Chapter 8: Kissing under the mistletoe... Or not (Christmas part 4 -last part)

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Midas' pov

He looked amazing in that white suit. "Merry Christmas Gabriel." He smiled. "Can I just say, you look amazing." his face was red from the cold outside but I could see it was getting brighter. He also had small snowflakes on his cheeks, Which made it cute.

"Let's just go inside shall we." I help Him get inside and settle down. "Now that we're all here why don't we start?" I sit down and we start the Christmas dinner. Food was getting moved around. And every time it came past me I grabbed something. Just in case I miss it. So things were really good and others not so much.

At least we had a fun time. Some even shared funny stories. Like Rox who said that she slipped on the ice while ice skating with Skye or Drift who got a snowball launcher in his face. He thereafter said that the snow was everywhere.

Lynxx told us about the latest news and Peely was talking about his newest mission in which he succeeded. But there was one thing. Gabriel was silent. I guess he's just a little nervous. I need him to melt into the group.

"Gabriel, Is there something you wanna get rid of?" I ask him. The room became silent. "Gabriel?" I became worried. "Well, Uhm..." He spoke. "This Is new for me I'm sorry." "There is no need to say sorry," I told him.

"Thank you, Sir," Gabriel said. "Now who wants to unbox presents!" I said. "YEAH!" Skye and Drift got excited. "Okay then let's sit down at the fireplace and unbox presents." As we all settled down we started giving each other presents. Skye had made soft and comfortable scarves for everyone.

Maya Had upgraded most of our guns. Drift had bought very ugly Christmas sweaters. But very ugly ones. Gabriel got everybody what they wanted for Christmas. That was nice of him. "Oh, sir I got something little special for you. But you have to promise me you won't get mad."

He handed me over a box. It is pretty heavy for the size. "Okay, uhm it's a little too heavy for its size" I question it. I get rid of the wrapping paper to see a brown box. I remove the lid. "Gabriel, you didn't- I" My eyes widen as I see what's in front of me. It's my drum gun.

It looked better than before. "What did you do with it?" I ask. "Uhm well, I Tweaked a few things with Maya. You know that thing is also getting older." Gabriel smiled. "So, you and Maya fixed it," I asked. "Yes, Merry Christmas Sir."

I hugged Gabriel. This was so nice of him to do. "Thank you, Gabriel," I said. "Who wants to play a game?" Maya asked the group. They all said yes. Sooner or later they were playing UNO and Monopoly. Gabriel and I were just talking together about the agency, and how we could upgrade the system. 

But, I realized I was more focused on him than what he was talking about. It wasn't until I saw Maya winking at me that I knew what was next. "Gabriel, can we walk outside for a second?" I asked him. "Sure why not?" He followed me outside with gloves on and the scarf Skye made for us.

We were silent for a moment. I looked up to see that Gabriel was standing under the mistletoe. "Uhm, Gabriel." I pointed upwards. He looked up. "Oh! Uhm..." I saw his face becoming bright red. "He..he guess, I'm just standing here- under a mistletoe...alone...." He smiled awkwardly at the situation.

"Maybe I can fix that." I step closer to him. "I... Uhm..." Gabriel said. I looked down at the smaller male in front of me, He wasn't that small just an inch. I pulled down his scarf a little. "Gabriel I promise you. Just let me do this." I lifted his chin with my pointer finger. I slowly moved my face to his. I could feel he was hesitant. I saw him look into my eyes. He softened his, I couldn't hold back anymore. So I just went for it. 

"No!" I felt Gabriel put an apple in my mouth. He... "Sir. This is very unprofessional. I can't. I'm... I'm... Sorry, I must." Gabriel said. I heard panic in his voice. His eyes were wide. As if he saw something. Then he walked off... This isn't going as planned! Oh no. I quickly moved back inside but... Then I saw Maya standing at the door. "What happened?" She asked me quickly. "Gabriel just drove off..." She saw the apple I was holding in my hands. "He... Did he stop you?" Maya asked me. "He did." I saw back quietly.  

"He saw me get closer but. He just... shoved this apple in my mouth and walked away." I saw Maya think. "He must have a reason for it. right?" Maya asked. "His eyes did widen... As if... Did he see something else? A flash or... He just looked panicked." "Will find out... Soon enough at least." Maya said as we went on with the evening.

Gabriels POV:

I just drove. What the fuck was that! I stopped by a cliff. I stepped out. I tried to get my breathing under control. What was that thing behind Midas? What were those flashes and?... Why did Midas try to...? Oh no... I messed up! I probably hurt his feelings badly! Oh... But what was that thing?... Horns? White blank lifeless eyes with no pupils! WHY DID IT LOOK LIKE ME! claws... Torn clothes... Was it a monster? Or could It be satan himself... Or at least my version.

Whatever it was. I don't wanna see it again. It's horrifying! I even saw his guts... Nope, nope! Oh, that makes me puke. But the being had blood on its torn clothes. Just a pure restless monster... I just don't wanna see it again! I said to myself. "Let's just... go back to the agency... I need rest, My head is pounding like a hurricane..."

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