Chapter 24: Abandoned ruins

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Gabriel's POV:

I slept... Soundly... I guess. I walked to the mirror. Jesus Christ my hair. It looks like a dead rat is lying on my head. Plus It's very long. I should cut it... I grabbed a shaving machine and started shaving my head. I stopped near the neck. I didn't want to go bald. That's a Brutus thing. Not mine. I got rid of the access hair. I was putting it in a bag before throwing it away. 

I went down to the beach. Everybody seemed to be playing a game. I on the other hand had other plans. "Looks like somebody cut their hair... Are you okay? And where are you going? You're dressed up in warm clothes." I heard Meowcells ask. "I'm going to check the agency ruins." "YOU are not! You said we should retire. We retired. We! That also means you, Mister Dawn." I looked at Tntina. "I never said I retired." I deadpan.  "And what do you mean by that?" Tina asked as she came closer. 

"The zero point needs it's Gaurdian. That's why it chose me in the first place. The Butterflies have been irritating and pushing me to return to the island to do something for them." "Yeah, Dad can't really retire. Gods have godly duties." Jules continued. "Let Gabriel do his duties Luybov' moya." I Heard Brutus say to Tina. "Fine." "Thank you, Tina. You wanna come along Jules?"  I asked her. "Well... It wouldn't hurt. Let me get dressed in warmer clothes." 

After a while, Jules returned in warmer clothes, wielding a gaint wrench. "Let's go." I opened the Portal as Jules jumped in first. Then I stepped in after her. Indeed ruins. "wow... What happened here?..." I hear Jules speak. She was touching the ground. "The aura of this place is weird... Let's check the ritual-..." I Heard footsteps around us... It is... Shadow people? Purple ghostly figures appeared. "They don't seem hostile?" Jules questioned. "As long as we aren't hostile to them they won't be to us." 

I went with a slow approach. "Hello. We come in peace. We have no intention of harm. I saw more shadow people pop up. Then one pointed at me and Quickly retracted its finger... Sunlight... "They can't handle sunlight it seems," I Told Jules. "Poor things... We could wait. The sun is down in like. 30 minutes." Jules proposed.  "Yeah, Then let's see what we can find for now." Jules and I started walking through the halls. We checked the room's, devices and just had a walk. Midas' underground office elevator is destroyed. Meaning no way in.

After a while, we returned to the Main area. While hearing a voice. It was distorted but I already saw Jules walk faster. "Who is it-" It is Midas but... Purple. The shadows seem to give him constant praise. "Thank you, Thank you. I really enjoy your praise." His voice was ghostly I saw him turn around to face us as the shadow people approached us. They looked at me with wonder in their eyes. "Is that dad?... It can't be right..." I heard Jules ask. "Rift..." One ghost said. "Rift? Oh! Uhm Yeah. Zero point Gaurdian. At your service." I said quickly. 

I slipped past them and walked over to him... "You quite the being aren't you~" His voice in a Ghostly tease. It sends shivers up my spine. But I know it is not him. "You're looking at me like you know me. Even tho your face also speaks confusion. I am not the one you're looking for it seems." He said it himself... "So... What do you call yourself?" I asked him. He looked at me as he floated in the air. "The shadow of Midas. I spook the Island goegers. For the fun of course~" He says. He then looks at Jules. "Is this you kid?" He said reaching his hand out to touch her forehead.  

"Yeah. Kind of. I am the real daughter of Midas. The real version." Jules said. "Well, I have seen a version with pink hair of you." He laughed. "Wait what date is it here?" "October 29th, 2021." He laughed again but this time at me. "2021?... Wait does that mean you can travel time and space?" "I guess so Jules. Maybe we can find the other ones by going back. But this is the first one I saw through the Glass." I explained. "Don't you worry Dad? We can play with time!" "Yeah with careful hands. We are not destroying time and space. But I do have to admit. Playing a bit with time couldn't hurt, But carefully." I tell her.

"Okay, as you say Gaurdian." She laughed.  "She's good." The snapshot laughed with her. "It's so weird. You see the face but... It's a whole different person..." I saw Jules turn sad... "Will find him," I say. "Well sir. That felt weird to say. Thank you for your time." I say to Midas snapshot. "you're welcome Zeropoint Gaurdian.~ I hope to see you again soon! I like your company." I waved him goodbye. 

We went back to the rift haven. "That was hard to... phew... Keep emotions under control." I said softly. I saw Jules confused. "He looked 1:1 with Dad! Exactly like him! Except for the ghostly form and shadow touch. Plus this gaint personality shift! He acted nothing like Dad... and the fact that there is more! More versions." "Jules look at me. Calm down. It's Just the Zero points defense mechanism. Everybody has those. but I promised you we find him and I keep my word." I felt her hug me. "Everything Is going to be okay... I promise..." I rubbed her back. 

"Thanks, Dad." She hugged a little tighter before letting go. "So there is no time. Linked to the pocked dimension of yours." "I don't think so and I rather keep it that way. So you guys can live forever with me. Since I gained immortality." "DAD THAT SO SWEET!" She hugged me again. "But a bit concerning. Like we never age but do? We lose track of time and then we are... Older than we think?" I looked at her as she rambled. "Don't worry. Will keep track of Age with birthdays. So we can still eat cake on certain special days." 

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