Chapter 4: Blue Butterfly?

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Remedies pov:

it all just happened so fast... he just fell to the ground passing out! I felt so powerless to help him that I pressed the emergency button to call the rest. As they entered my room they saw him. I had a breakdown. Tears streamed down my eyes. Meowscells picked him up and brought him to the healing wing.

As I got calmed down by Maya, I saw Midas hovering over Gabriel. "Okay, we're going down some rules he probably has had a severe panic attack. So he might act differently."

They all nodded. "Okay, will the majority please leave?" Midas, Gabriel, and I were the only ones left in the room. "So he will wake up different?" Midas asked. "Yes sir," I answered him. I'm going to get a painkiller for him. His head feels heavy.

After I got the painkiller and some water I walked back into the hospital wing off the building to see Midas stroking Gabriel's Blond fluffy hair. "You like him don't you sir?" I asked him playfully. "Oh shut your mouth," He said.

"HEY! I thought we RESPECTED women in here?!" I said Laughingly. "Yeah, I know but don't bring this up and make a joke about it!" Midas told me off. "OH- YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Midas froze In place. "This is what I meant! Stop it!" He laughed while he spoke. "What? I don't mind. Your secret is safe with me." I told him. "Fine I like him, but he's my assistant. I can't do that." I looked at him as he spoke.

"Boss... The heart always gets its way. If it wants to love someone. It wants only that person. Love can be found in the strangest places. And we got to accept that." I saw Midas smile at Gabriel.

"I knew you were going to say something like that," Midas said. "I know boss." I looked back at Gabriel. "He's moving. Let's end this little conversation." "What happened? Ouch, my head." I hear Gabriel grunting.

"You're awake. that's great news" Midas helped him sit up. "How are you feeling?" I asked Gabriel. His hand raised to his face. "My head hurts like shit," he said laughingly.

"Uhm, I got something for you. since you are my assistant." He took out a ghost jacket but, It was gold with black and white stripes. And white ghost logo with black letters under the logo saying, assistant.

Normally it is white with a black logo saying 'henchman'. "It's different from the other jackets so it doesn't get confusing." Gabriel took the jacket. "Thanks, sir," Gabriel said. "Also I'm glad you are okay." I noticed A whole different side to Midas. "So when do I start working again?" Gabriel asked.

"As fast you can get back on your feet," Midas said. "Okay, sir I will try," Gabriel spoke. "But take it slow. don't go to work too fast." I told him. "Okay, I get it" With that we talked for a few more minutes until Midas left to answer a phone call.

It was silent for a while until Gabriel spoke up. "I saw stuff, Important stuff. It was confusing. I'm still trying to fill in the gaps," Gabriel said. "About what?" Gabriel was silent for a moment. "I saw... Please don't think I'm crazy." He warned me.

"Okay. Go for it." "I had a vision. Once I passed out I was in a different space. As if My mental body was on a different plane of Reality. I saw butterflies. But not your standard butterflies. They looked like they were made of glass. Voices were talking to me as I chased after one. I ended up in a room with a Gateway. The voices were saying I needed to touch it. So I did."

"Then I was teleported to another room. I was in a shadow base. But anything I touched went right through me.  It was a memory of my Father. I-... I don't wanna talk about what happened. But one thing is for sure. He's a monster." Gabriel said. I grabbed a stool and sat next to him.

"Can you say more about those Butterflies?" Gabriel was looking around. "Uhm... You have a piece of paper?" He asked. I gave him a notepad. Then he started drawing. I saw the pen move across the paper. "It looked like this!" He gave me the notepad. 

It does indeed look like a Broken glass butterfly. "I can ask Skye to do some research on it. She knows a lot about this stuff. Now let's make sure you recover first." 

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