Chapter 6: the giant Christmas tree (Christmas part 2)

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Gabriel's POV:

As the henchmen helped me with carrying the decoration and putting it down Meowscells and Brutus walked in. "Hey, Gabriel we got a tree!" I looked over at them, they came in with a giant Christmas tree. "Uhm, guys. Is that tree going to fit?" I asked.

"Of course it is!"Skye pulled a switch and the statue with the guy and the ghost logo disappeared and a base with a giant plant pot took its place."Wow, Midas Really thinks through his building structures."

I said. 16-19 henchmen were needed to place the Christmas tree in the right place. "Now we just need to decorate-" grabbed a few Ornaments but then my head started to hurt. I started to see things.

"Gabriel? Gabriel!" I snapped out of my trance and looked behind me. "Are you okay?" It was Maya. "I still feel a bit dizzy..." I said. "Okay, how about you sit down and we work on the tree." "Okay." Maya started taking over. 

"Skye can decorate the top part of the tree, I and Tntina can do the middle while Brutus and Meowscells do the bottom," Maya said. "Got it," Skye said. Skye jumps on Ollie's back and goes up. After a few minutes of sitting down, I got up to inspect the tree. "Come on! We need more Decoration up there Skye!" I said. "On my way!" Skye replied.

"Something happened? Are you okay?" I look behind me to see Midas standing there. "Uhm yeah. Got dizzy." "Bossman! hello." Skye greeted him. "Hello Skye, hi Ollie." Midas greeted them. "I go and keep this place in order." Midas nodded at my statement.

I wanted to look at some Decoration. "Wow this one is beautiful-" I look in the Ornament to see that some figure is behind me. Then I got scared...... by Drift. "BOO," I screeched and dropped the ornament causing it to shatter on the ground. "Drift! What do you think you're doing? You know Halloween was in October."

Maya states as she helps me get back on my feet. "Can't a kitsune have any fun?" Drift says. "Mister Drift, I don't wanna see this behavior again! Got it." Midas said creeping up from behind. "Yes, boss I am so sorry, my apologies." He Walked away back to his office.

"Are you Okay Gabriel," Midas asks me. I stood there making a fool of myself. If it was somebody from the shadow team I couldn't have screamed. "I just realized how weak I am," I told him. I was shaking my whole body wouldn't stand on two feet.

"I saw him, I could have attacked him but.......I didn't" I looked down at my hands. "I got an idea. It seems like our friend needs some help with combat" Meowscells states. "Isn't it Maya?" Maya nodded at meowscells comment. "I can have you up and running in no time," Maya said.

"btw... We got to do something about being panicked all the time. It keeps you away from being focused." Tntina commented. "Says the one who doesn't think twice and just throws bombs everywhere," Brutus commented while Tntina scoffed. "I guess my planning is changing." We finished the tree and it was amazing. Shiny things are everywhere.

"Now we got a body to train! Follow me, Gabriel." I follow Maya to the training section of the agency. "It's better to start now than start later. And don't worry the agency has everything." Maya takes my arm and pulls me with her. She opens a door to the male dressing room. 

"Training clothes and shoes are already lying there. You just have to change. I will be waiting." I put on the Clothes she gave me. Then I walk out of the dressing room. "Hey, who is this rookie?" I look behind me to see henchmen in training. "You look like a nerd!" One yelled at me. "For how long have you been here 'rookie'" One asked. 

"Rookie? I already worked here for 5 months." They looked at me as if I was joking. "Gabriel. There you are, Maya told me you would be here." I turn Around. "Sir!" He looked so focused. "I'm going to get myself stable," I told him.

"Okay but don't go too hard on yourself." "Go it," I said "Good." I turn back to the guys and see their eyes in shock as I walk past them. I walk into Maya's training area. "Oh, hey Gabriel. I'm sorry if they were trouble. I had to give them on their heads for being mean to others. Now let's get started!" 

We first measured my height and my weight and tested my focus. No idea why but Maya said it was useful. Then we started. Basic combat is nothing new. "I also have to say this. Where going slow. we don't wanna overdo it. You could hurt yourself if you did." Maya warned me.

"Okay, One step at a time it is." 

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