Thunderstorm {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by Basils_Flower_Crown. Hope ya like it}
{TW: It gets a bit ✨spicy
✨ at the end}
{Show: PDH season 1}

I was never a big fan of thunderstorms. They always scared me. I didn't like how there would be bright flashes of light and then continue with a huge bang that would practically make me jump out of my skin.

Dante was my best friend in the whole world. We were the best of friends and did everything together. So it was no surprise that I met Gene eventually. I did develop a slight crush on him but I knew that he'd never like me back.

One night, Dante's parents were out of town, so he invited me over to hang out. {Not like that, ya nasty}

We planned to chill on the couch with a bunch of junk food and watch a bunch of movies. Dante went out to buy the snacks and get the movies while I stayed home with Gene.

Soon after he left, a raging storm swept through and coated the town in rain and wind. Gene didn't mind, but me? I was ready to die.


I was curled up on the couch, nervously looking out the window. Rain was pouring down and slamming on the roof and into the window. Dark clouds loomed in and covered the sky.

Gene sat on the other side of the couch without a single worry, swiping through social media on his phone.

A bright light flashed and a large boom erupted through the clouds. I let out a little nervous squeak and Gene scoffed, setting his phone down and looking at me. "You're not seriously scared of a storm, are you?"

I wanted to be tough in front of Gene but my shaking voice gave me away. "N-no, of course not!" Gene raised his eyebrow at me and I sighed. "Yes. Well, a little."

Another large bang of thunder practically shook the house and I squealed and covered my head. Gene exasperatedly sighed. "Why are you so scared? It's just a storm," he asked.

I nervously looked out the window and back at Gene. "Storms have always scared me," I answered. Gene rolled his eyes and sighed. "There's nothing to be scared of."

My phone made a short ding and I picked it up. It was a text from Dante.

Srry N/N. I'll be gone for a bit cuz of the storm. Hang on, I'll be back soon

Gene scooted over to me and checked my phone. My hand was clearly shaking and my breathing slowly sped up. Gene put his hand over mine and took my phone away from me.

"There's nothing to be scared of," he said. "Well, there's the possibility of a tree getting blown apart or lightning striking the house and killing us," I snapped.

"Y/N, calm down. You're being irrational." Another boom of thunder sounded and I screamed. I flew into Gene's arms and buried my face into his neck and I wrapped my arms around him, squeezing my eyes shut.

Gene was clearly shocked and had no idea what to do. Awkwardly, he wrapped his arms around me and stiffly patted my back.

"Hey, uhh," Gene awkwardly began, "just calm down, okay?"

I felt a low rumble of thunder and whimpered, cuddling closer into Gene. By now I was on top of him and we were laying back on the couch. My arms were wrapped around him and my face was in his chest.

Gene had his arms wrapped around my torso and rubbed my back. I could feel his tense figure slowly start to relax into me and his strokes on my back became more soothing and calmer.

I listened to his steady heartbeat and began to focus on that instead of the raging thunderstorm outside. My eyes weren't so tightly closed anymore. Gene's hand that was rubbing my back slowly went up my body, sending shivers down my spine.

His hand went up into my H/C hair and twirled a thin strand between his fingers. I subconsciously hummed and cuddled closer to him, if that was even possible. I sat up a bit and straddled Gene's hips to get comfier. 

Gene tensed up a bit and sat up on his elbows. "Y/N, I...." He likes me, doesn't he? I thought to myself with a smirk. "You like me, don't you?" I asked. Gene rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Stop playing games with me Y/N," He scoffed.

Fine, I thought. I pressed my lips against Gene's and my left hand flew to the back of his neck, the other on his chest while Gene's hands roamed my back. Gene's hand slipped under my shirt and I let out a quiet moan....

And I'll let you continue that with your imagination 😂

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