Friends With A Meif'wa

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{A/N: You're a Meif'wa and Ein is a normal student}
{Show: PDH season 2}

As I walked to school, I saw a few werewolves talking with each other. I also saw a quite attractive werewolf talking with them. He had black hair with a blue streak in it, piercings in his werewolf ears, and a tail swaying side-to-side. 

The werewolves turned around and looked at me like I was from a different planet. I could hear them whispering mean things about me. 

"Why is she looking at us? She's a Meif'wa." 

"Yeah, why does she think we'd be interested in being friends?" 

I sighed and sat on a bench, alone. I pulled a book out of my backpack and started to read. After a few minutes, I heard someone talk to me. 

"Mind if I sit down?" I looked up to see the attractive werewolf again. I closed my book and crossed my arms. "Why? Are you here to make fun of me for being a Meif'wa?" I snapped. 

"What?" He exclaimed. "Why would I do that?" I sighed and glanced down at my feet like they were the most interesting thing in the world. 

"Because all your friends did," I muttered. 

He sat down next to me. "I'm not like them. I wanna be friends. If that's too much to ask, then we don't have to be." 

I sighed, clearly showing I could care less. 

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Ein." 

Ein stood up and reached his hand out for me to take. I looked up at him and saw his lips curved upward into a grin. When will this dude learn that I just wanna be alone?! Ugh, I guess I should introduce myself. It's the nice thing to do

I shook his hand. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet ya, Ein!" We heard the bell ring and I stood up. "Wanna hang out after school?" Ein asked. I nodded, biting my bottom lip. 

He ran off with his werewolf friends. I heard them say things to him like, "You became friends with a Meif'wa?! Like, how?!" I ignored what they said about me and walked to class, twirling my hair while blushing like crazy. 

Do I like-like Ein? That's impossible, Meif'wa's and werewolves can't be together. But, maybe Ein's an exception?

~Time skip to the last day of school~

"Hey Y/N!" 

I turned around to see Ein. 

"Hi! You excited for summer?" Ein nodded, his tail wagging behind him. 

I started to pet his ears. His face heated up and he smiled softly at me. I heard his friends pretend to throw up behind me. I stopped, giggling.

 While we were talking about our plans for the summer, Ein's friends ran up behind me and yanked my tail! I screamed and leapt up into Ein's arms. He held me bridal style while we awkwardly locked eyes. 

He set me down and wrapped a piece of hair behind my ears, his hand lingering on my cheek before it rested at his side. 


"Well, time to get to class. See ya after school!" Ein ran off. 

I twirled my hair, thinking about him. Ein's friends walked up to me. "Hey guys! Excited about summer break?" They all glanced at each other. "Yeah! We're excited because we get to spend it WITHOUT. YOU." My grin faded away. 

"Wait- why? I thought we were all gonna hang out?" One of them scoffed. 

"Yeah, us werewolves are gonna hang out. We don't need a stupid little Meif'wa getting in our way! Now, beat it, cat!" 

They pushed me down hard and ran off. A single tear slipped down my right cheek. 

"You okay?" 

I looked up to see a boy with black hair and black eyes reaching his hand out. 

"Yeah, I-I'm fine." I put my hand in his and stood up. 

"I saw what they did to you. Don't listen to them. They're just a bunch of jerks. You can hang out with whoever you want. If they bother you again, come to me for help." He started to walk away, then turned around. "Also, my name's Aaron." I smiled. "Y/N." He smiled back and turned around, running to his class.


I put my books away and slammed my locker shut. Ein walked up to me. 

"Wanna hang out with my friends and I?" I looked behind him to see his friends glaring daggers at me. Should I? I saw Aaron walk by. He softly smiled at me, then continued walking. 

I glanced back at Ein and nodded. His friends growled at me, then stormed off. I sighed, looking down. 

"Something wrong?" 

He put his hand on my chin, making me look up at him. "It's just.... your friends never really seemed to like me, and I don't want to cause anything between you guys." 

He let go of my face as I glanced over at Aaron, standing in the doorway. He gave me another reassuring smile. Ein softly took my chin again and directed my attention to his piercing eyes. He spoke in the softest tone I'd ever heard. 

"I'd rather spend time with you being happy, than with them." He put his hands on my waist and kissed me. ON. THE. LIPS. I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him back. I heard Aaron cheering in the background. And I also heard.... 

Kawaii~chan? Fangirling? "I knew my ship would set sail!" 

I pulled away and looked at KC. She was jumping up and down while Aaron smiled at me. I returned the smile and looked back at Ein, my hands were still wrapped on his neck. "So, are you saying that you won't spend time with your friends anymore?" He sighed. 

"They've always been jerks. I think I was done with them since they started picking on you." I grinned and let go, running through the doors with Aaron giving me a thumbs-up.

This one is so freaking old holy crap

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