Chapter 11: The Rift Train

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Midas' POV: 

Gabriel and Skye had come back with... a bag of training tapes of shadow and no recruit. "What is this? Where is Harper?" I asked. "He was working for Shadow. They had given him money to shut up and protect these tapes." Skye explained. I turned my attention to Gabriel. He didn't look too good... "Gabriel? Are you okay?" Maya asked before me.

"My head... It's throbbing. It hurts like SHIT!" I saw him starting to hold his head. "Maya! Get Remedy! NOW!" I saw Gabriel shut his eyes as Maya started running for the hospital wing. I tried to keep him up with Sky until Gabriel collapsed and passed out.

Gabriel's POV:

"Gabriel? Are you okay? Gabriel? GABRIEL!" The words from Midas circled in my head as I passed out. I slowly started seeing things. Grey smoke transported me. I was here again? But why? I was at a train station until I tripped over something. I looked back to see something familiar. 

My Black conductor's hat. I thought I lost it. I used to play a lot of train conductor with my trains when I was Younger. I then started to hear a distant train sound. It came closer. Then it stopped right past me. "Howdy Old pal! Nice to see you too! The butterflies talk a lot you know!"

It was a conductor. "Old pal? I- may I ask. Why am I here?" "To get Aboard of course! An old friend of yours wants to speak with yah! So don't keep them waiting!" I stepped aboard the train and got a ticket for... Butterfly station? 

As Walked past the conductor and walked through the train. I was met with passenger booths. This train is old. Because not a lot of trains have those that look like this. looked around. When I walked past booths one opened for me. 

There was a person sitting in the booth. Wearing a mask. The door to the booth closed behind me. "Gabriel! Old friend. It's nice to see you here!" A warm female voice spoke to me. "Who are you?" I said when I sat down. 

The woman took off her mask to reveal her face. It was my Imaginary friend. Morgan. "How are... How are you?... This doesn't make sense?!" "Gabriel, Nothing makes sense here. Sense doesn't exist in this? Realm. Now tell me. Do you what type of train this is?"

I shook my head. How the H3ll am I supposed to know? "It's your toy model train. The one you made yourself when you were a kid." Okay, this is another dream? Vision thing! Stay calm. "A Little friend of yours alerted me." "What friend?" She opened her bag. Causing a butterfly from my last vision to fly out and onto her finger.

"This one." "That butterfly. I've seen it before. Do you... Do you what they are called." She laughed. "They are Rift Butterflies, dummy. They are the ones that brought you here in the first place. Their guides. Whenever you are in danger. They are there to lead the way. That's their purpose."

"Thank you for clearing that up." I thanked her.  "Now we need to talk about the rift. But for some reason it chose you. We have no idea why and how-" "Chose me? What do you mean?" I asked while Morgan looked at me. "Well the rift, or better said the butterflies. Chose you, as their protector of knowledge."

"They think you can be trusted with their secrets and in return. They tell you about your father and the people surrounding you. Their backstories and secrets. You will become someone who knows everything about the universe." 

Morgan explained. "Also you will gain a bit of immortality on the way." I took that information for granted. "So I will become some type of Demigod?" "Basically yes. But with that title comes a big responsibility. You must keep these secrets and only tell them to trustworthy people."

Morgan looked at her watch. "Oh look at the time. This is your stop. Good luck. The butterflies will tell you what to do. See you again soon." I stepped out of the booth and walked to the front of the train. Stepping out. Then the train rode away into the sunset. 

"So? What now?" I looked around to see a Butterfly flying past me. "Okay, I guess we're going that way." I ran after the Butterfly trying to catch up to it. "Gabriel! This way!" There it was again the voice! I ended up In a clearing. It was surrounded by trees with a giant one in the middle.

A giant swarm of  Rift Butterflies flew around the tree. It was beautiful. The Butterflies flew by fast across a pedal stool Activating it. But this time it wasn't a rift gate. That rift spawned something in. It looked like a snow globe... But it had a Rift in it. "Woaw..." I was amazed by it. 

"It's a gift from us." The voices spoke. "Thank you!" I said. Then I heard faint talking in the distance. "Looks like your friends in the Upper World are calling you. Follow us and will bring you back to them." I Followed a few Rift Butterflies

Running after them fast. Trying to keep up. Maybe I need to get into cardio. I ended up at a Rift. I heard. a voice call out to me. "Please Is there anything you can do? Anything?!"  Poor Midas. He didn't know I was back in dreamland. 

Okay. On three. I run in there. One, two, Three!" I jumped into the rift and was teleported. I saw grey smoke and My vision became blurry as I was kicked out of the dream.

I slowly grounded back to reality as I woke up in a hospital bed. Probably the hospital wing... I saw my glasses, I grabbed them. For how long was I out? Midas was sitting on a chair with his arms crossed on the bed. One of his hands was very close to mine.

He must be traumatized. "Sir... Sir?" I tapped his shoulder. He lifted his head. "Gabriel you are okay? Do you feel okay?" "Sir I'm fine, just a bit dizzy." Midas let out a sigh of relief as he heard my words.

He put my hand on his face while he cupped my hand. "You are going to be fine. As long as I'm here." The door opened and Remedy came running in. "Are you okay? Are you hurt-" "No Remedy I'm fine." 

I was thinking deeply. Resiting things in my vision that happened. Rift butterflies chose me as their knowledge keeper. But why?...

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