Flirting {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by Shadow_9959. Hope ya like it}
{Show: Mystreet season 1}

I was moving onto Mystreet because my big sister, Katelyn, was living there with her roommates. I'd recently gone through a nasty break-up and wanted a reliable family member.

Katelyn and I had been best friends our entire lives, so she was definitely my go-to family member if I wanted to be with someone.

There weren't any available houses on the street, but Katelyn's roommate, Aphmau, said there was a guy down the street who didn't have a roommate. She said his name was Zane.

I was walking out of the moving van with a box in my hands, facing the cloudless and sunny sky. The sun beat down on me, making my H/C hair brighter.

Then, I heard her voice. "N/N!" I saw Katelyn running over with the happiest smile on her face. "Kate!" That was the nickname only I was allowed to use.

I set the box down and ran into her arms. "Oh, I missed you so much, Kate!" We squeezed each other so hard that both the air we needed was drawn away from our lungs.

We pulled away and she rested her hand on my shoulder. "Good to ya, sis," She said. "Wanna come meet my roommates?"

"She doesn't have to wait!" I heard a voice from a girl. I looked over and saw a girl with pink hair and Meif'wa ears, and another with raven hair. The raven-haired girl was the one who spoke.

She reached her hand forward and shook mine. "Hi! I'm Aphmau, the girl who introduced you to where you'll live?"

"Oh, hi! I'm Y/N."

The Meif'wa girl shook my hand, saying, "Kawaii~chan is very happy to meet Y/N~Sama!"

I smiled in return. "C'mon, let's go unpack your stuff at Zane's house," Katelyn said.


I rang the doorbell and waited for the door to open. Once it did, my breath was taken away. Standing there was a boy with pale skin, a dark mask, dark clothes, and black hair covering one of his blue eyes.

I socked Aphmau in the shoulder. "Ow!" She whimpered. "You could've told me he was hot!" I whispered.

Zane's face turned slightly red. "So you're the one who's going to be staying with me?" He asked. "Even his voice is sexy!" I said.

"Sorry, I didn't know your taste in guys," Aphmau replied.

His face heated up once more. He scratched the back of his neck, clearly flustered. His mask came down a little, showing a few of his freckles.

"Hey, your freckles are really cute."

"S-stop saying stuff like that!"

I smirked. So, he doesn't like flirting? Oh, he is going to be easy game.

"So, uh, Zane, are you always this hot? Or did I just come on a lucky day?"

Zane's eye(s) widened. "If I help you move your stuff in, will you stop annoying me?" He asked. I bit my lip, looking him up and down. "Fine, but no promises," I walked past him and whispered, "hottie."

I scoped out the house for my room and found an unoccupied bedroom upstairs. "Dibs!"

Zane's P.O.V

"Zane, looks like N/N likes ya," Katelyn said to me. "I can already tell letting her live with me was a bad move," I groaned. I made it seem like I hated the flirting Y/N was giving me, but I actually kinda liked it.

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