Forever Potions {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{Show: Mystreet season 4}

Everything was falling apart. Garroth, Aaron, Lucinda, Kim, Zane, Aphmau and I all came to the lodge to help fix it up. Unfortunately, things started to happen.

Currently, I was worried sick about what could be happening to my two brothers, Zane and Garroth. I was freaking out about why Kim was getting possessed by some ghost. I was stressed out about why Lucinda was acting weird and why her and Zane's eyes were green.

Most of all, I was afraid.

Why? Because standing there before me, was Ein. He was the one who caused all of the chaos. I was standing to the right of Aaron, who was clearly also afraid. I wasn't sure where Aphmau was.

As if she'd read my thoughts, Aphmau slowly descended the stairs wearing a blue belly shirt with blue and white off-the-shoulder sleeves. She had a blue skirt, and light blue leggings and blue boots with a black choker. {Picture below}

 The thing that stood out to me the most was that her eyes were green

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 The thing that stood out to me the most was that her eyes were green. Her eyes were normally hazel, but they were green. "A-Aaron...Her eyes are green," I whispered.

Aphmau stood beside Ein, who had an evil smirk on his face. Aphmau's face, however, was completely emotionless. Ein took out an emerald green potion from his dark cloak, the color similar to Aphmau's eyes, and I knew what was going to happen.

"No!" I jumped in front of Aphmau to save her from the potion. I felt the effects slowly start to take over me. I began to feel a strange obsession over Ein and a strange hatred towards Aaron.

"What did you do to them?!" Aaron screamed.

I looked over at Aphmau, who was filled with the same feeling as I was. Hatred and love. I couldn't hear what Ein was saying because I was deafened by a need to kill Aaron and be with Ein.

Finally, Ein gave Aphmau a knife and said two words to her. Words that would shatter me, but I couldn't do anything. "Kill him."

Aphmau looked over at Aaron and slowly started walking toward him. She kicked him through the cabin and followed him outside, toward the cliff. Aaron! I need to save him! Fight the potion, Y/N! Fight it!

I tried to fight and overcome the potion but it didn't work. The Forever Potion really did last forever. "Y/N," Ein said, so gently I wasn't sure if it was him.

I turned to look at Ein (Against my will) and stared at him, emotionless. He took slow steps toward me and looked my body up and down.

I was wearing a gray sweater with jeans and my boots. {Picture below}

Ein smirked, and softly kissed my chapped lips

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Ein smirked, and softly kissed my chapped lips. The potion made me rest my hands on his shoulders as he wrapped his firmly around my waist. I heard a British scream and pulled away from the kiss to look behind me.

It was Garroth. "Is that...."

"It's nobody," Ein said. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the stairs. We entered a bedroom and Ein closed the door behind us. He pulled me into a rough kiss while cupping my face with his hands. The potion made me wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back.

But I wanted to get away from him.

Garroth's P.O.V

I'd managed to escape Zane and found myself in front of a cabin. Y/N, Lucinda, Aaron and Aphmau were all missing. I saw Aaron being chased by Aphmau, who had a knife, up the cliff.

I was mostly worried about Y/N, my baby sister. She obviously wasn't with Aaron, so I figured she was inside the cabin. I ran as fast as I could to the cabin when I suddenly froze in place.

"Why can't I move?!"

I was so afraid of whatever could be happening to Y/N. She was forced into a relationship against her will with an evil person. I just didn't know.


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