Secret Admirer {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by Shadow_9959. Hope ya like it}
{Show: PDH season 1}

Garroth and I were the best friends of all time. Better than Minho and Newt, better than Spongebob and Patrick, better than Stiles and Scott. We met when we were literally new born babies.

Maybe that's because we were born in the same hospital and our moms knew each other. But that's besides the point. The point is that our friendship was like no other.

And I wanted it to stay that way.

Until the letters started coming.

Everyday, a new letter was in my locker. A new flirt, a new pick-up line. The worst part is that I had no idea who it was from! They just labeled themselves as, "Your secret admirer."

Of course, Garroth helped me narrow it down. We were down to a few details. They had blonde hair, blue eyes, and I've known them for a long time.

Could I figure it out? Nope. Garroth told me that I should figure it out on my own, so there I was in the library, trying to decipher who my secret admirer could be.

"Could it be...No, his eyes are brown. What about...No, I haven't known him for that long. Ugh, why won't you just reveal yourself?!"

"Still can't figure it out?" The all too familiar British accent rang through the silence of the library. The library was closed, but I knew the librarian and she let me stay.

"Garroth, can you please help me? I bet you know who it is and you're just not telling me!"

"I do know who it is, but he told me to not tell you anything. Y/N, all I can tell you is that he loves you more than anything in the world and would give up his life to be with you."

"Then maybe he should grow some balls and come up and ask me himself! Prom is coming up, and someone still hasn't asked me! So now I have to worry about being date-less to prom and figuring out who my freaking secret admirer is!"

Garroth crossed his arms. "You know, he doesn't have anyone to go with either, N/N. He said he really wants to ask you but he doesn't know how." He paused, a grin tugging on his lips.

"But, he said he wants to finally meet you at prom. Check your locker. You'll probably get more details."

With that, Garroth stood up and left the table, leaving me in awe. My secret admirer wants to meet me at prom? I don't even have a dress to wear!

I sat dumbfounded for a few more minutes until the librarian asked me to leave. I politely obliged and checked my locker. Lowe and behold, there was a note in my locker, telling me to meet him behind the gymnasium during prom.

I smirked and exited the school and ran back home as fast as I could. Once I reached my room, I picked up my phone and called my best friend: Aphmau.

Prom was tomorrow evening, and I needed some help to pick out a dress.


"No, that one's too long."

"That one is NOT your color!"

"Uhm, maybe not."

I was getting tired of trying on dress after dress and all of them not fitting me.

I was trying on a royal blue dress and stepped out of the stall to show Aphmau. Her face immediately lit up. {Picture below}

"Yes! Yes! Yes! That one totally fits you!"

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"Yes! Yes! Yes! That one totally fits you!"



"You think my admirer will like it?"

"He's gonna love it! C'mon!"

Aphmau intertwined her elbow with mine and we ran out of the mall.

"Aph! Wait! I still have to pay for the dress!"


I was awkwardly standing near the food table, alone. Everyone had their dates and I had no one. Aphmau came up to me with a confused face.

"What wrong, Y/N? Aren't you here to have fun?"

"I am, it's just....My admirer never gave what time I should show up."

Aphmau deadpanned. "He's waiting for you outside, N/N! Go!"

My eyes widened, and I stepped outside to the gardens. Exotic flowers filled the weeds and trees were growing everywhere.

"I was beginning to think you'd stood me up." A British accent.

I looked over at one of the benches and saw Garroth with a suit and tie with a cute smile.

"G-Garroth? What are you doing here?"

"Isn't it obvious? I'm here because I'm your admirer."

I was speechless. How had I not known? I giggled, then ran into Garroth's arms for a hug.

"I'm so glad it was you, Garroth."

I had WAYYY too much fun writing this and got a bit carried away with the whole prom thing

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