Chapter 13: Dream and Luminos

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Midas' Pov:

I heard Gabriel scream but. His body lays there in that chair. Instead, It came from the zero point itself! He could come back any second now. The machine blinked green and it released itself from Gabriel's head. I saw his Right hand glow as I removed the Helmet. I rolled up his sleeve. His veins pumped as they turned Cyan, blue, and purple.

"What did you do?..." I questioned. I needed to know. So I lifted his turtle neck from the bottom. It raised to his heart. The outline of his heart was now visible... Glowing veins reached his neck and stopped at his face. Gabriel... What have you done?! His breathing slowly came back. He had fallen asleep. I Turned his hand so I could see his palm. I squeezed it.

Nothing happened, good. His blond hair also had blue, purple, and Cyan color streaks. Maybe this is phase one of something?! What did he do? I picked him up out of the chair and laid him down on the couch in my office. I wrapped him in some blankets and observed him for a good amount of time. I just want him to be Okay...

Gabriel's Pov:

I was laying in what seemed to be a pond of water. Light shined onto my face as I looked at my hands... My veins started glowing shades of purple, blue, and cyan. I slowly raised myself and swam to the side. Once I stepped out I heard a voice... "It took you some time to find this space. But you don't look as good in the condition I hoped."

A girl with the same wings as the butterflies attached to her back... stood at the other side of the pond. In front of a tunnel. Okay, I'm still in the linear space. "What's your name?" I asked from across the pond. "Mines- Gabriel. Yeah, we know. My name is Dream." She broke my sentence. "How do you... And who's we?" I questioned. She turned silent. "No time for questions. Follow me."

She said and started walking. I quickly walked around the thin edges of the pond and followed her. I caught up to her. Following her until we were in what seemed to be a butterfly Garden filled with those Glass butterflies... "What is this place?" I asked. "A Rift butterfly conservatory. We pride ourselves on it. Each butterfly tells a story of a lost looper. But you seemed to have taken their interest. There he is! Luminos!"

She walked over to a man wearing a mask. "I found him." Dream said as she pointed at me. "The rift Gaurdian. It's an honor to be in your presence." He said. "I beg your pardon! But I'm no Rift guardian-" He grabbed my arm. "Your veins tell otherwise. Nobody just touches the zero point and survives to tell the tale." The man said.

"How did he get here dream." The man asked her. "He arrived in the pond. I saw him float to the surface." Dream explained. "Hm... Does he know how to leave?" He asked her. "I don't think he does Luminos." Dream said. "Wait, wait... I can enter this place at will. I have tried but I couldn't." I said.

"Okay, so he has to wait until he can leave." The man said. I walked over to them. "Then what do I need to do? How long do I have to wait-" I looked behind me to see that same blue star I saw a few years ago that got me here. "Now, not anymore. This Gabriel, Is a Rift. Or at least that's what we call it. and you left this behind the last time you were here."

She grabbed the ball with the mini rift in it and handed it to me. "I hope to see you in the future, Gabriel, and if you have questions, come and see us again!" Then she pushed me into the rift! I fell into what seemed to be a rabbit hole, then the next thing I knew I shot right up. I was laying on a couch, and... Where's Midas... I stood up from the couch but as soon as I did my body collapsed onto itself. Everything felt weak and painful. I couldn't even stand.

I could feel something pump in my veins. I screamed. In every bone of my body, I felt pain. pain and pain. Eventually, I heard the door open. I tried my best to even crawl but I couldn't. My whole body protested. "GABRIEL!" I heard ringing in my ears. I saw Midas through my tired eyes. "You're not well. don't push yourself." He picked me up and put me back on the couch.

"For how long... Was I out for?..." I asked him. "3 hours and 47 minutes," Midas stated as he stopped a timer. "I need to know what you did," Midas asked me. "I touched... the zero point... But in the linear space... I think... It's a different reality...or at least a pocket reality..." I stated. He looked at me. "You did what?" His voice sounded like a threat but more concerned.

"You could have DIED! Do you have any Idea how dangerous that Zero point is?! And whatever it did to you must have a dangerous side effect!" He kneeled beside the couch. "I just want you to be safe... to be careful," Midas muttered as he clasped my hand with his. "Promise me you will be careful next time. Whatever this is I need you to be safe. You can't tell anybody about this. How hard it may be." Midas stated. "Sir... I can't do that-"

"I DON'T CARE! This is safer for everybody." Midas stopped me. I was powerless in this state. Whatever had me was a curse... Or at least I think so. "You sleep here from now on. Not in your quarters here at the agency. I don't want anybody to see you like this. Got it."

"... Yes sir..."

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