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{Show: PDH season 1}

RING!!! RING!!! RI- 

I shut my alarm off and jumped up. "I'M AWAKE!" I exclaimed to the world.

I leaped off of my bed and opened my closet. It was my first day of my Freshman year in high school, and I was excited/nervous. I had no idea what to expect from high school and was completely unprepared. I was just hoping that I could make some new friends and score some good grades.

I grabbed my uniform in my closet, which I was sadly required to wear.

I slid on my uniform and looked into the mirror in the corner of my bedroom. The top looked fine. It was the skirt that was the problem. Why did it have to be so short; It's barely below my butt! Ugh, never mind, I guess I'll just deal with it. 

I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and H/L, H/C hair. I dashed down the stairs and out the door. I sprinted to the bus, hopped on, found a seat, and plopped down.


Once the bus doors opened and all the students exited the bus, I gazed up at the building. Phoenix Drop High. What a school.


On my way to my homeroom, I accidentally bumped into someone and fell on my butt. I looked up awkwardly and saw a boy with light brown hair. My E/C eyes got lost in his blue ones. 

"You okay?" He held his hand out for me to take. My cheeks morphed into a deep red. "Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." Why am I stuttering?! What is wrong with me?! I never stutter!

I grabbed his hand and stood up. He chuckled, running a hand through his perfect hair. "I haven't seen you around the school before. Are you new?" 

My stomach had butterflies inside and my cheeks were burning. "Y-yeah, i-it's my first day as a Freshman, actually." I chuckled nervously. "Well, I'm Laurence," He replied kindly. "I-I'm Y-Y/N." He smiled at me and my face turned into a tomato. 

"Want me to take you to your homeroom?" I nodded. He winked at me and took my hand. I immediately started to blush and turned my head the other way so Laurence wouldn't see the light pink dust caressing my face.

Once we made it to my homeroom, I looked down and noticed that we'd held hands the entire walk. I swiftly pulled my hand away and looked down at my feet, awkwardly rubbing the back of my neck. 

"U-uhm, t-thanks for t-taking me to my h-homeroom, Laurence." Stuttering?! Again?! He probably thinks I'm such a loser!

"It wasn't a problem." I looked up at him, embarrassed yet filled with strange joy. He smiled at me. We both looked up when we heard the bell ring. "I gotta get to my homeroom. Say, wanna hang out after school?" Laurence asked me politely. I swallowed nervously and nodded my head. He winked and ran off to his homeroom, yelling over his shoulder, "Catch ya later, N/N!"

Laurence's P.O.V

"I gotta get to my homeroom. Say, wanna hang out after school?" I asked Y/N. She nodded with a nervous yet glad expression. I winked at her and ran off, yelling over my shoulder, "Catch ya later, N/N!" 

I hid behind the hall I ran off to, to see her reaction. She looked stunned, then smiled. She walked into her homeroom while blushing like crazy. I turned around and trotted to my homeroom. Man, Y/N was something else....

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