CHAPTER 2: welcome to The Agency

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Gabriel's POV:

Okay, so I'm in a building called the Grotto. And since I'm awake, I have a meeting planned with Someone called Midas. I don't have any idea where my life is headed at this point. I thought I would drown in that ocean. Being on land feels weird too!

I have a weak feeling in my legs when I walk. It's most likely that I got that from being on that boat for the past 6 months and thrown overboard. I just wanted to research The Golden Curse. Then remedy came walking in. "Hey, I brought you some clothes!"

She puts down some clothes with a soft brown knitted coat. I stepped out of bed, and I felt weak in my legs. I stumbled to the floor. Remedy rushed out of the room and came back with a crutch. "Here mister Dawn use this." I took the crutch and leaned on it.

"Thanks miss" She smiled at me. "So Mister Dawn How did you get here? Just a small question." She asked. "It's all a bit of a blur..." "Well in that case. Be careful." I was confused, but I went with it. I looked around in my bag... Where's my journal? I stuck my hand in it again. WHERE'S MY JOURNAL!

"Where's My Journal?!" She looked at me. "Midas has it. He walked out with me when I was helping you." She told me. "That Journal is my life's work! I need it back now!" She took a step back when I raised my voice. "Midas will give it back after your meeting."

She told me. "Okay now back to the point, remedy. Can you please leave so that I can undress?" I asked her. "Okay sir, hopefully, the meeting goes well!" Remedy said as she left the room. I put on the clothes and went outside the healing tent.

"It's sure big here... How the hell do I find that man?" As I walked I bumped into someone who made me fall to the ground. I looked up to see a large man with sunglasses and he was bald. "Hello, mister Dawn. You're late for your meeting with The boss" He said with a Russian accent.

"Brutus! You need to help him get there, not having him lay on the ground" said a giant-sized cat as he helped me back up my feet. "I am so sorry for my friend's actions" The big cat apologizes. "You are something else, are you?" I placed my hand between his ears and petted him. What is this?

The big cat started purring. "Now Uhm, kitty can you bring me to Midas?" The big cat looked at me. "Oh! On it" The cat swiped me off my feet and put me on his shoulder. "There you go, Mister Dawn. Now let's make our way to Midas!"

And with that, we left. We were walking to Midas office. As we arrived we saw two big doors covered in gold. "Well, I guess your boss has high standards," I asked. "Yeah, my owner does" I looked at the giant cat in disbelief. "Owner? Are you his cat?!"

I asked. "Yeah, a lot of people don't believe him. Until they meet me." The cat said. "Okay, enough talk. I need to talk to your boss now Kitty" I reached for the doorknob. "Please Mister Dawn, call me Meowcells!" He said.

"Sure thing. Meowcells" I opened the door and went inside. I walked through a hall of pictures of agents. I saw Meowcells, Brutus the guy I bumped into just minutes ago, Remedy, a girl with a weird hat called Skye, and a girl with pink hair called Journey.

A girl called Tntina, a gear specialist called Maya, and a banana. "I wonder where he got all these agents. I reached another door and gently knocked on it. "Who's there?!" I heard his voice.

"It's Gabriel Dawn," I said. "Come inside and close the door behind you!" I opened the door and walked into the office. "It's quiet in the office isn't it?" He was sitting in his chair. looking briefly behind him to look at me. "Why do you have a crutch?" He asked.

"Well you see Uhm, I can't stand that well," I said. "And why is that?" He asked. "Well, when you're on a boat for 5-6 months and thrown overboard. your body can get an overdose" "Hm, I see. You're okay for the rest?" He asked. "Yes, I am. Now where's my Journal." 

He looked at me. opening his desk drawer and grabbing my Journal out of it. I held out my hand waiting for him to give me my Journal. But instead, he stood up, walking into the shadows "How much do you know about the Golden Curse? Or what it's really called. King Oro's curse."

I looked at him. "Because Looking at your Journal you know much about it. It's your latest exploration which was halted when you spawned here." I was confused. "Spawned? What do you mean Spawned?" I asked. 

"Well, you're not from here. I can see that in the way you act and speak to me right now. Most people know who I am and they well know to be afraid of me." The man walked out of the shadows and into the Light. He was, to say the least, different from what I expected.

He was dressed in a black suit. With pointed shoes and a white blouse. His neck and arms were covered in tattoos. His face had a giant scar going through one of his eyes. Causing it to go white. His other eye was Gold colored. I looked at his hands and I knew why he asked questions.

His hands are covered in Gold. He's cursed with the Golden Curse. I looked back at his face. "I see you are starting to realize." He put my Journal in front of him sitting back down on his chair. "I read your Little Journal, and I have to say. Your research is very deep and detailed."

"Your Cursed?..." I trialled off. This couldn't be? He's cursed. He looked me dead in the eye. "Yes? And what you write in here is private information that needs to be classified." "Okay..." I was kind of Obsessing the Golden Hand thing. I didn't realize that He knew I was staring at his hands.

"Excuse me, Please. I'm sorry If my staring was rude!" I apologized. "Don't worry about it. To be honest. I thought you wouldn't recover. That was one sign that you weren't from here... But I could use someone with an attitude that can stand strong in his shoes."

"I wanna ask you something." While he asked that, he grabbed a piece of paper and laid it in front of me. "You don't mind reading this do you?" I took the paper and saw that it was a job application. " You want me to be your assistant?" I looked up from the paper to look at him.

"Yes if you want to. And also read the terms and conditions. Many of the henchmen overlook that." "Why do you want me to be your assistant?" I ask. "Well doing all this work I do and keeping track of everything is getting harder every day mister Dawn." He told me.

"I see. Hm," I thought about it for a moment. I have nowhere to go. I'm in a strange world with no connection to where I came from or my family. I guess I have no choice. Then I sighed it. "Okay, welcome agent to team ghost. Now I'm going to give you some quick info about us, so you know what system we work with here." After that quick Talk, He said this.

"Also we know about your Injury and current state, So you will not go on Mission unless you are completely healed. Remedy is sure and ready against panic attacks and sudden pain that might happen,"

"We know about you being an explorer and jumping fast to issues that can be solved with fast thinking. Since you signed the paper those secrets will be guarded by the agency." I look at my state at the moment. I feel different. I feel weird. Like I'm not myself.

"Can I have my Journal back now?" I asked him. "Here you go." He passed me my Journal and I put it away. "Now that's clear. We can start, we don't wanna fall behind."

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