Mr. Bandana

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{A/N: You're 5 years old}
{Show: Mystreet season 1}

My best friend Aphmau and I were playing hide-and-seek together. I hid behind a tree as I heard Aphmau, the seeker, calling out my name. 

"Y/N! Come on out! I promise I won't hurt you!" She exclaimed in a sing-song voice. 

She peaked behind the tree and touched my arm. "I found you, Y/N!" She giggled. 

I joined her laughing as we ran over a bench where we'd start the game. "Aphmau, can you be the seeker again? I wanna hide!" She nodded her head and closed her eyes. "One, two, three, four, five....." 

Aphmau's words faded away as I dashed in the other direction, searching for a hiding spot. Suddenly, I felt myself falling down. Well, rolling down. I rolled down a hill and landed in a bush. I stood up and wiped the dirt off my clothes. 

"Where should I hide? Where should I hide? Where should I hide?" I thought aloud. 

"Psst! Over here! I know a good hiding spot!" I heard a voice. 

I turned around and saw nothing. Someone grabbed my arm and dragged me through the bushes. Before I knew it, I found myself in front of a lake, with massive trees surrounding me. 

"Where am I...?" 

I turned around and saw a little boy with a red bandana covering his eyes, with a red jacket and black shirt underneath. 

"I play here a lot. My daddy allows me to play here. But....." He slowly backed away from me. "I can only play by myself." 

He sighed sadly, turning around to walk away. 


He turned back around to face me. 

"Maybe we can be secret friends? Your daddy doesn't have to know." 

His lips curved upward into a smile. "I like the way you think. My name's Aaron!" He reached his hand out. "Y/N." I shook his hand. We talked for a little while until we heard, "Y/N? Where are you? I give up, I can't find you! Y/N!" I heard Aphmau call my name. 

"Sorry, Aaron. I gotta go. Meet me here tonight, okay?" He nodded. I smiled at him. "See ya later, Mr. Bandana!" I yelled over my shoulder and raced back up to meet Aphmau.

16 years later

I was walking out of the moving van with a heavy box in my hands. I was moving onto Mystreet! 

"Y/N! You're finally here!" 

I saw Aphmau dash over to me with 2 girls behind her, one with pink hair and Meif'wa ears, and another with blue hair. I set the box down and hugged my old best friend. "Good to see ya, Aph! Feels like it's been forever!" 

I broke the hug as I looked over at the 2 girls. I smiled warmly at them. "Oh! Y/N, these are my roommates! This is Kawaii~chan and Katelyn!"

They both waved at me. "Hi! I'm Y/N." I introduced myself. 

Kawaii~chan shook my hand. "Nice to meet you, Y/N~sama!" Katelyn playfully punched my shoulder. "Hope we'll have fun togethe-" 

She was cut off by a door opening. I noticed 4 boys walking out. One with blonde hair, one with brown hair, one with blue hair, and the last one with white hair. 

The white-haired one walked up to me. 

"Wow, I never knew what beauty was, until I saw you." He winked at me. 

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Someone pushed him aside. "Sorry about that. My name's Garroth," The blonde haired boy said, "and this is Laurence, Dante, and Travis." I shook all of their hands. 

"Nice to meet you all!" I saw Dante smile and wink at me. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. I heard footsteps approaching us. I looked over and saw...... No.... it couldn't have been.... Could it? 

I saw a boy with a bandana covering his eyes, with a jacket and black pants walking over to us. "Hey, Aph, do you know where-" He stopped walking and looked at me. "Y-Y/N?" I smiled and nodded my head. "Y/N!" 

He ran over and squeezed me in a hug, spinning me around. I squeezed back, laughing. "Oh, Y/N, I missed you so much!" He set me down. "I missed you too, Mr. Bandana." He chuckled. "I hope we can catch up on everything we've missed." I smiled and brought him in for another hug.

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