Chapter 18: Death to the Beast, and the body that once housed me.

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Gabriel's POV:

My head feels light as submerged in... water? Where am I? How am I alive? I stand up. The water isn't that deep, it comes up to my hips. I walk through what seems like a sea. Glowing rift shards flow through the water like fish in that same sea. I just follow It, because I have no idea where to go. I just follow.

I reach nothing. I have the feeling I'm in an endless sea. I feel disconnected from a big part of me... Did I lose my body? I think I did... I looked around the endless sea of rif shards. Then I see it. The butterflies. "There he is!!! Gabriel!!!" I look at them. "Where am I? What happened to me?..." I asked them for answers. "You've become a higher power. Something your body couldn't handle. It slowly killed you until she did the deed for you. But we are thankful that your soul Is alive. Now You will help the Zero point as a higher power!"

"I can hear it... It's power." I started walking Among the sea until I reached Light and land. I ran over the wasteland past the Train tracks and mushrooms. I was running over the blue and purple sand. My mind reeling, as I feel its power. What is this? I can feel it in my veins! It's addicting! Then I come face to face with it... It's broken... The Zero point is Broken... who did this? Midas... The device... Oh no! Is he okay?

Where are all my friends? My co-workers? Where is Midas!!! What happened to them now? Are they even alive!! If that device was so powerful it could destroy everything!!! No... "It's okay Gabriel, you'll be fine-" "How do I get out of here? Where even are Dream and Luminos?!" I panicked. "You can't leave the Zero point behind."  "I can stand on the island? Right?" I started to doubt the voices. "I won't stand for this. I'm a god now aren't I?" I asked. 

"Well, Not yet. But you're almost there. You just need to kill the mortal body."  The body? "You mean my body is alive?" "Yes, and It's the only thing that keeps you from immortality." "Then where is it?..." I asked. "Weeping woods." I looked at it. "Then what are we waiting for?" I asked. 

A few weeks later...

I have learned a lot since I've been here. I can open small windows to the island that I can look through. As I suspected Midas is gone. I'll have to search for him later, for the rest of the team. They have been with Jules. The island is flooded. The agency Is gone. Rebuild by Jules... I'm just scared. Where are you Midas? And now I figured out something new! People that escaped the loop. Leave behind snapshots. Clones of themselves. I wanna search for the right Midas. Not a Clone. 

But don't worry. I'll know Midas when I see him. It might take a long time, but I will find him. And About my body. I have seen the monster snapshot the zero point has created of me. I just have to kill it. But I wonder. How I didn't leave snapshots behind besides that body. Because I can not really call it a snapshot. "Is something on your mind Gabriel?" I saw a butterfly ground on my shoulder. "Yes, Yes there is. How Can I not? Leave a snapshot behind?" I asked.

"Because you need a body. You're just the mind. The reason. The person" They explained. "So I'm just a spirit?" "The spirit of the zero point indeed." Good to know I guess.

Slone's POV: 

Were Missing people. Midas Is gone, AND HE HAD A BLOODY ASSISTANT! I have no idea why he didn't inform us. That was probably those zero-point signals we had been getting. How can a person signal Zero point SIGNALS?! That doesn't make sense. Nobody was found. But I think that person is dead. But the signals are still going wild. We also lost control of it somehow! 

I entered the control room. "Miss Slone! Miss Slone, we have insights about Midas' assistant! We have found a file!" "Show Me!" I saw them open files. Then landing on one called Gabriel (M) Dawn. The M must stand for something right- Wait... Dawn?... "GET ELIAS DAWN IN HERE NOW!" A command was sent over from the control room. Then Elias entered. "What is it, Miss Slone?" "Might tell me who this is?" I saw Elias's face turned pale.

"That's my son... He drowned a year ago... He was thrown off a ship! How does he have a ghost file!" I looked at him. "Supposed to be dead huh?" "And that's not all ma'am." They opened security footage. The upper body of Elias' son peaked through a small zero-point portal. Before backing back into it. "He has power, Ma'am. He has fused with the zero point. From these written logs from Midas himself we determined that Gabriel was dying after he touched the zero point in real like dreams and Visions." 

I looked at Elias. He seemed in distress after hearing this. "My own son..." I became more worried than before. "looks like we have a big threat on our hands.-" "IT'S WORSE! While the zero point tried to snape shot his dead body! It created a monster! It's in weeping woods. My theory goes. Once the body Is gone. The spirit will be gifted immortality! And I think that's is what Gabriel is after." 

"What did you just say? That's worse than our current situation!" One employee freaked out. "What do you mean spirit and body?" I asked. "Well, ma'am. The Spirit and the body are disconnected by the Zero point. Since it's deemed unnecessary. So after Gabriel's death. The zero point only needs to recycle the body to get the last things out of it before reviving Gabriel.

"Then we need to get a hold of the monster quickly and the spirit. If your theory is correct. We may have a far worse time ahead of us."

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