Chapter 5: There is snow around every corner. (Christmas part 1!)

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Gabriel's POV:

I woke up this morning feeling much better. I still feel slightly under the weather, but It's better than 2 weeks ago. As I stepped out of bed I took out my clothes. As I put them on I see snow outside my window. "Guess December had plans."

As I look over to my chair, I see that vest Midas gave me. It is a work vest so I need to wear it at least. I put on the vest and went to Midas' office. "Hello, sir I'm here," I say as I knock on the door. "Come in." I open the door and walk into his office.

"Hey, Gabriel. Feeling any better" Midas asked me. "I'm fine just a little dizzy but for the rest I'm fine," I said. "Good but, I have some business that needs to be taken care of. A Serve needs to be Filled in by an agent. Can you tell him to do that please?"

He asked me. "Yes, sir. I will say that to him." I told him. "Okay great, also when you're on the way. Fetch me a coffee from the cafeteria. Please." He asked. "Yes, sir I will fetch you a coffee." And with that, I walked out of his office.

I like making coffee for Midas. For some reason, I always light up when I make it perfect. As I reach the coworker's office I knock on the door. Let's see who this is. I open the file to see Drift in the photo. Then the door opened.

"Hey, you must be Midas' assistant," Drift said with a big smile. "Yes, that's me. The name is Agent Gabriel Dawn." He looked at me funny. I looked at him angrily and opened the file. "I need to update your file Drift. So if you could just sit down we can talk over the details."

"Oh Uhm I rather like it if you stay outside-" I pushed him aside and walked in. "Messy office? Gotta take note of that." I said as I wrote it down. "Yeah I know It's kinda messy at the moment. But I was cleaning up."

I sit down in a soft chair he had in his office. "Sit down." He's just standing there, LOOKING LIKE A FOOL. "It was a demand, not a question." Then he sat down in his office chair. "So what's the deal, brainy." He said.

"First off don't ever call me that, and second I told you I'm here for a file update. So you better have that serve filled in so that you can send it to the boss." He sighed as I said that. "Okay, I will fill that stupid serve in. Midas sends us that serve every year. It's stupid."

He showed me his computer and saw that it was filled in. "Okay great. send this data to Midas. Then the data is on point. Now have a good day, Agent Drift." After that, I went to get Midas' coffee. As I arrived in the Cafeteria it was filled with henchmen.

They must be on their break. As I walked past I went for the kitchen. Only people with a special card can get in the kitchen, to prevent people from eating after hours. I grabbed the coffee pot and made some dark coffee. Midas likes dark coffee. It has a strong scent.

sometimes I don't understand why people don't wanna drink coffee. As I finish the coffee I head back to Midas' office. "I got coffee, sir." I put his coffee down on his desk. "Thank you, Gabriel. Also, I like your outfit." He said. "Well thank you, sir," I said.

I opened my agenda and saw it was the first of December. "I see that Christmas is happening this month," I said. "Oh yeah, that. Better get invested in Christmas presents." He said. "And we need a Christmas tree," I said.

"Oh, yes you are right. We might have to head to weeping woods to get a big tree. I will ask Brutus and meowscells to take care of that." I grabbed my clipboard and started writing down the names of Christmas ornaments. I wanted this Christmas to be amazing!

"Okay, I will get people to work on it, sir! Leave it in my hands." I said to him. "If you wanna do that, I can't say no." I lit up in excitement. "Okay, sir I won't let you down on this." With that, I left the office.

I went to the main hall to see Skye calling me over. I walk up to her. "Good morning Gabriel!!! Slept well?" She asked. "I slept soundly," I told her. "Hey, uhm I need you to tell Meowscells and Brutus to get a Christmas tree. A BIG Christmas tree."

I said to Skye. Her eyes widen. "OKAY but then you have to go to Maya! She knows where the decorations are!" Skye said in excitement. "Okay good to know, now Let's see what we can do." We went to the storage room and looked around for Christmas stuff.

"What do you like most about Christmas?" Skye asks me. "I never really liked Christmas. I was always put in the spotlight at Christmas. So much so that it was almost called my second birthday. I got most Gifts every year and I always threw them in a corner." 

"Why was that?" "Because I hated being in the spotlight. People always expected me to be great. While I just wanted to travel the world, and now I'm here because of an expedition. Besides, do you know what happened to Midas? How he turned out like this?"

"Why are you interested in that?" Skye asks. "Because he won't tell how he got his powers from that curse." Skye looked at me. "Never know and never will. Midas is very keen on keeping things classified. That includes where he got his powers from us-"

"You could just say that, you didn't know right," I said. "I don't focus during meetings," Skye replied.

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