signal that he is Alive! or and sign... Just vanished... Out of thin air... 

"You guys cannot just stay here? What if something happens to you guys while I'm gone? I won't allow it..." I was puzzled... Could I do something? "What do you mean can't stay here? You can make us leave?" Tntina asked. "I am bound and fused With the zero point. It would mean I could. In hypothetical matter... Create some type of pocket dimension..." I suggested.

"It doesn't sound far-fetched... With your abilities... But why Dad?" Jules asked. "You have been calling Gabriel Dad?" Meowcells asked. "yes? and? But back to what's Important. Why?" "To keep you all safe from IO... I can close it off... Make it safe... I can do it quick. It won't take long. Then everybody could be safe. Like a haven of some sort... Like retirement." 

"That doesn't sound bad? and we could take anybody we like too?" Maya asked. "Yes! Anybody... But not too much, I don't plan on making a gaint place." I saw colleges nod. "It does sound good to retire to a safe haven... Were nobody could hurt us." Meowcells said. trying to convince them. "We could use it... after all that agent work... We can live in peace..." Tntina gave in. 

"And how would you manage that... Where's food? in general supplies?!" "Brutus I over think. Everything we need would be there." I said. "fine. If your so sure." His russian accent calmed. Nice to hear. "Guess I have things to do kid. You and your brother will be Okay." I told Jules. "I will try to be back by next Monday. This thing needs to be finished as fast as I can..." 

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