CHAPTER 3: from a game of Chess to a full on black out.

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4 months later at the agency


"OH NO, I'M LATE!! MIDAS IS GOING TO KILL ME" I ran through the agency halls to his office. I knew I was going to be late. As I reached his office I heard talking from my boss. "So you are going to tell me.....THAT YOU FAILED THIS MISSION AGAIN!!!!!"

I heard him yell. "Uhm.......yeah." I opened the door lightly and peeked inside. "Hello, sir. I am So, so sorry I am late." He looked at me. "Apology accepted. Now come inside." I stepped inside and saw a group of 4 henchmen. "What happened?"

I asked. "Well they failed to get me something from the shadow base but... THEY GOT SPOTTED BY SHADOW BRUTUS AND NOW WE HAVE BIGGER PROBLEMS!" I walked over to him. "Sir calm down, please." I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Fine. You four are going to clean Meowscell's room. And I don't care who does the litter box! As long it's done! Now go!" And with that, they ran out of the office. "So wanna get your mind off it, sir?" I asked, "Yeah sure, whatever."

I grabbed the chessboard from the closet and placed it on his desk. "This should help." He looked at the chessboard. "You play chess?" He asked. "Yes! Fun fact I won the school championship, I won 3 years in a row until I got beaten by some snappy 12-year-old with main character syndrome" I put the Characters on the board.

"I guess you wanna be white and not black," I asked him. "Yes." I saw his face change to a focused one. "Okay then, I guess I will start?" I moved a chess piece and the first game started. I have to say, Midas is good at it.

I beat him the first time but we both knew that was warm-up. After a few games of chess, we both had wins and losses. I lost four times to him and won three times. And then it got intense. He had his chess pieces in a position that I don't know clearly.

"Okay then, move your stupid tower!" I said as he used his tower to get rid of my horse. "I know what you had planned with that dumb horse of yours." "UGH!!!" I looked back at the chess board and saw that his queen was close to my king.

"Hey! Get you, queen, out of my face!"I said. "No- YES!" I screamed at his face. Then we heard a knock on the office door. "Who's there?" Midas asked. The door opened and Tech's face showed around the corner. " What are you doing here tech?" He asked.

"Is it true you sent 4 henchmen to clean Meowcell's room?" He asked. "yes I did." "Okay,  just asking so that I can keep an eye on them, boss." With that, he left. "Checkmate I got you." I looked back at the board to see my loss. "Ugh, again why!"

I laid my head down on his desk. "Hey, it's okay we all lose some times. Besides for a 3-year champion, I'm Impressed." "Thanks." I cleaned up the chessboard and put it back in the closet.  "Let's get back to work," I said as I grabbed a few files.

After a few hours or something😑

I exit the office and head to remedy. We have been talking about what happened and why I got here. But all I have understood is that I have understood is that I'm not from here. As I reach Remedy's office, I open the door and step in.

"Hey remedy, I'm here to talk!" She turned around. "Perfect timing! I need to show you something." She showed me a file of the Shadows database. "What is this supposed to mean?" "It's someone from your family

We scrolled further down the page and my eyes fell on a watch. An old pocket watch. It's made from old Asian metal. My Father's pocket watch is a teleportation device! It was on my Father's page. This can't be. My father is part of a mafia! I started to panic. I also became very angry.

Why! Why is my family like this!! I was panicking and yet so Angry! My vision started to get blurry. My head feels light. I think I'm becoming dizzy. I put my hand on my forehead. "Are you okay Gabriel?" Then it went black.

I felt my body hit the ground. Then I started seeing things. I was somewhere in my mind. I blacked out...... That's the moment I lost it........ I walked around this space... It is a very big room.... then smoke came down and I was teleported to someplace.

It was some type of dystopian wasteland. But a lot of purple and blue. Also a lot of yellow and pink. I Heard a voice. "Gabriel"  It chanted. It was calling out to me. As I followed the voice I saw Butterflies passing by. It was the same Butterflies from the Blue Star! I followed the Blue butterflies. 

I saw more of them in different colors! Golden ones, Blue ones, Purple ones! "Follow us Gabriel"  They are the ones who are speaking to me! They Led me to a gateway on a pedal stool. It was made out of whatever that blue star was made of. 

"Go in it! Go in it, Gabriel!" I walked trough the gateway and I was teleported to a memory. But it wasn't mine.

I was walking around in a file sorting place. "Miss Turble... We need to talk." It was my father... "What is it? Security system, old files, data has gone missing?..." "No, the boss wants to speak with you." I stood up in my vision and followed them. I walked around the nuclear plant and saw files.

I couldn't interact with anything!  Everything I wanted to grab went through my hand. Then my eyes met the calendar. This was a year before I went on my first Journey... I followed my father to a room with heavy security and saw my father type in a password.

"So what does chaos agent need help with today." "Well.... I think it's time to let you go..."He said. "What? How do you mean?..." He pulled out a needle and pinned it into her arm. I saw her body hit the ground. She was injected with very fast venom. My father works for some type of mafia. Why... WHY!  He walked to a control room. There a guy with a gasmask stood.

My father walked up to him. So that's chaos agent. "What's the matter, boss?" My father asked. The man in the gas mask looked right at me... AS IF HE KNEW I WAS THERE! "Where being watched." I panicked. How I'm in a different space like a ghost here yet he. Everything started to fade away.

Then everything went black... I saw a Butterfly again. It stopped on my nose. Then It flew away. I was floating in the empty Darkness. Only to pass out again...

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