Rivalry {Request}

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{AN: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{TW: Blood and fighting}
{Show: Mystreet season 3}

I hated her. I hated her with all of my heart. I hated her with everything I had. Who? Aphmau. See, I knew Aaron since I was in kindergarten and we were best friends. But then he met Aphmau and suddenly, everything changed.

She was the one who got all the attention. She was the one who would spend time with Aaron. She was the one who was chosen as his lover.

As much as I felt I'd been betrayed by Aaron, I felt a harsh hatred toward Aphmau for stealing him. Yes, I sounded like an attention-seeking brat, but Aaron was the only friend I'd ever had.

And it doesn't feel very good to have your only friend taken away.

I was living on Lover's Lane by myself. I wish I could've shared a house with Aaron, but of course he shared a house with Aphmau. I wanted to punch her in the face so badly.

One person I was becoming friends with was Kawaii~chan. I'd rant to her about all of my problems and she'd listened. We actually got along pretty well. She knew about my situation with Aaron but we both knew there wasn't much either of us could do.

So there I was, walking my dog along the sidewalk in front of Aphmau and Aaron's house. We'd normally take this route and whenever I'd pass their house I'd speed up.

My dog, Tootsie, was friends with Alexander, Aaron's childhood dog who somehow came back from the dead. They played sometimes and I'm pretty sure they had romantic feelings for each other.

She was the cutest dog I'd ever laid eyes on. {Look at my IRL puppy 🥰}

I usually tried to avoid Aphmau and Aaron's house at all costs, but that's kinda hard to do when Aphmau was literally playing with Alexander in the front yard

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I usually tried to avoid Aphmau and Aaron's house at all costs, but that's kinda hard to do when Aphmau was literally playing with Alexander in the front yard.

"Oh, hey Y/N!"

"Great," I mumbled. I put on my best fake smile and turned towards her. "Hi, Aph!" I wish I could punch you right in your stupid face.

Aphmau trotted toward me with Alexander on a leash. Tootsie and Alexander immediately started to play. "So, how are you?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"I'm doing great! Aaron and I are doing better than I could've hoped!" I wanna rip your throat out so freaking badly.

"Y/N~Sama!" Kawaii~chan.

I turned and saw KC skipping over to us, along with Lucinda who was normally walking.

"Y/N~Sama, Kawaii~chan is surprised Y/N~Sama was able to maintain herself from hurting Aphmau~Senpai!"


"You want to hurt me?! Why?! What did I do?!" Aphmau exclaimed.

"KC! You weren't supposed to tell her!"

"Kawaii~chan didn't mean to make Y/N~Sama upset!"

"Hey, uh, what's going on out here?" Crap. It's Aaron.

Aaron walked down the steps of his house and stood on the sidewalk. "Do we have a problem?" Aaron asked.

"Aphmau and Y/N do," Lucinda answered. "Lucinda!" I scolded.

"Aaron~Kun, Y/N~Sama is upset because you chose Aphmau~Senpai over her. Y/N~Sama feels sad because Aaron~Kun was the only friend she ever had."

"Y/N...Is that true?" Aaron softly asked. "Y-yeah."

Everyone was silent for a moment. "Then there's only one way to settle who wins Aaron~Kun! Lucinda~chan, you know what to do!"

Lucinda took out her wand and said some witch crap that isn't important. What's important is that Aphmau and I were teleported to a giant boxing arena, filled with a bunch of other people in the stadium.

They were all cheering, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!"


I cracked my knuckles and lunged at Aphmau, connecting my fist with her nose. I felt the crunch and I knew I'd broken it. Blood streamed out from her nose and she was crying.

My knuckles were bloody and she was holding her hand out in front of her. "Please stop! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to steal Aaron from you!"

I kicked her side and she fell to the floor, wailing. I kicked her stomach and pulled her dark hair, dragging her closer to me.

"Wait! Stop!" Aaron climbed into the boxing arena and stood between Aphmau and I. "Y/N, if you wanted to be friends you could've just asked."

"Aaron, you don't understand, do you? I want to be more than just friends! I..I love you, Aaron! But you love her." I turned to Aphmau, who was holding her broken nose with one hand and her stomach with the other.

"Y/N, I'm sorry I never realized how you felt. I really am. Can we just be friends and end all of this?"

I pondered the question, then nodded.

We were soon teleported back to Lover's Lane. I didn't win Aaron's heart, but I won his friendship. And that was good enough.

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