Chapter 14: Voices in My Head

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Gabriel's POV:

It took a while to get back on my feet but. I didn't feel the same anymore. After I touched the zero point my body and mind changed. Headaches come more often but now it's just more than pain. Voices... whispers of agony telling me things I don't wanna know. People would declare me insane if I talked about it. So far only Midas knows... And I think it's better if it stays that way.

I'm not insane... I know that! About my body. I'm starting to turn super pale. I can see my veins very clearly. They have turned a bit purple but mostly glowing blue. I have been wearing gloves as of late. I also ripped off a cabinet door by accident while just opening it... It felt like nothing... I had gained powers that I see clearly as a curse. Sometimes when it gets hot I can feel my veins pumping under my skin like wildfire! A burning sensation that just hurts!

Sometimes I have emotional outbursts that could be anything! Mostly Anger and sadness. I know the rest of the crew has been worried. Mostly Skye, who won't take no for an answer. I hate lying, but I have no choice. It hurts me not to tell just as much as it hurts them. I hate it! As days pass I slowly have the feeling I am turning insane... I don't want to think about it.

Now I'm here sleeping on the same couch I have slept on for days. I do miss the bed... But I know Midas wants the best for me... so I'll try and sleep for now. Also as an extra side note... I have horrific nightmares...

Once I was asleep I woke up in my dream running from something. Bullets shot close by as if I was an animal that was being hunted. I ran like a maniac. I have been having this Nightmare for weeks now... I keep running from something. Then the shooting stops and I end up in an opening in the forest. Then I'm brutally shot in the back.

I don't know how it happened but. It happened fast. So I'm always up early and I have been growing eye bags ever since. I get ready and wait for the rest to arrive. Then I have my daily tasks and it starts over. over, and over, and over again. I have started to see my nightmares starting to come true since IO... Midas' ex-work started to investigate the island. They have started to infiltrate shadow bases and take over the systems.

Could they be haunting me in my sleep? I had to find out for myself. But Midas has basically boxed me in from outsider contact. To the point where I now have to be at his side for every hour of the day. During meetings, Recruitment, In his office. I have to be by his side now more than ever. Normally I would run errands alone. But I'm not in the state for that...

I know he's trying to help me. But I feel weaker and weaker every day. It's getting worse. Just put me out of my misery... "Gabriel." I sprung slightly as Midas walked in. "I- I'm sorry sir... I didn't mean." He put his hand on mine. "You're hiding something from me. I just want the best for you. Please tell me what keeps you from sleeping." "Y-you know?!" I said in a panicked voice.

"Calm down. I just need you to tell me." I put my hands in my hair. Tugging. "I... I have been having these nightmares where I... I end up dying at the hands of a gun." I explained as Midas tried to make eye contact with me. "Who? Who shoots you in your dream?" "I DON'T KNOW!" I yell out. That startled him. "I... I'm sorry... I didn't mean-" He hugged me... Why is he? Why does he care?

This... this is my fault. "It's okay. Can you at least show me where it happens?" He asked. "The fact that I know exactly is a bit scary but sure."

Skye's Pov:

I'm worried. Gabriel has been distant lately and nobody knows why. I think Midas knows. He has been silent ever since Gabriel started acting weird. I walked to Maya. She must know something. right? "HEY, Maya!" I yelled from across the room as she walked up to me. "Have you seen Gabriel?" I asked. "Yeah but... He's glued to Midas. They don't leave each other's space and I don't think it's love... They're hiding something I know it."

"Guess we're thinking the same thing," I said back to Maya. "What about Brutus?" Maya asked. "I haven't seen him this month. He's with Peely on a Mission." I started to question more things. Midas had been distant weeks prior but not to... "Huh... The only person Midas didn't distance from in his inner circle is Gabriel!" Maya looked at me and took in the realization.

"But how do we get to Gabriel? He's basically Midas' shadow now." Maya said. "I have an Idea."

A few minutes later was standing in front of Midas' office, With Tntina, Lynxx, and Terra. "Are you sure this will work?" Tntina asked. "Oh, It will." I knocked on the door and to my surprise... No answer... How? Midas is always. "Somethings off," Lynxx said as she approached the door. It opened with one tap of the handle. Nobody was in there?

"Uhm where did they go?!" Terra questioned. "Midas never leaves his office without having to do something very important! and Gabriel is probably with him." Maya said. "THEN where are they!" Tntina asked in general. "Only one way to find out." I took my earbud from my ear and started walking towards my room. There are tracking devices in those things.

"We could track them," I said. "Skye, please. We don't wanna get you into trouble now do we!" Terra said carefully. "Do we have a choice? Something is being hidden from the whole ghost organization by a man and his associate! We deserve to know!" I said clearly. We deserve to know.....

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