Chapter 10: Gabriel's health...

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Midas pov:

It's Valentine's Day, A day full of couples confessing and celebrating love. I will never say that sentence ever again. But for us agents, It's just another day at work. I send Gabriel out with Sky to go hire somebody for the agency. I don't want him walking alone! He's not in a good state. Gabriel has been spiraling as of late. His mental health lowers as time passes. Remedy has been stating that bruising because of Nightmares... Doesn't make sense.

Remedy has also said to me that they had found the cause of how Gabriel got here. Terra had access to the Grottos camera system... Plus Gabriel's intel. This means that he may be from the same reality as Drift. Because drift had been Rifted in here too... That would match the glowing Gabriel's description of a glowing broken star. The Camera system had shown Gabriel falling from the sky from an open rift. 

Would that mean that... The zero point summoned him here... If Gabriel encountered a rift and had visions of Rift butterflies. The zero point must want something from him! I need to get closer to the Zero point. I have been doing research about it for the past months... I could work...

Skye's POV:

I have been walking around with Gabriel on this farm. Asking around for somebody Midas wanted to Hire. But... Gabriel seemed distracted. "What's going on Gabriel? Are you okay?" I asked him. "I'm fine Skye. Why do you ask?" I heard Gabriel question me as we walked to a barn. "Well, You have been distant ever since we got here." I saw his expression change. "Just a bit distracted. That's all. Let's just find this Farmer and we will be fine-" 

We opened the barn door and... Silence and darkness. "Hello?... Hellooooooo!" My voice just eggo just bounced off the walls. "Seems like nobody is here..." Gabriel turned on his flash Light and walked inside. I followed him. We reached a computer? "Why would a computer be in a barn? Mostly this one? It's full of hay!" I asked.

"Skye I don't know that answer. But I want one." Gabriel turned it on but only static. There was a basket that should have been full of VCRs but... It's empty. Jep... Just an empty rack. "Looks like somebody knew we were coming and hid their evidence." Gabriel looked at the rack. It was on top of what seemed to be a locked box. "Give me a second. Hold my flashlight, Skye." I saw Gabriel open the Chest in seconds... 

"How did you do that." I even saw Gabriel look shocked. "Why was the code, my fathers... You know what? It doesn't matter." Gabriel pulled the box towards him and... We found instruction tapes. "Skye, close the door, quick," Gabriel instructed me. "Yes, Gabriel!" I quickly closed the barn doors as Gabriel booted up the VCR. We found out we had been watching shadow instruction tapes. "Why would these be here? And why would shadow store them in a barn?" 

I asked. "Because I bet. My father had to get rid of them quickly. Because why else would my father's birthday date be used as a code?" I looked at Gabriel. "Wait?... Your father works for shadow?!" Gabriel went silent as I asked him. "yes... Unfortunately, he does. I found it out when I started working here. But... Don't tell anybody that." Gabriel said quickly before putting the tapes in his bag. 

"We're going to interrogate our new recruit." We exited the barn and we went to the house. "On three." Gabriel used his fingers slowly but steadily removing one each second. Then we busted in. "Hands in the air! We want answers!" The farmer we were looking for was in here. We sat him down at the table. Then Gabriel threw the shadow tapes on the table. 

"Might explain Mr. Harper what shadow tapes were doing in your barn?" Mr. Harper looked scared as this was going on. Gabriel put the pistol against his head. That seemed to have tipped the man off. "THEY PAID ME! They paid me to keep these safe... I was afraid they would kill me if I said no!" Harper confessed. 

"Well, You won't be working for us any time soon. And these are coming with us. See this as a rejection." With those words from Gabriel, we left. "Let's go. We don't have time to lose." 

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