Chapter 7: Merry Christmas! (Christmas part 3)

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Gabriel's Pov:

It's Christmas day and I'm actually interested about tonight. I don't know what I will get but I hope for a new sketchbook for new weapon ideas. The last one is pretty full. But with great ideas. I also had an idea to upgrade Midas his drum gun but, I never got close enough to inspect that thing. If there was only a way to get there.

Maybe I should ask Maya.

Midas' POV:
Here I sit at my desk in my office waiting for my assistant. I hear a knock on my office door. "Who is it?" I ask expecting to hear my assistant saying 'Sir it's me.' Instead, I was greeted by Skye. "Hey, bossman!" She stepped inside my office.

"I got something for you!" Skye showed me two Santa hats "For you and Gabriel!" She said. "Why?" I asked. "Well Santa is a high-up boss and since you are the boss of the agency and-" "Skye it's very kind of you but-..." I looked at her and she looked like she was about to cry.

Great job Midas. "Fine" She lit up, gave me the Santa hats, and left. I tell you one thing, Skye's crying is the worst. She goes on for hours without stopping. "Good morning sir!" I look up to see Gabriel with his cheerful face.

I have to say Gabriel always knows how to light up a room. Doesn't matter what happens. He's the thing everybody enjoys watching and makes the room go up like a light. "Good morning Gabriel. What took you so long." I asked him. "Well had some trouble on the way. By the way, what are the Santa hats for?"

He asked me as he sat down. "Well, Skye gave them to me," I said. Gabriel Grabbed one of them from the table. "Cute," He said as he put it on his head. "Let me help you, sir." He grabbed the other one. "No need to do that Gabriel." He looked at me.

"What's the problem? Skye is so kind she did this. Why not put it on." He asked me. The look on his face said a lot. It even made me feel bad. "Please, sir." Did he just. What?! "Ugh, I- FINE" Gabriel smiled. He put the hat on my head and adjusted it.

"And don't take it off while I'm not looking," Gabriel told me as he left my office to help TnTina. "Yeah, yeah I get it." How could someone like him be so kind? I slammed my head on my desk. "I am so stupid."

"I COULD HAVE ASKED HIM IF HE WOULD BE INTERESTED, BUT NO I JUST LET HIM GO LIKE THAT!!  I'm such an idiot" I grab my hair and tug at it. I hear gasps coming from my doorway. I saw Maya, Lynxx, and Terra standing there.

"I tell you one thing. Say this to anybody and I will get rid of you on the spot." They were just silent looking at me in shock. "Close the door Lynxx." They stepped inside my office. "TELL ME EVERYTHING I MISSED!" Maya sounded disrespected. "Correction, us," Terra said.

"Do you like Gabriel?" Lynxx asked me. "That's my business, not yours," I told her. "Boss, we wanna help, you didn't sound happy you know?" Maya said to me. "How are you gonna help me anyway, You have no idea what I feel like right now."

Terra looked at me annoyed. "Midas, I know you feel like SHIT right now but please work with us. By the way. I know you're sexuality." I looked at Terra. "How the hell do you know?" I asked. "Reasons." "Just leave my office," I told them.


Christmas eve.

Midas' POV: 

Great, just great. I put on my special suit and head downstairs to the fireplace. Maya, Lynxx, and Terra were busy with a plan. They were Begging me to approve this thing. I don't know why they wanted to help me so badly that I had to say yes.

I haven't seen it yet but I hope it isn't too romantic. "Damn Boss you be looking good," Terra said. "Thank you, Terra," I said. "Midas, Boss we got the perfect thing! Come take a peek!" Maya called me over.

"This is the plan, it's almost too perfect." I took a look at it. "You want me to kiss him-...under a mistletoe..." I looked over at Maya. "This was your idea, wasn't it?" I asked her. "Good god, you're right, and if you don't do it I will just push you two under it," Maya said.

"I mean it's perfect, isn't it? You clearly know how to be a gentleman, so this is a piece of cake for you." Lynxx said. "Like how hard can it be? Like nothing could go wrong unless he resisted." Terra commented. "So what you say, Boss! Ready to do this?-"

"I- I can't Okay?! The only person who knows so far is Remedy, she was the first to notice. Gabriel is too important to lose over a shitty feeling! I don't wanna ruin him like I did so many times before!" I spat out.  "Looks like someone has mixed feelings," Terra said. 

"Midas I understand. I had this with Meowscells too. I never saw myself dating a mutated buff cat, But here I am! It's not something you see every day." Lynxx said "And clearly you are conflicted about your feelings for Gabriel. Because the last time you outed yourself you got hurt. By your own Wife no less." I looked at Maya. 

"Please just promise me you try," Maya asked. I release my breath. "Fine, I will try." I walked out of the room to hear them scream in happiness. "Okay, Midas you can do this. Just have fate in yourself," I muttered to myself.

Arriving time

I am here at the yacht door waiting for them to arrive. First as suspected I see Brutus. "Merry Christmas Brutus," I said. "Merry Christmas Boss." With that, he went Inside. Next was Skye with Rox which is very good she brought her along.

Then Drift Next Up was Peely. The tntina, And then it was just waiting. I was about to go inside until. "Merry Christmas sir, I'm so sorry I am late." I turned my head to see Gabriel. He looked very formal, this is the first time I have ever seen him like this.

But I have to say... he looks amazing.

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