Chapter 23: Snapshots.

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Gabriel's Pov:

I feel like shit. I haven't slept at all last night. I'm sitting on my living room floor. Somebody enters my apartment. "Dad you said you wanted to-... OH MY GOD! HAVE YOU SLEPT!" Jules looked at me with shock in her eyes. "Maybe?..." I looked through the portals of reality. "What are you even doing?" Jules asked. "Searching for... Midas... I can't find him... Not even a trace... But there is a weird energy surrounding the authority." 

I showed her the purple mist. "That's weird?" "Also... Maybe if I used DNA of somebody related to Midas... that would ease the search- Jules?" I saw her grab a syringe. "Already ahead of you Dad." She gave me the blood. "I honestly thought spit but... This is fine." "oh! I... Yeah, that could have worked too but You don't know if I had eaten something. Plus this is the most reliable way!" 

I put the blood on the Crystal and Activated... I got... Multiple signals. From different timelines.  "Why are there 6?! In no way could there be 6!? I remember my Father being one person..." "Snapshots... The Zero point created 5... One of them is the real Midas. The rest are Clones the zero point makes when somebody leaves the loop. Each of them has their own personality and could be their own person. We need to round off all of them to see which one is real." 

I saw Jules look at me. "Could that mean that... There's one of me too?" "Since you left the loop, Jules. Highly yes. Mine don't exist because the zero point rejects it harder than my body rejects booze. There could be one of Skye, Meowcells, Brutus, Maya, Tntina... I have seen many Peely's and Brite bombers. You Know the banana and Drift's Girlfriend?"  ²

"Yeah, I know. But how are we going to do this? If there are at least 5 fake ones!" Jules asked. I thought as I turned on the coffee machine. "We wait until one of them arrives. We talk to them and see their reaction. If it's not Midas. We leave the snapshot alone. Then we wait for the next. That's how simple it is." I explained. "all while defending reality. Are you sure, you can multitask both Dad?" "I am Jules. I just... Really wanna find your father...I..." 

"You are so pent up with feelings. I can see it." Jules said. I put the mug to my lips as I drink. "I do have to say Dad said a lot of good things about you. To the point, I even started to think he loved you." Jules smiled. "We will find him. I promised that and I will follow that promise. Not only one person's sanity is hanging on a thread all of us are..." I put my hands in my hair. "promise you at least sleep..." Jules asked. "Fine... I will. But I just wanna find him." 

"I know... But outputting yourself Is also not a good idea. It's your sanity too Dad." "You're right... I should get some sleep." I put down the coffee pot. Walking upstairs. I waved Jules goodbye one final time as she left My house... Midas... Where the f#ck are you...

Jules' Pov:

It's been a few weeks since Dad... I mean Gabriel has been locked up in his house... I know he means the best for us. But is it the best for him? Locking yourself up in search of somebody can make a person go into a depressive state! So I asked Maya to come with me to pull Gabriel out of that house.

Once we entered his 'apartment'. We found a depressive and Tired Gabriel with a gaint hot steaming coffee pot next to him. He was watching the crystal and the activities of the red flashing dots in his portal. "DAD! You promised you would sleep!" I approached him. "Oh wow... You look bad..." Gabriel had turned his head. His eye bags are bigger than any I have ever seen. "I... uhm... I was trying... but I couldn't sleep... Night terrors got me again..."

"NIGHT TERROR! Gabriel are you alright?!" Maya approached him and as soon as she did. Gabriel fell against her. I saw Maya sit down. But before we thought it was okay. Gabriel shot up shaking his head before looking back at the portals. "THAT'S IT!" Maya took away the coffee. Shooting it down the drain. "No... My caffeen..." "you are going to bed Gabriel... what is that??" I saw Maya point at the screen. Seeing a golden chair floating while candles surround it... 

Gabriel stood up. "It's Midas' chair from the meeting room. Witches are performing rituals on that chair. They're trying to summon his spirit." Gabriel stumbled around the room. "Dad... Please go to bed." I took his arm leading him up the stairs. "Night terror or not. I need you to sleep through it okay?" I looked at him before he nodded. "F-fine... I'll try." "Thanks, Dad." I opened his bedroom door. This house is a mess. Poor dad. I saw Gabriel step into bed. He looks so tired. I closed his shutters. "Sleep well, Dad," I Said quickly. 

I went downstairs. The small glass portals had closed. I saw Maya pull up the shutters in the Living room. "This house is a mess. Gabriel can't take care of himself anymore." Maya curses under her breath. "We can clean the house for him? He needs help."  I saw Maya nod as we Grabbed the Cleanin supplies. We mostly need to vacuum and just clean the floor. Mostly it was clean. Just trash on the floor. 

It took a while. But were done. I checked one last time on Dad who was sleeping soundly now. Old man I swear. "He's okay now? I hope so." I listen to Maya whisper. "I hope so too. The Zero point is doing nasty things to him. I don't like it." I saw Maya nod. I softly closed the door. 

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