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{Show: PDH season 1}

I was walking down the halls of PDH and opened my locker. Once I got my books out, I saw the Shadow Knights walking up to me. 

They're never gonna learn to leave me alone, are they? 

Gene ran a hand through his hair. 

"Hey, tiger." I growled at him. "STOP. CALLING. ME. THAT." Gene scoffed at me. "Or what, tiger?" 

I saw Laurence glaring daggers at Gene from behind. 

"Leave my little sister alone, Gene." Oh! I forgot to mention, Laurence is my big brother. In case you didn't know, Laurence used to be a Shadow Knight, but he quit. He'd always told me to stay away from them, saying that they're nothing but trouble. But they wouldn't leave me alone!

Laurence grabbed my hand and dragged me away. Once we were far away enough for them to not hear us, he turned to me and put his hands on my shoulders. 

"Y/N, why do they-" 

He got cut off by someone grabbing my hand and twirling me away. Dante.....  He wrapped his arms around me as my arms crumpled into his chest. 

"Hey, pretty lady." 

He winked at me, with his stupid smile on his face. Okay, I said all these things about him because...... I secretly had a BIG crush on him. What's not to like? Blue hair, confident attitude, terrible pick-up lines; He's got it all! But I pushed him away and crossed my arms. 

"Dante, you are not helping right now. When have you ever?" I stormed off to my homeroom, leaving Laurence and Dante behind.

Laurence's P.O.V

I turned to Dante to see him with a bit of a sad expression on his face. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" He sighed sadly. 

"Y/N, she just..... Hates me." I put my hand on his shoulder. "She doesn't hate you, Dante." He shrugged my hand away. "But she does! Laurence, you know that I flirt with a lot of girls, but I really, really like Y/N. I just wish she felt the same for me..." 

He turned around and walked away. I've read Y/N's diary, and Dante is all she talks about. I really want to tell him, but I know Y/N would be very angry if she knew I was snooping in her room. Maybe I should just stay out of this and let them be. Maybe they'll drift together..?

~Time skip to December~ {Your P.O.V}

Tonight was the Christmas party, and guess what? Dante asked me to go with him! But.....


I walked down the halls of the school, when I suddenly saw everyone crowded around a billboard. I pushed through the crowd and saw a paper, saying that in a few days, there'll be a Christmas party. 

Someone snatched my wrist and pulled me out of the crowd. Once I was free, I looked up and saw Dante. 

"I'm so sorry! I just wanted to ask you about the party! I wanted to know if..... You'd like to go.... W-with me...." 

We stood in silence for a while, until I burst out laughing. 

"Hahahaha! Me? Go with you? Haha, Dante, you're funnier than I thought!" 

I walked away, but Dante ran up and stood in front of me, blocking my path. "I'm serious! Would you like to go with me or not?" I sighed, clearly annoyed. I wanted to say yes so, so badly. More than anything. 

But I huffed out the word 'No' and pushed past him and ran off. After I turned the corner, I ran to the nearest bathroom and cried, regretting my decision.

~End of flashback~

I decided not to wear anything fancy, instead I wore a sweater and jeans with my boots. {Picture below}

"Y/N! You ready to go?" 

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"Y/N! You ready to go?" 

I raced out of my room and sprinted down the stairs. Laurence wasn't wearing anything fancy either. I nodded my head happily, yet sadly. 

"Y/N, I know you don't have anyone to go with, so.... Will you go with me?" My face lit up and I smiled, nodding my head. We walked outside together and hopped into Laurence's car. We drove to the school, chatting about what might happen, and once we made it, we stepped out. The night was cold, and I could see my breath. 

I feel bad for girls who came with short dresses. 

Laurence and I made our way up to the school and walked to the gymnasium, where the party was taking place. The room was filled with lights, and music, and food, and people. But the first thing I noticed was....... Dante. He was leaning against the wall, alone. That's.... Unlike him..... 

"You should go talk to him." 

"Laurence, I-" 

Laurence cut me off by pushing me towards Dante. He also wasn't wearing anything fancy. 

"H-hey Dante." He looked up at me and his face lit up. 

"Hey, Y/N. I didn't expect to see you talking to me." I chuckled a little, looking down as I twirled my hair around my finger. 

"You look really cute when you do that." 

I looked up at him and smiled. 

*Cough* *Cough* 

We looked over at Laurence, trying to get our attention. He pointed up and Dante glanced upward. He smirked as I looked up in horror to see..... Mistletoe. 

"D-Dante..." He grinned as he pulled me closer to him. I looked down, my face as red as a tomato. 

I'm finally gonna kiss my crush! Thank you Laurence! 

I looked back up at Dante and saw a hint of blush across his face as well. It looked cute. I put my hands on his shoulder as I fluttered my eyes closed and started to kiss Dante. We eventually pulled away for something called "Air."

 Dante blushed a tint more, putting his hand on my cheek. "I expected you to pull away quicker." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Dante, isn't it obvious? I really, really like you. I always have." 

His eyes lit up with joy as he picked me up and spun me around. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He set me down and I hugged his neck. "Yes! Yes! Yes! A million times yes!"

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