The Claw Machine

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{Show: Mystreet season 1}

Dante and I had been dating for a year and how did we decide to celebrate our one year anniversary? We went to the arcade, of course! So there we were, browsing around the building, looking for fun games to spend our tokens on.

He beat me in some racing games, I absolutely annihilated him in Guitar Hero, we both had so much fun on the bumper cars, got yelled at by a Karen with her saying that we were too old to play in an arcade. Y'know, typical Karen stuff.

We were looking for a game to play when I saw it. The most beautiful, amazing, perfect thing in the whole world. My reflection. {Jk lol}

A claw machine with stuffed animals inside. I laid my eyes on a certain bunny burger and knew I just had to have it. {Picture below}

"Dante! Dante! Look at the adorable bunny!" I yanked on Dante's arm to grab his attention and his eyes averted over to the claw machine

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"Dante! Dante! Look at the adorable bunny!" I yanked on Dante's arm to grab his attention and his eyes averted over to the claw machine. "You mean in the claw machine?"

"Duh! Dante, can I get it? Pleeease?" I begged. I gave him the puppy eyes I knew he couldn't resist and he sighed. "Okay," He gave in with a smile.

We trotted over to the claw machine and Dante put the tokens in. My hands flew to the stick and I controlled the claw to get the bunny. My heart was pounding and my hand was shaking. The claw grasped the plush and both Dante and I gasped, who was watching me with his arms crossed.

Somehow, the bunny slipped from the grasp of the claw and it fell, landing in the plush pile of stuffed animals. The claw returned to the drop-off box and dropped nothing. "Crap," I muttered. My whole life flashed before my eyes when the plush fell, and I knew I had to get it no matter what.

The problem was, I sucked at it!

Since I was a kid, I'd had trouble with getting prizes from claw machines. I never knew how to do it. Not once in my entire life had I gotten a toy from a claw machine. But that day, I was going to change that. With the help of Dante.

Thankfully, he wanted to get me the plush willingly.

"Step aside and let the man do his work," He said. He stood in front of the claw machine while I stood off to the side. He put the tokens inside the machine. Dante maneuvered the claw for the bunny plush and grabbed it by the ear.

Of course, it fell and bounced as it hit the other animals. I sighed, a bit disappointed. The claw machines were expensive, and I didn't wanna waste all of our tokens on one toy. But Dante wasn't giving up.

"It's okay, N/N, I'll try again."

Once again, he managed to grasp the bunny but it rejoined its friends and we ended up empty handed. Over and over and over, Dante relentlessly tried to get the bunny but failed in the end. People were beginning to leave, we were running out of tokens, and we hadn't gotten the plush.

But did Dante decide to give up? Of course not. He once again failed to get the bunny and I sighed in defeat. "Dante, c'mon, it's fine, let's go. I'm hungry."

Dante looked away from the prizes and stared me dead in the eyes. "I'm not leaving this claw machine until I win that stupid stuffed animal you want... No, I don't care how much money it takes!"

"Dante, we literally used all of our tokens! There's no use!"

Out of nowhere, Sasha and Zenix walked up to us. Are they on a date...?

"What are you two losers losing at?" Sasha asked. "We're fine, thanks," Dante swiftly replied.

"I want that bunny," I answered her. I pointed to the bunny burger as Zenix and Sasha's eyes followed. Zenix scoffed and rolled his eyes. He walked over to the machine and slipped a token into the machine. He controlled the claw with ease and grasped the bunny burger.

Zenix stepped away from the claw machine with his hands in his pockets and Dante and I let our jaws drop to the floor. How had he gotten it so easily? The burger bunny was released from the claws grasp and I reached into the box to get it.

I squished it in my fist and looked up at Zenix. "How in the name of Irene did you manage to get that so easily?!"

"It wasn't that hard," He answered with a shrug. "Also, why are you two at the arcade together? Alone?" I asked. Sasha and Zenix immediately started to blush. Dante's phone let out a soft ding and he took it out of his pocket.

"Crap, Y/N we gotta get back."

"Fine with me. And Zenix," I turned to look at Zenix, "thanks."

He just shrugged and took Sasha's hand, intertwining their fingers. They trotted off and Dante and I exited the arcade with the bunny burger. "Those two are such a cute couple~!" I squealed. Dante wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "Yes, but not as cute as us." He kissed the side of my head and I giggled.

Even though we spent a lot of time trying to get a plush only for someone else to, I had a lot of fun and I loved Dante so much. And nothing could change my mind.

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