Pick-up Lines {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{Show: Mystreet season 1}

Garroth was my twin brother and I loved him more than anything in the entire world.

So when he invited me to move onto Mystreet, what do you think I said? I said yes, of course! So there I was, in the moving van hauling a box out of the truck and into my new house.

Garroth's other roommates and a bunch of people who were also living on the street introduced themselves and helped me move stuff into the house.

A white-haired boy walked up to me. I stood in front of him and decided to introduce myself. "Hi! I'm Y/N. I heard my brother had a roommate with white hair. I'm guessing that's you?"

The boy nodded. He ran a hand through his hair and his eyes looked my body up down as he nodded, biting his lip. "Name's Travis. Hey, did it hurt?"

I was confused, and started checking myself for bruises or scars. "Did what hurt?" I asked.

"When you fell from Heaven?"

I was definitely taken by surprise. I wasn't expecting Garroth's roommate to be a flirt! But I was a flirt my whole life, so I decided to shoot something back at him.

"No, but I scraped my knee crawling out of Hell. Say, have we met before?" Travis was very confused. "No, I don't think so."

"Really? Because you look exactly like my next boyfriend."

Travis's face turned pink. His lips suddenly curled into a smirk. "Game on, then," He replied. He walked past me to the moving van to get another box.

Of course, he didn't leave before giving my butt a smack. That one I should've seen coming. I could already tell that we were gonna get along just fine.

I walked to my house and placed the box in my hands on the floor. Garroth and a boy named Aaron were inside. "Hey, is that Travis guy always that flirty?"

Aaron and Garroth locked eyes. Garroth looked like he was filled with anger while Aaron looked like he was filled with fear.

"Nobody flirts with my baby sister," I heard Garroth grumble. He stormed out of the house and slammed the door behind him. Aaron sighed and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"I'm sorry, Garroth can be really overprotective sometimes. I suggest we probably save that guy before Garroth kills him."

"Agreed," Aaron replied.

We both dashed out of the house to save Travis's life before Garroth gets the chance to murder him. Thankfully, Dante and Laurence were holding Garroth back.

"Garroth!" I exclaimed. I ran up in front of him and looked into his piercing blue eyes. "I just moved in here and you already wanna kill people? It was just a simple flirt; Let it go! Do you really think mom would want you to treat your roommates this way?"

Garroth sighed, then managed to escape Dante and Laurence's grasp. "I'm sorry, N/N," Garroth mumbled.

We finished moving boxes into my house without any casualties, thankfully. By the time I had my top-priority stuff unpacked and I had a place to sleep and ordered pizza for dinner, it was about 9:30 PM.

Travis and I were hanging out and laughing, just having a good time together. Travis picked up his phone and checked the time. "I should probably get back home before Garroth decides to kill me for being alone with you."

He made his way to the door and before he could leave, he turned to me and said, "Also, Y/N, did your license get suspended for driving all those guys crazy?"

Travis left the house leaving me as a blushing mess. I chuckled, wrapping a piece of my H/C hair behind my ear. Game on, Travis. Game on.

Months later

Travis and I had been at each other's throats for the best pick-up line. But I decided it was time to settle it once and for all. A pick-up line war at my house to settle who was the better flirt.

I called Travis and asked him to come over to my house at 6:30 PM for a pick-up line war.

He obliged, and I waited for when he would show up. I got all of my pick-up lines ready and was prepared for battle. At exactly 6:30, Travis knocked on the door.

I opened it and there he stood with his hands in his hoodie pockets. "Ready to lose?" I asked with a smirk.

"I should be telling you that," Travis replied. He stepped into my house and closed the door behind him. I led him into the living room and prepared for battle.

I faced him with my hands on my hips and he faced me with his arms crossed.

I cracked my knuckles. "Shall we begin?" I asked. Travis nodded.

"Do you have a band-aid?" I asked. "I scraped my knee falling for you."

Travis smirked. "You can delete the dating app," he said, "I'm here."

Ugh, cringe. I can do so much better.

"Do you wanna touch my shirt? It's made of girlfriend material." Travis chuckled. "Why not?"

He walked over and rested his hands on my hips, pulling me into his chest. I rested my hands on his shoulders. Our lips were inches apart. "Aren't you tired from running through my mind all day?" Travis whispered.

I smirked. "Aren't you tired of not being alone long enough to kiss me?" I replied.

"Now clearly isn't one of those times," He answered. As I expected, Travis crashed his lips into mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his silky, white hair.

Travis had a firm hold on my hips. I probably wouldn't have pulled away for a little while if it wasn't for air. Travis and I were beaming. "Did you just come out of an oven? Because you're too hot to handle," I whispered.

Travis smirked and let go of my hips. "How about this: We keep our relationship a secret from everyone and we announce to everyone that you gave up and I'm crowned the winner?"

"What?" I exclaimed. "Yes, I agree with the first part but you aren't the winner!"

Travis rolled his eyes and made his way to the door. "Same time tomorrow for a re-match?" He asked.

"You're on!" I answered.

He chuckled, sent me a wink, and left the house.

I flopped down onto the couch grinning like an idiot. What a hottie.

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