Just A Hang-out

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{A/N: F/M=Favorite Movie}
{Show: PDH season 1}

Dante is my older brother. Sad, I know. And it gets worse. Because he's a player, of course he'd be friends with one as well. One like Travis. I knew for a fact I was his main target. He never left me alone, and just annoyed me. It made me wanna throw up. So I bet he was gonna flirt with me again. 

I opened my locker, grabbed my books, and of course, Travis slammed my locker shut with a stupid smirk on his face. "I'm here, now what are your other two wishes?" I'd heard Dante use that one before. It didn't end well. 

"Travis, for just one second, can you puh-lease leave me alone?!" I speed-walked away from Travis while hugging my books. Ugh, he's so desperate. Why won't he just target someone else for once?! 

I heard him talking to someone and I turned around. A girl, most likely a sophomore, with blue hair was talking to Travis. She got angry and punched him in the stomach really hard, which made him wince and fall. I gasped and rushed over to help. 

"Travis! Are you okay?" He looked up and smiled through the pain. "I am, now that you're here." He put on his disgusting smirk again. I pretended to throw up and rolled my eyes afterward. 

"Do you want me to take you to the nurses office?" He shook his head. "I'll be fine." I helped him stand up and the first period bell pierced in our ears. "I gotta go. See ya, Travis!" I yelled over my shoulder.

Months later {Travis's P.O.V}

I couldn't believe she said yes. Y/N was finally going on a date with me! Well, not much of a date. We were gonna watch a movie at my house. 

I rang the doorbell and Y/N answered. She was wearing an off-the-shoulder F/C top, with ripped jeans and her H/L, H/C hair was curled. I felt my face heat up. 

"Remember, Travis, this is just a hang-out. I don't want anything 'funny' going on," She warned me, stepping out of her house. "U-uh, r-right! Let's go!" Did I just.... stutter? Dante gave me a thumbs up while Gene rolled his eyes.

Your P.O.V

When we entered Travis's house, it was actually cleaner than I expected. He switched on his TV and typed something in. "Close your eyes," He told me. 

I closed my eyes. After a few seconds, I heard Travis. "Open," He said. I looked at the TV and saw F/M playing. "Travis.... How did you..?" 

Travis softly chuckled. "Know? Dante told me." I smiled and wrapped my hair behind one of my ears. I sat down and my face heated up. He's actually not as bad as I thought.... 

"Well? Wanna watch the movie or stare at me?" His green eyes gleamed at me when I realized I zoned out. "Oh! I, uh, I was, just, umm-" Travis smiled at me, turning on the movie. 

About 30 minutes in, he did the yawning trick. I was too focused on the movie to realize I scooted closer next to him. About an hour through the movie, I fell asleep on Travis's shoulder.

Travis's P.O.V

An hour through the movie, Y/N fell asleep on me. I cuddled her close and stroked her silky H/C hair. She cuddled closer to me in the form of comfort, so I continued doing it.

After the movie, I picked Y/N up bridal style and carried her to my room. I'd figured I could text Dante that she'd be sleeping over at my house. 

I carefully laid her onto my bed and pulled her under the covers as her eyes slowly fluttered open. "I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" She nodded sleepily. "You fell asleep halfway through the movie." She shot up as fast as lightning and stared at me. "What?" I laughed a bit. "We can finish it tomorrow, N/N." I leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. 

Her face turned into a tomato as her hand quickly flew to her cheek. I turned around and walked downstairs with a victorious look on my face.

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