Chapter 21: Safety Haven

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Gabriel's POV:

I went to work. I wanted this to be perfect for My friends and new kids... Jules calling me Dad is doing something to me. But, somebody has to take care of those teenagers. If they need help. Jules seeing me as her father figure is also concerning. It makes me think something is wrong. But now... That haven.

I want to make it calming... Like a beach. Feeling the sand between your toes every day... Just seeing blue calms the mind. Maybe that's why people are attracted to blue eyes. I started getting to work. it took me two days to even make air in that pocket dimension. But It quickened fast. I really wanted this thing to be perfect.

I went in... It's the first time trying. I entered the portal and fell onto the soft sand... It works! it's not sink sand. Palm trees. Dirt. food supplies! It's all here! I did it! My first creation. It's AMAZING! I can't get over it. I need houses! Yes! I made them on the Dirt and grass. Out of strong material. Like stone and Metal. Give them some color.

Make it look like paradise. I made the upper floors have wood on the outside. Make it calm. Mostly metal. It looks amazing. I placed simple furniture. Like in the house for meowscells a cat tree and most of his stuff. For Jules, I put a lot of tech and building materials in her house... I should call it apartments actually. For Brutus and Tntina. Some explosives and other bits. 

My apartment is close to a small farm. I made it for extra food. Mostly mushrooms for slurp and other food. Like tomatoes, corn, pumpkins. Just some extras. I put some things down on the beach, a grill, parasols, surfboards, and beach chairs. Make it cozy. Also wooden tables and an ice cream truck. Standing tables next to the ice cream truck. A dancefloor with a DJ station.

I just wanted them to have fun. Also basic's in their closet. Like towels and shampoo. They have fully flashed out bathrooms and chairs on their balconies... I walked back to my garden. It was really hard to make this small Island. I Put on gardening gloves and started tending the berries and mushrooms. It looks good. for my first time tending something like this.

Okay... I think it's time for them to see... I took a long while to do this. I exited the haven and back into reality zero... I'm starting to hate this place. IO scans this island for any information! I set out to find Jules. It didn't take long to find tinkering around with some machine. "you packed your bags." I saw bags and suitcases. "We all did." Brutus and Tntine came in with a few bags and a redacted suitcase. 

"We thought you're the best person to keep this." I took the suitcase and opened it... Out agency files. "it's the most important thing we want to keep away from IO and we thought. That you are the best person to keep it hidden." Tntina said. "So if we retire nobody knows our weaknesses and whereabouts." Maya said. "well... Thank you for trusting me." I said sincerely. I just have to pack a few things and I'm ready to go. But Lorenzo however. Needs a bit of help." Jules said. 

"I can help him. Where is he?" Jules pointed across the platform we went on and I saw a boy panic in his room. "I'll handle this," I said as I walked over. I never met Lorenzo... But he is Midas' son. I opened the door... I saw a lot of maps and explorer stuff... and... is that my journal? "Wow! You! You are Gabriel! I... I may have read your journal but... It's really cool." I Heard Lorenzo behind me with one big suitcase.

"You know you can take whatever you want right?" "Oh! Really! I should pack more." I helped him a bit. Also carrying them to one of the boats. We use boats to get through the portal. "Everybody packed and ready. I don't know how long I can hold it open. but we need to do this quickly. We don't want IO to notice this!" I saw them activate the boats. I opened a rift gate. I tried to keep it open as long as I could.

"Okay! Here goes nothing! Let's go!" Jules gave the sign as she and Lorenzo entered first. Then came Brutus and Tntina, Maya, Kit, Meowcless, Skye, and lastly Myself as I jumped in. I expected to fall into the water. But... I didn't. "WHAT THE F#CK! ARE YOU JESUS OR SOMETHING? I heard Brutus yell from the beach. I was walking on water okay... "I have no idea how I did that." 

"That was interesting. I think it has to do with your Zero point powers." Jules claimed. "So which house is which?" Maya asked. "well I have a key system. With names on them. So you guys can enjoy your new home. Okay." I handed each duo a key. Meowcells and Kit, Jules and Skye, Tntina and Brutus, And lastly Lorenzo. "You okay sleeping alone for now?" I asked him. I saw him nod. 

"Good. Now that everybody has an apartment. I would say. We rest out. remember time here passes oddly than Time on the island. So other people may be older than you once you visit. For Visiting I made something. I gave each of them a rift crystal. "These open portals to the haven. Yes, I called this place the Haven. and from here, to the island. it's safe to use any time you want." I handed them out.

"Looks like somebody planned out everything." I heard Brutus say. "Well, I guess it's official. Retirement!!!" Skye squealed and clapped her hands. "It feels. Nice." Maya said. "Okay, you guys go unpack while I turn on the grill." "YEAH!!!" I heard Jules and Lorenzo say together. Now let's hope for some peace and quiet...

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