Saving a Ro'Meave {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{TW: Kidnapping and blood}
{Show: Mystreet season 3}

I loaded in the final box from the moving van and set it on the floor. I stood up with a sigh and rested my hands on my hips, shrugging my H/C hair behind my shoulder. My brothers, Garroth and Zane, were helping me move into my new house.

Garroth was my older sibling and Zane was my twin, older than me by a few minutes. You might think of Zane as the dark, emo, full-of-hatred guy but with me we were best friends. We were both emo so that was something we had in common and we just naturally got along all the time.

Only bad thing? Zane was.... overprotective. You'd expect Garroth to be the most protective one because he's the oldest but Zane and I were twins and best friends, so of course he was a little overprotective of me.

Especially now that I'd moved onto a new neighborhood with a bunch of people he already knew the personalities of.
Some people he decided he would let slide, like Katelyn or Aaron. But others he didn't want me around whatsoever, no matter the circumstance. Travis fell into that category, sadly.

I'd already been introduced to everyone aside from Dante, Laurence and Travis. I didn't know it at the time but he told those three to stay away from me at all costs, saying, "He didn't want to let them infect me with their stupidity."

Laurence and Dante decided to stay away from me in fear of dying a slow and painful death from Zane but Travis was relentless. I heard my doorbell ring and my head turned to the door. "Who could that be?" I asked myself.

I stepped over the pile of boxes and made my way to the door. I opened it and there stood Travis, hand on his hip with a smirk. His smirk faded and his eyes widened when he saw me. "I guess she really is emo," I heard him mutter.

Which was true. I was wearing black shoes, black stockings,
{IDK what they're called} a black skirt that reached my knees, a black button-up shirt that had one of the buttons undone with black nail polish and black eye shadow. 
{I'm not emo so I'm not sure if that's what emos wear so if it isn't please don't kill me}

"Do you need something?" I asked.

Travis cleared his throat and put his smirk back on. "They say nothing lasts forever, so will you be my nothing?"
{I can't believe I just wrote that}

I awkwardly bit my lip and asked, "Was that supposed to be a pick-up line or a way to completely humiliate yourself because I believe you just did."

I heard someone come up behind me and I heard Zane ask, "Y/N, who's at the door?" I stepped aside so Zane could see and he gasped. Garroth muttered, "Uh-oh," under his breath as Zane practically growled at Travis.

He punched Travis square in the face, sending him tumbling backwards as Zane angrily yelled, "I told you and your stupidity to stay away from Y/N, Travis!" Travis peeled his hand away from his nose, leaving blood dripping from his nose and onto his hand.

I began to laugh at Travis and wrapped a loose piece of hair behind my ear. "Can you do that again?" I asked Zane in between my fit of giggles. Zane cracked his knuckles while muttering, "Gladly."

Travis's eyes widened and he ran down the street as Zane chased after him, both of them screaming at the top of their lungs. Garroth came behind me and rested his hand on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and, with a smile, he said to me, "Welcome to Lover's Lane, N/N."

This kind of stuff happened for months


I flopped onto my couch with a heavy sigh. Another day, another attempt of Travis trying to be with me and Zane attempting to murder him in cold-blood, I thought to myself. Athena walked over to me and jumped up on the couch next to me. She curled up beside me and closed her tired eyes. I reached my hand out and softly pet her dark fur as she started purring.

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