Love Triangle {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{Show: Mystreet season 3}

Travis's P.O.V


I met her in high school and she became my world. So what if she didn't love me like I loved her? She was amazing. My everything. My will and reason to live.

We never started officially dating but I wish we had. After Mystreet was blown to pieces, everyone moved onto Lover's Lane. I lived with Dante and Katelyn lived with Kawaii~chan.

My love for her never faulted, not even for a moment.

That was, until Y/N moved onto the street.

She had beautiful H/C hair and gleaming E/C eyes, seemingly always filled with joy and laughter. She always knew how to slap a smile onto my face and made my day so much brighter.

That was when I realized that I was in a love triangle. Katelyn or Y/N? Y/N or Katelyn? Who to choose, who to choose?

Could I decide?

Katelyn, the blue-headed, strong, short-tempered girl who I'd known for ages?

Y/N, the H/C-headed, sweet, funny, cute girl who I hadn't known for long but made me happy?


I was sitting on the couch, scrolling through social media on my phone when a knock erupted from my door. Dante was out of the house doing something probably stupid so I was left alone.

I hopped up from the couch and answered the door.

Y/N stood there with her signature smile and her beautiful eyes sparkling. "Hey, Travis! I'm heading down to the ice cream parlor and figured you'd like to come?"

I didn't have any plans for the day so I figured, why not? Plus I got to spend the day with a cute girl that I liked so it was a win-win.

"Yeah, sure, I'd do anything with you, N/N." I added a wink at the end. To which Y/N giggled. "Get your shoes on, Travis! The ice cream is waiting for us!"

I slipped my shoes on and locked the door, exiting the house and walking with Y/N down the sidewalk. The ice cream parlor wasn't too far away so we walked side-by-side together, talking about random things.

Y/N was significantly shorter than me and I thought that it was hilarious that every step I took she would have to take two and she had to look up at me whenever we spoke.

We made it to the ice cream parlor, standing there in all its glory. Y/N cheered then made a random song about how much she loved ice cream and danced around. I laughed at her weirdness. {Gif below}

The sun gleamed down on her as she ended with a split and a giggle

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The sun gleamed down on her as she ended with a split and a giggle. "You're so weird, you know that?" I asked Y/N. She stood up and wiped the dirt off of her jeans.

"Yeah, that's one of my perks."

She skipped toward the door and held it open as she said, "Ladies first."

I walked into the ice cream parlor, and sitting there was Katelyn and Kawaii~chan. Katelyn was chuckling to herself because KC had ice cream all around her mouth.

Now, Y/N and Katelyn had a unique relationship. It wasn't that they were rivals, they just never really became friends like everyone else did.

Kawaii~chan turned in her seat and noticed us. "Y/N~Sama! Travis~Kun!" Katelyn saw us and waved at me.

KC jumped up from her seat and skipped over to us. She started talking to Y/N and, with no surprise, made KC laugh. Katelyn stood up from her seat and threw her long blue hair behind her shoulder.

She walked over to me and stood with her hand on her hip. I blushed. "Hey, Travis. What brings you here?" She asked. "I walked here with Y/N. She's the one who had the idea to come here," I answered.

Katelyn nodded. I looked over at Y/N and Kawaii~chan. KC was laughing about something that Y/N said. She moved her hands as she spoke and her E/C were practically glowing. She ran a hand through her H/C hair and looked over at me with a grin.

Katelyn was telling me about why Kawaii~chan had ice cream all over her face. She had one hand on her hip and the other was twirling a long strand of her beautiful blue hair.

Who to choose?


We were all at Aphmau and Aaron's house, playing random games. We all decided on playing Spin The Bottle. Katelyn wasn't there because she had to run some errands. It was Aaron's turn to spin the bottle.

He spun the bottle and it landed on Aphmau. Aphmau blushed and they kissed while everyone in the room applauded. This went on for some time until it was Y/N's turn.

She spun the bottle and it landed on Garroth.

Y/N and Garroth were like the siblings they never had. So it was definitely awkward for them to kiss. "Sorry, Garroth."

Y/N walked over to him and they kissed, which tore my heart into a million pieces. They pulled away with their faces flushed and red and Y/N returned back to her spot.

Eventually, the game was over and everyone went home. Y/N left the house and exited down the front steps. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I followed Y/N down the steps.

Y/N turned around and smiled at me. "Hey Travis, did you have fun tonight?" Y/N sweetly asked.

I nodded. We stood on the sidewalk facing each other with the light of the moon illuminating her beautiful face. In my peripheral vision, I saw Katelyn's car pull into her driveway and she stepped out.

"I had fun, too," Y/N said. "I'm glad you were happy. Good night, Travis." Y/N turned to walk away.

Y/N ending:

"Wait!" Y/N turned around and tilted her head to the side. I walked up to her and held both of her hands in mine. "Y/N, from the day I met you I've always liked you. No, loved you. I know you might not like me back but if you do, will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/N looked shocked, then smiled. "I like you too, Travis." She stood on her tip-toes and pecked my lips. "I'll see you tomorrow," She said, and walked back to her house.

Katelyn ending:

"Goodnight!" I called out to Y/N. I looked both ways before crossing the street and ran over to Katelyn and KC's house. Katelyn noticed me and waved.

I ran up the driveway and smiled at Katelyn while catching my breath. It's now or never, Travis!

"Katelyn, I know you know that I like you, but I really do. Like, a lot. If you could just give me one chance I promise you I won't disappoint. Please?"

Katelyn eyed me, then sighed. "Okay, one chance, Travis. You better not screw it up!" I pumped my fist in the air and screamed, "Yes!"

I'm weirdly proud of this one

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