Moving {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{B/N=Brother's name. B/N/N=Brother's nickname}
{Show: Mystreet season 3}

Aaron and B/N were my brothers. Melissa was my sister but we weren't as close. Aaron and B/N were twins while I was the youngest sibling.

Those two were always looking out for me and always wanted the best for me. We did everything together and nothing would be able to keep us apart. B/N decided to travel the world when we got older so I didn't see him much.

Aaron went off and spent his time with Aphmau and all of her friends. I stayed in an apartment a few states away from Aaron. It's easy to tell that we all went our separate ways. Of course, Melissa still worked with our parents and their business.

I was living my life happily. Everything was fine and nothing seemed to go wrong. That was, until I was forced to move out of my apartment. I had no idea where to go. I couldn't stay with B/N because he was traveling all the time and I wasn't much of a travel person.

However, I was sure Aaron wouldn't have minded if I'd moved in with him on Lover's Lane. I didn't wanna disturb him and Aphmau so I decided, why not find a roommate? There were plenty of options to choose from and I tried to live with Kawaii~chan and Katelyn but I soon learned that our personalities would clash and things wouldn't have worked out. 

I did have to make do with them for a little while until I did find a house.

I wanted to be in a familiar environment with people that I'd known so I limited myself down to two houses: The house with Laurence, Garroth, and Zane. Or the house with Dante and Travis. Aaron was friends with them and we'd met up a few times together.

I knew all of them pretty well and we were average friends. But whose house could I have chosen? How was I supposed to choose between them? I was going to find out eventually, but little did I know that all of these boys had crushes on me.


Aphmau was busy running errands with KC and Katelyn so Aaron invited me over to his house. I was scrolling through social media on my phone while I walked on the sidewalk over to Aaron's house. "Hey, Y/N!" 

I looked up and saw Garroth and Laurence. I smiled at them and waved. "Hey guys! What are you two up to?"

Garroth answered me, saying, "Have you decided which house to-"

Laurence jabbed his elbow into Garroth's ribs and quietly muttered, "Let me handle this." Laurence walked up to me with a smile and a light blush dusting his face. 

"Hey, so, I was wondering if you have any hobbies you like? And if you do, are they normal or not? Because, if you move in with us, we won't judge you."

Laurence finished with a bright smile and left me chuckling. "Well, I take guitar and art classes and whenever I have spare time I like to go to the library and read. That's not too exotic, is it?"

Garroth pushed past Laurence with an even more noticeable blush and said, "Not at all!" I giggled at both of them and glanced down the street, at Aaron's house. "It was amazing talking with you guys but I gotta get going." 

I maneuvered my way past the two and started walking down the sidewalk. "Wait! Have you decided where you'll be moving in?!" Laurence yelled. "I'm undecided!" I yelled back. I trotted down the sidewalk and looked both ways before crossing the street.

I crossed over to Aaron's house and knocked on the door. I heard yelling and crashing noises come from inside the house and I was genuinely concerned about what was happening. That was until I saw Aaron out of breath with his hair standing in different directions and he was leaning on the door for support. What was he doing in there?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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