Chapter 9: Focus Is key

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 6th of January.

Gabriel's Pov:

"Good morning tech." "Good Morning Mister Dawn! How is your day?" Tech greeted me back. It's great and you? How is It? Behind the service desk," I asked. "Oh, It's fine. I see you're going to train with Maya again." "Yeah..." Tech looked at me.

"Why the long face?" Tech asked. "Well, the Rookies are picking on me for being a softy, or crybaby. After they saw me panic they kept doing it." I explained. "Have you told Midas?" "No Tech I can't ask Midas he's too stuck at work. He has a bad mood lately."

"Hm, I understand. Have a good time training with Maya!" I thanked Tech and went to the training room. I dropped my stuff and waited. "GABRIEL HI!!!!!" "Skye? What are you doing here?" I asked her. "We are going to test something!" Maya said. "Test what?"

"A myth, we have this thing and- and I think you can open it." Maya handed me the iron thing. "It looks like a sword handle." Maya looked at me. "We need to talk about your, Vision. fake dream. whatever it is. Remedy showed us this picture of a broken glass Butterfly you drew. This handle? Is implied in that story. It can only be opened. So can you try something? Anything to what can activate this." Maya asked

"Okay. I can try?" I put my whole focus on that handle. And closed my eyes. Why does this feel so normal? Like I have done it before? I heard a sound. I opened my eyes. "Uhm I don't think this is a 'Light' sword..." Maya commented. I saw that the Handle had turned into a claymore. 

"Well, it feels very Light to me." I pulled the sword up in a swift motion and put it right up next to me on the ground. "It's pretty light to me." Maya looked at me in disbelief. "So you may or may not have a hidden strength. That's very rare. But I mean very Rare."

"Hey, how is it going in here." I Jumped a Little as Midas suddenly appeared behind me. "Oh hello, sir." I smiled while deep down I felt awkward. "You opened it and it was a sword?" "Actually it's a claymore but okay," I said.

"Looks ancient, Like it hasn't been used in years." "He's Right It does look like it's old" Skye added to Midas' statement. "Enough talk I wanna use this Thing!" My excitement went higher the more I used it. I became good with it. But for some reason, it felt so familiar. 

I don't know the reason why but my gut still has this feeling... But it slowly went away. After a few hours of training. I needed to get back to work. I still need to sort out that paperwork, and I need to visit someone today for hire. "That's good for today. Will come back to this tomorrow."

"Can I keep this?" I pointed at the sword. "Sure, you were the only one who managed to use it." I closed the sword and attached it to my belt. "Let's go Gabriel we got work to do sadly." Midas came back to get me. "Yes, sir I'm on my way."

I made my way to the locker room but got stopped. "Hey, guys look! It's the softy!" My eyes moved away from the jerk and to my surprise landed on Midas. He was standing there, His hand balled into a fist. Oh sh#t! That's bad. 

I only saw Midas like this once and it didn't end well for that other person. Sir? You okay? You don't look too good?" He was staring at the guy with a death glare. Then He walked over to me and grabbed my arm. "Yes, boss! He's annoying! Take him away!" One of them Laughed.

He put me behind him like He was some sort of shield. "Sir...? Are you alright..." He didn't respond. "Uhm! The last time I remember it was Boss not-" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" His voice was like thunder. Loud and angry. The 3 guys once so filled with confidence had turned into Pure innocence.

One of them wanted to speak but Midas shushed him. "What on earth makes you think that disrespecting MY ASSISTANT? Was funny?" They were quiet. No sound coming from any of them. The only thing I could see was them shaking in fear. "HUH! GIVE ME A ANSWER!" Midas yelled In rage.

"N-n-nothing...... B-Boss...." One of them answered. "I'm truly disappointed. Maya I want them to suffer! Let them clean Meowcells litter box for the next month." Midas then took my arm and walked me to the locker room. He bursted open the door holding on to my arm. 

He then seated me down on one of the benches in the Locker room. "Sir are you?-..." " Was this the real reason you came into my office once with bruises?" I looked down at my feet. "No Sir." "Why didn't you do something about it yourself?" "Sir I just said no. They were just jerks that's all." I said calmly.

"I have these things... Because of nightmares..." I looked back at him. "Why didn't you tell me this sooner?" He was calmer now. "Because we have been so busy and. I didn't want you to feel angrier than you already were." I explained. He let out a deep breath. "I understand but, this is different. You're telling me you have nightmares that actually hurt you?!"

"Yeah, and I don't wanna talk about it! There is just... a lot going on right now. That we both are aware of. Shadow had taken over the grotto and we're not getting it back! I'm having visions, flashes, and sometimes even blackouts where I lose control over my own body! And now I'm seeing beings walk in my vision! I have the feeling I'm slowly turning insane and-...." I felt Midas lay his hand on my shoulder. Then he hugged me... 

I felt my breathing slow down as I leaned against him. "You're going to be okay..." "Who says that..." I commented back at Midas' remark. "I do. Because I'm going to make sure you are fine. even if that means I would have to move Heaven and Earth. I would. I will keep you safe." I heard Midas say that. I just leaned into his hug as we stood there.

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