Chapter 26: Zero Point is in Danger! code RED! CODE RED!

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A few months Later...

Gabriel's POV: 

I'm sitting Calmly on the beach. Enjoying My time fixing puzzles while Jules is busy entertaining her Brother and kit with building sand castles. Everything seemed fine... Until the sky started to crack. "What the f-" "GABRIEL!!! GABRIEL!!!" A single butterfly came injured towards me. "The zero point is cracking! we need your Help!!!" "What's Going on!" Jules stood up in a panic. Everybody on the beach looked up at the cracks in the sky. "Stay calm Jules and don't panic. I need you to take care of Lorenzo. The zero point is breaking and I and going to fix it. so please stay here and keep everybody safe!" I handed her the butterfly. 

"The Butterfly will explain further!" I Jumped into a portal and ended up back on the island... And the zero point was broken! I saw a man flying around the Zero Point. "What is he doing?! Who even is that guy!" I started running and I did quick teleportation forward. Dashing. Once at the zero point, I Came eye to eye with this blond man. "IT'S YOU! You the ghost of the Zero point!" He yelled. "Uhm better Question what happened! And who are you?" I floated upwards.

I asked the man in the suit. "Jones. Who is this?" "Gabriel Dawn. The zero point Gaurdian." I answered him. "Well, Great Gaurdian you are!" Jones yelled at me. "I don't have knowledge about this. This is the first time I have seen this. I'm the Guardian of the secrets of the zero point. Yet I know nothing about this..."  I look at it. Sticking my hand into it. I hold onto something as I tug it. "What did you do to it?" The foundation asked Jones. "Well, it started breaking about a month ago as it was starting to break. So you're a little late." The man in the suit said.

"I'm the foundation for your record. We need this zero point to bloom to fix it. But once we do. we can't go back." High risk indeed. "Let's do it." I saw the foundation enter the zero point and I landed on the ground. "At this level of entanglement, I don't if I can fix it." The foundation said that and I got worried. "Then we need to start trying!" Jones said. The foundation yelled and strings appeared that turned into portals. 

"WE GOT PORTALS! NOT GOOD!" Jones yelled in a panic. "Rift gates... Openings in reality. They need to be closed!-" "Ahead of you." Jones said as he whipped out a device. It was a glass ball on a handle with a rift in it. "who... Who are you..." It's a person.  "Got it. Looking sharp! Were saving reality! a looper... why isn't she." "I'm a calming presence, Jones. People around me feel calm and not hostile. it only works on loopers tho."  I explained. "Watch out Reality waves can Change everything!... I'm a butterfly..." Jones had Changed the looper had changed but me... I had stayed the same.

"How can you... How can you not have changed!" Jones said a bit offended. "Zero point guardian. I'm immortal and a being of reason. So say a god of reality. With very little interest." I explained I gave the device to the looper. "You can explain it to Them, right? I will try and close other portals!" I teleported to another portal. Okay... Few... We can do this.  I held my hand up to the portal as I closed it. Okay, that's a thing I can do. 

On to the next portal. I teleported from portal to portal! Closing them as we went. I then watched a tower being created okay... That's huge... The foundation was creating it. I teleported over. "JONES, I need you to seal off the zero point and overload the device." "Overload the device! I will be trapped in the loop!" "We have to find our way back! I will find you." "Okay! Here we go!" The zero point was sealed off and we fell off the tower. I started floating and grabbed Jones. Placing him on the sand.

"That was something..." I started walking. "And where are you going? You just leave like that! With no explanation?! IO is after you!" I turned back at his words. "IO? You were part of IO? What do you know?!" "I only tell if you tell what you are?!" I looked at him. "I'm the god of the zero point. Something I didn't choose for but got chosen for." "Chosen... you? to be its protector. Midas' assistant?" Jones looked confused. "What do you know about Midas," I said In an irritated tone. "Well, Midas used to work for IO and we had dug up agency files finding Yours. Plus they're onto you and they're not stopping until they have you." 

I stopped. "Let them come. I don't care."  I told him. "Now you tell me what you know about Midas' Death." "We know nothing! The only thing we know is that Midas disappeared into a portal! and that he wasn't found. Not even a trace." This pissed me off. "So nobody cared.  What a stupid organization you people lead! I have no time for this. I have kids to take care of." "Kids... Wait... you have Jules and Lorenzo." "None of your business." I entered the Rift Haven closing the portal. 

My body is weak. "Dad! Are you okay? what happened?!" "Oh, Gabriel..." I Had stumbled onto the sand. "I... I think I need a break. Everything is okay now. I fixed it. With the help of some new people. That aren't that interesting just a few loopers." I sat down on my beach chair. "At least we're okay... for now," Jules said as she joined me with my puzzles. "Let's relax while we can," I said as we lay back. Now time for relaxation.

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