Chapter 25: Villains Mask in Laughter

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A month later...

Jules' POV:

Dad has had another access point to a Snapshot. But we think this one is not alone. But still, I wanna see it. And so does Dad. I am still calling Gabriel Dad because... It just feels right. Now I packed my stuff and waited on the beach. "There we go! You ready Dad." "Is Lorenzo sleeping?" He asks me. "Yes, he is. I double-checked." "Good. Now Let's go. I self had to mess with time to get this to work. But we need to be careful. We can not under any circumstance get in touch with ourselves. The snapshot version is fine, but I mean us from the past." 

He warned me and I gave him a nod before stepping into the portal. "Hm... Slurpy swamps?" I asked. "Most activity came from her So I advise-" We heard a loud bang before hearing a trio of voices laughing. "Well, that explains why Slurpy Swamps was destroyed. Could that be Father?" "I think so. Let's go." We quickly made our way over there. Slurpy Swamps was basically a war zone with all those C4s! Once they were gone I saw 3 people... Could I call it people? Wait... JOKER, POISON IVY! Wait... Could it be?! It looks more like a snapshot but sure. We stood there amongst the mist a man in Golden armor approached. 

"Midas?" I heard Dad say in a questioning tone. Veins erupted from the ground Strangeling Us. "WAIT! WAIT! We do not mean harm!" I heard Dad say quickly. "How can we trust you two?" Poison Ivy asked. The man in the golden suit took off his mask. This one looked even more like my Father! "HAHA! Look at that Rex. She could be your Daughter!" The Joker laughed. "Because I am! Maybe not your Daughter but I am the Daughter of Midas. "You got proof?" The snapshot asked. I quickly searched in my pocket and pulled out a photo. 

"Here!" I felt slowly being pulled down by poison Ivy. She took the photo. "Well, Rex. You do look handsome in this~" Ivy Joked. "Give me that." He snatched it away. I saw him look at it. "They... are speaking the truth. Let them go, Ivy." The snapshot asked. I was softly let go but she dropped Dad! "IVY!" I saw the snapshot Jump into action catching Gabriel. "HAHA! That was a circus act!" Joker laughed while biking on his tricycle. "Joker." The snapshot deadpans. But on the other hand, he seems a bit too focused on Dad.

"Hey, Jokerster. Seems like Rex has his eye on somebody." Ivy teased. "hey that's my Dad you are talking about. "Wait. The man with blond hair is your Dad? You have two?" Ivy asked me. "More like. Would have been my Dad anyway Dad." I explained. I saw Poison Ivy nod. "No wonder then, look."Poison Ivy pointed at The snapshot that seemed to call Himself Rex... Is he flirting with Gabriel?! I almost Laughed. "You're delightful to look at~"  "I uhm... Well..." Okay, that's It. Quickly before it becomes a thing! I walked over to them. 

"Why are you flirting With My Dad?..." I asked him as Rex backed off and went in denial. "No! No, I wasn't! What makes you think that Child?" "OH! Is that so? So holding my Dad's hand and telling him he's 'Delightful to look at~' Is not flirting?" I asked him. "I'm Just complimenting him! Can I not for some reason?" He looked me dead in the eye. "Hm~ Maybe! It's still my Dad!" I discussed it with him. "Dad we found another snapshot. I'm Gonna write this down." "Okay, Julzie. Nice to meet you all. Will get going now." "To where?" I looked back. "Not flirting with my dad hm?" I said as Rex stepped back. 

"Hope to see you all in the future." Gabriel waved them goodbye He and I went back to the rift haven. I hope so badly that Dad is okay... I'm getting more worried as we pay more visits. 

Months back.... the 15th of June... 2020

????? POV:

No... NO, NO, NO! This is not what should happen. Gabriel's body had transformed into a monster! I tried to get closer and the monster Screamed. A portal opened underneath me and I fell into it. I fell for a while My head started to hurt. I fell hard on my back. Did I fracture it?

What happened... What was that Flash? My head hurts. Swirling with thought. This wasn't supposed to happen... I stumble back to My feet. Everything hurts... What even is this place? Then a man with white hair and Glasses came up to Me... I first thought it was him... Gabriel... But he kicked me aside. It wasn't Gabriel at all. "Midas Gold Seigneur. We finally meet. It will be short tho... Sadly." I heard the man Laugh. Gaint Wings, red eyes, Pale skin... He looked nothing Like Gabriel. Gabriel had tan skin... Not Pale.

He took out his blade and I felt pain in my wrist. My drum gun was pulled off me and my Hand was chopped off. The vampire-looking guy kicked me a bit further and disappeared. I struggled to stand up. I held my wrist up and tried to stop it from bleeding. My hand was completely off. I just realized he cut off My wrist too! That fucker. I walked down the sandy ground I supposedly was on. This isn't the island... This is a different one... h-how...

My head started to pound heavier as The pain became worse. My body became numb as I stumbled backwards off a cliff. I bled out. Everything turned black. I... I can't... My body disconnected from my Soul. I have No idea where I'm going but the next second I woke... Up... OH shit anywhere but here... I'm in the underworld. I look at my clothes. Armor. Greek golden flower piece on my head. As I felt it... I'm in purgatory... The doors in front of me opened. 

Hades' Throne Room... I walked in softly, Hades then appeared on his death throne. "Midas... You came earlier than I expected. Killed by a time-traveling vampire. While you fell from a cliff. A glorious way to die for a King hm?" He spoke in his disgusting tone. "But alas. You died, and I'm gonna make you pay twice." "What? Why! I didn't do anything. The only promise we had was. That You brought my Daughter back and I would take her place." I yelled. 

"That is true. But you turned a Mortal into a GOD." "What?..." He looked at me. "Gabriel Mercury Dawn? Does that ring a bell? His soul has fused with that powerful orb. and he became a god because of it. CHEATING his way out of the afterlife!" Hades yelled in power. "He.. He's Alive..." "Sadly yes and you're going to pay for that. Cerberus! trow the man in the dungeon!" "Yes, you're Highness." I felt being dragged Away. My hand... still gone! Gabriel is somehow a god! and... what now...

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