Chapter 16: Here it is, our finaly night alive.

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Gabriel's POV:

It's gotten worse. My veins have been starting to glow more.  To the point that If I don't wear black I shine through my clothes... And it hurts. My arms hurt. Better yet I have been falling asleep during meetings. I can't focus. I can't take notes and my body rejects food like it's poison. I feel like my sanity is hanging on a loose tread. That can snap at any moment. I look in the mirror. My face was paler than ever. I look like a decaying corps... Big eye bags, growing cheekbones. I stagger if I walk to the point where I am only allowed to sit in Midas' office chair!

I put on My clothes and open the door. Seeing Midas sit in his office. He helps me sit down. "Morning." He says to me. I can only mumble. My voice has been faltering too. I'm afraid the agents will find out. "Let's get to work. If you don't fall asleep. Then I'm putting you back to bed." Midas threatens. I understand his behavior. He only wants the best for me. His promise still hung heavy in my head. I'm starting to regret being alive... I should have drowned.

I shouldn't even be here I... I saw the pen placed in front of me with a few papers... I tried scanning them. I still wanna work... I don't wanna become useless... I wanna be more alive... After scanning the paper the words start to blur... My head started spinning and Midas pulled me out of his office. As if he knew. 

Maya's POV:

I saw Midas dragging Gabriel in his arms down the hall to his room. What is he doing!? Once they were inside I looked through the gap in the door. I saw Midas take off Gabriel's sweater and... What the f#ck is wrong with Gabriel's body! His veins were glowing and the outline of his heart was seeable! He also looked limb... Is Midas... Trying to keep a dead man alive! GABRIEL IS BEARLY ALIVE! HE'S EVEN MUMBELING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! He can't even say full lines he just, Mumbles!

Poor thing... He's like a Zombie... Somebody has to put him out of his misery... But on the other hand! He's my friend! I can't do that. I quickly walked down the hall as Midas left the room. I went downstairs to eat but.. Gabriel was, Walking out the door. Where is he going? "Gabriel? Gabriel where are you going!!" I put my toast in my mouth and followed him. Gabriel walks to the water. He's going to Is he... Walking on water...

WHAT IS THIS? I saw Gabriel walk over to the other side. I started the boat and crossed the lake. I need to stop him. I kept following but, He's fast! Mumbling to himself. He's walking way to far from The agency and... headed for weeping woods... Why would he... It started to turn dark... Please Gabriel what are you doing!...

Midas' POV: 

It was the end of the day and I was going to check up on Gabriel... But he's gone...No... No, he didn't.... NO, HE CAN'T!!! I rushed to the entrance of the agency opened the bridge crossed the water and headed for weeping woods! I can't let this happen... Oh no. Trucks from IO were at the Weeping Woods entrance. I saw Zero point spores on the ground. They have tracked Gabriel... I made my way into weeping woods. Where is he? 

I saw IO guards scanning their surroundings. Then I saw her. Slone... What is she doing here? She has no reason to be here!!! And she ass hell is going to get to Gabriel!!!

Gabriel's POV:

I was headed for the crater... I kept walking. It may hurt but it works... Then I tripped and stumbled. "GABRIEL! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" What is she doing here? "Maya.. Leave..." I say with the remaining power I have. I saw him come down. Flashes of flashlights and shots were heard. It's them. "GABRIEL IO IS HERE! We have to get you back to the... Gabriel...?"  I said Nothing until she came close.

"I can't... Take this... Anymore... Show yourself! You can kill me now!" "WHAT THE Gabriel! What are you even talking about!!" I heard Maya yell behind me. " You don't happen to have a pistol on you? Do you?" I saw him look in shock. As she took it out. "I need you to shoot me. Put me out of my misery, please! I'm begging you, Maya.... Do this favor for me."

I saw her look Terrified. "I- I can't do that!!! You..." I looked at her. "I'm suffering Maya! My agh!" I stumbled to the ground. My body is too heavy to stand up anymore. "IO is after me... They want me... I need you to kill me... Please... We both don't want this... But do we even have a choice?..."

I saw her consider. Her hand trembled with the Gun in her hand. "I... I can't watch you suffer like this... I'll shoot you... Because I trust you." Maya says. She walks over to me. Placing the gun against my chest. She hugs me. I lean into her hug.

"You are one of the best people I have ever met Maya. Once you shoot me. I want you to get out of here as fast as you can. I will find you and bring you to a better place. I'll save us all. Thank you, for trusting me."

She slowly pulls the trigger. I heard a pang and I felt the bullet shoot through my heart. I blacked out in her arms as My body stopped. Finally, Release... Thank you, Maya...

Maya's POV: 

I Actually shot him... I felt him stop moving. His heartbeat stopped and the light from his veins slowly dimmed and died out. His eyes turned closed as his soft smile disappeared... I cried for a short while until I heard footsteps approach. I had to get out of here... I Gave Gabriel's lifeless corps one last hug. Before I ran out of the crator. I cried as I ran. Gabriel didn't deserve to suffer. I just kept running and running. I don't care where I end up. I'll find something out... I'm sorry Gabriel...

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