Valentine's Day

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{TW: Extreme clicheness and over-the-top cheesiness/cringe}
{Show: PDH season 1}

"Y/N, truth or dare?" 

I was at a sleepover at Aphmau's house, with Kawaii~chan, Katelyn, Lucinda, Aphmau, (Obviously) Nicole, Cadenza, and myself. Lucinda asked me the question. 

"Uhhhmm, truth!" Lucinda smirked her signature smirk. "Who's your crush?" 

Everyone's eyes darted over to me as my face turned beat red. Who was my crush? "Gee, I'm not sure I have one." I said nervously, rubbing the back of my neck. "Y/N, tell us! We won't tell anyone, we promise!" Aphmau begged.

 I sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay, I have a teensy, little, and I mean little, crush on Garroth." 

Everyone gasped. I'm just glad that Ivy wasn't here. She yelled at me whenever I had tried to talk to Garroth, usually saying something like, "Gerroth Ro'Meave is my boyfriend! Lay off of him!" 

Everyone started laughing at me. "Seriously? Garroth? I thought he had a crush on Aphmau." Katelyn glanced over to Aphmau. Her face heated up. I chuckled a bit. 

"Kawaii~chan thinks that Y/N~sama and Garroth~kun would make for a great ship!" Kawaii~chan happily replied. Of course she would. "Kawaii~chan thinks that Aphmau~senpai and Aaron~kun would be a better ship than Aphmau~senpai and Garroth~kun!" 

We all started to laugh as we continued the dares and truths.


As I made my way to school, I saw Garroth talking to Laurence. I met up with them and joined their conversation. We heard the bell ring after a few minutes. "Looks like we better head to class," Garroth said. 

His voice made me blush. He glanced over at my red face and chuckled. "C'mon, let's go, Y/N!" He grabbed my hand as we trotted to our class. We had first period together. 

Garroth has been my friend for longer than I can remember, and my crush on him is always growing. I wonder if he feels the same way about me..... 

Valentine's Day without a valentine was really getting to me, one of the things I had to admit while playing T or D at the sleepover. Later that night, I'd heard Aphmau talking with Garroth on the phone. I didn't hear what they were talking about, but I heard the words "Park" and "Fancy" and "Girlfriend." I didn't know what it meant at the time.


We reached our class and we sat down together. "Wanna hang out with me after school?" He asked. My face heated up again, if that was even possible. I nervously smiled and nodded my head.


After school, Garroth and I walked home. When I got to my room, I yeeted my backpack onto my bed. I heard my phone ding, and I picked it up. 

Garroth texted me to meet me at the park at 7:00, and he told me to change into a dress. At 6:45, I changed into a baby pink dress and thoroughly brushed my H/C hair. {Picture below}

I walked to the park wondering why Garroth had invited me

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I walked to the park wondering why Garroth had invited me. I made it to the gazebo on the lake, where Garroth and I usually hung out, and I gasped. 

There were fairy lights hanging above me, with fall leaves decorating the floor. The lake had the most beautiful sunset reflecting off of it, and I saw Garroth in a suit and tie. 

"Garroth.... You did this?" 

I glanced at his sparkling blue eyes in awe. He chuckled and nodded, smiling. He held his hand out, and I took it, blushing. His face was red too. 

"Y/N, you look..... Stunning," He muttered. I smiled and looked down. He softly grasped my chin and I looked up at him. My face was a tomato. 

He's looking at me funny. What is he gonna do...? Before I knew it, Garroth let go of me and placed his hands at my waist, pulling me into a kiss. 

Garroth Ro'Meave is kissing me! What do I do?! What do I do?! What do I do?!

My eyes were wide open, not knowing what was happening. A few seconds later, I wrapped my arms around his neck and my eyes fluttered closed. I pulled away for air after a few seconds and I looked up into Garroth's shining ocean blue eyes.

 He smiled warmly at me. I smiled back. "Y/N! I thought I told you to leave Gerroth alone!" I turned around in horror to see Ivy. 

"Ivy? Is something wrong?" Garroth asked, walking away from me and next to Ivy. "I thought you liked me!" She turned around and scampered off. "Ivy! Wait!" Garroth ran after her.

Garroth's P.O.V

I chased after Ivy as she sat on a bench and cried. I sat down next to her and hugged her. "Gerroth, why were you kissing Y/N?" She said through tears. 

"Because... I like her.... A lot." She looked up at me with a tear-stained face. "B-but I th-thought you l-liked m-me!" I bit my lip. I liked her as a friend, but I didn't know how to tell her. "Ivy, I do like you, but not like that. I've liked Y/N since.... Ever." 

I heard someone walk over and I looked up to see Y/N with a guilty look on her face. "Ivy, I'm sorry I kissed Garroth, and if it makes you feel this way, then I won't kiss him ever again." I stood up. "You.... you don't have to promise that," I told her. 

She looked at me, blushing heavily. I cupped her face in my hands and kissed her. She pulled away and looked up at me with a thankful smile. We turned to see Ivy but she was gone. Y/N glanced back over at me and I kissed her on the forehead and smiled. 

"Was this about Valentine's Day?" Y/N asked. I chuckled and nodded.

We didn't make it official, but Y/N and I were each other's Valentine's and started dating that day.

I'm sorry this was so cliche, I wrote this a while ago and my writing was extremely awful

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