A New Member

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{A/N: For my little sister, Lainee}
{Show: PDH season 1}

"Wake up, ya lazy!" 

Sasha, my big sister, came into my room and smacked me in the head with a pillow. 

"What the- Hey! Sasha, get out of my room!" She rolled her eyes, smacked me in the head one more time, and then left my room. 

I got dressed into my uniform and raced out of my room to the stairs. I saw Sasha talking to her friends, Zenix and Gene. I'd never told anyone, but ever since the first time I'd laid eyes on Gene, I'd had a MASSIVE crush on him.

"Zenix! Gene! (I blushed when I said 'Gene') What are you guys doing here so early?" I reached the bottom of the stairs and Gene smirked at me. My face would've put a tomato to shame. "We were planning on skipping school today. Wanna join?" 

Usually, I would've declined and smacked him across his face.... But this was Gene we're talking about! "Y-yeah! S-sure! I'll tag along." He smiled. "Good. Now go change and meet us outside." 

I raced up stairs and changed into a F/C T-shirt and jeans. I sprinted down the stairs and followed them outside. Before I knew it, we were at the park. Zenix decided to speak up. "Ugh, this place is so bland." Sasha and Gene agreed. Everyone turned to me with an evil grin. 

"W-why are you guys looking at m-me?" Gene handed me a bottle of spray paint. 

"See that wall over there? (He pointed to a brick wall) Go spray paint it with our logo." 

My jaw dropped. "WHAT?!" He covered my mouth and brought me under a tree. Gene touched me! "Shut up!" He whispered-yelled. 


 He sighed deeply. "Just get it over with." He pushed me over to the wall. Zenix showed me a reference picture, and I sprayed it on the wall. 

I stepped back when I finished, and Gene looked at it with squinting eyes. Finally, he turned to me and said, "Not bad. Say, wanna come over to my house tonight?" I practically almost fainted. "Y-yeah." I said, trying not to sound too desperate. He smiled softly.


Gene and I walked over to his house, laughing with his arm slung over my shoulder. 

Sasha and Zenix already went home, so we were alone. The sunset looked beautiful, gleaming around the trees and onto our faces. We did a lot. Went to the arcade, chased each other around at the park, ding-dong-ditching people, and finally, walking together to Gene's house. When I opened the door, I saw Dante and Travis hanging out playing video games on the couch. 

"Gene! Y/N! There you guys are!" Travis exclaimed. They stood up and walked over to us. "We're gonna hang out in my room. See ya losers later." Gene and I walked up the stairs and opened the door to his room. 

You'd expect a bad-boy Senior to have a room that looked like all the garbage in the world was dumped into it, but Gene's room looked neat and everything was put away. "Wow, Gene, your room looks......clean." He chuckled and closed the door. He slowly walked over to me, running a hand through his hair. 

"Y/N," He sighed, "I hope you don't mind, but......" He suddenly grabbed my wrist with one hand, and put his other hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him, and kissed me. 

My eyes widened in surprise, but flutter closed as I put my free hand on his chest. "Hey guys, are you-" Travis and Dante opened the door in shock. I pulled away from Gene quickly, realizing what I'd done. 

"I see you two are...... busy......" Travis slowly closed the door and walked down the stairs. "Y/N, I......" Gene rubbed the back of his neck. I smiled while looking down. "It's fine. Really." I glanced up at him as he smiled as well. He doesn't know how long I've wanted to do that....

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