Chapter 27: Nice people are always first!

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MONTHS later...

Gabriel's POV: 

Months have passed since the spire was created. The zero point is healing but recently this alien ship has been appearing... Well, It looks like an alien ship. "Don't you move Dawn!" I felt a gun against the back of my head as I was sitting on the beach. How the fuck did they get in here!? It was IO. "Well, Hello Gunnar... Slone... Nice to see you guys." Brutus said in a stern tone as he scoffed. slowly tipping the gun away from my head. "How did you guys get in here? This is my pocket dimension." 

I told them. "Wasn't that hard Mr. Dawn. You little butterflies speak truths." Slone said as she let crystals fall to the ground. Okay, now I was pissed. "What do you want!" I raised my voice. "A little agreement. Cube queen is here and has destroyed the spire that your sweet little Zero point was in healing. I thought you would want her and her aliens gone as fast as we could too. So...-" "Give me a reason to trust IO. Go on Slone, Give me one." I looked at her. 

"I have realized you and your little escapades have led to you finding two snapshots of Midas. Why go after a man if your goal isn't finding him? I give you all the information we have. That Jonesy doesn't know, and you use your little zero-point powers to make sure we get rid of them." I thought for a moment. I don't want to join them... But Midas... "Are you sure Gabriel? We can't Just?" Maya came up to me. "Is this threat so big that I have to get involved? I made that Mistake with the spire. I helped, but that was it."  

"The cube Queen wants to destroy all reality and I know once the zero point is broken. You die with it." I heard the threat. "So you help us or what?" Slone said. "Fine... But you won't step another foot in here. I walked to my house grabbing my stuff before opening a Portal to the Island. "I won't be here for a while Jules. take care of your brother okay." "Yes, Dad," Jules said to me as she gave me a quick hug as I followed Slone. 

Once inside their facility. Slone started explaining things to me. About the mothership and all. "You know. For a being. From a scientific standpoint, I would say you better looking than the average." "I didn't need to know that Slone. You keep that to yourself." I saw her look at me as she grabbed something. "This yours?" She gave me a file. I opened it it's indeed mine. That's what I looked like?... I have changed. "you worked under Midas for 2 years without us knowing. He had detailed logs about you and what happened to you. and recently... We found this." She pulled out an earpiece. 

Midas' name is engraved on it like mine. "I bet you as well as I are interested in what's on this thing." She put it in a sound reader. It started playing. I heard everything. Him being kicked aside... blood splatters... Yelling of pain! stumbling then the signal was gone. "That's all we have. it seems Midas had at the end fallen off a cliff and bled to death. Sad story isn't it? The only thing I can say is. That Midas is dead. Full-on killed by somebody. We found his body... But it had no life. I rotted away a few weeks ago. I can say he's gone, Gabriel. Dwelling on the past only makes a person weak."

Slone's words started disappearing as I was torn to pieces... Dead?... No... It can't be... I felt my eyes fill with tears as I sniffed. "There there... No need to dwell. It happens. People die. You did it too. I bet Midas was just as torn as you are right now. You died a sad death, Gabriel. One faith gave you. I say you dwell this in for an hour before we continue." I felt a few pats on my shoulder I just cried in agony in that room. My heart shredded in a thousand pieces... I'm broken. How do I tell this to Jules and Lorenzo? HECK TO THE INTER TEAM!? They won't know what hit them! plus giving false hope is bad too... what am I supposed to do? I can't just!

"Oh. Hey. You don't look good." A man with tattoos and an eye mask came walking in. You okay? My name is Joey." "I- I niff... I'm okay now... Just... a bit shaky..." I said as he sat down. "just normal human emotions. We all have them." "I Just lost somebody... That I search months for! and they appear dead!... a person so close to me... That I lost... BECAUSE I'M AN IDIOT!" I cried. "Hey, hey. No need to blame yourself. Let's just try and calm down... Acceptance is the way to go. We can't hang around with this feeling we have a mission to do. Now Slone wants to meet you at Believer Beach. She says that going around and asking for some stuff should help." 

I heard him say. "Thanks... It... it could help..." I stood up. Drying off my face with my sleeve. My head hurts from all that crying. I Stood up and walked out of the barn. This whole farm has changed... I walked to Slone. "We got no time to Lose Dawn. We have to be somewhere. I stepped into the patrol car. And we drove off. "So Dawn Mind tell me how you hid that Monster." I heard Gunnar ask. "Weeping woods. Cellar. If you didn't follow your friend you would have found me." I saw him curse. Good for him. We drove for a while and I saw the mother ship. That thing is huge... "The cube Queen really wants the Zero point huh?" "Destroyed, yes." Slone finished. 

"We're here. Use this." She gave me a clipboard with multiple sheets. "I need you to do what you do best. interrogate people. Ask them simple-minded questions. These believers are dumb."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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