Baseball {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by Shadow_9959. Hope ya like it}
{Show: PDH season 1}

I was always the introverted kid at school. The one that basically never spoke and always uttered words in a soft voice whenever they did. I had average grades and practically no friends. There was this one girl named Aphmau who would never stop bugging me about wanting to be friends but I didn't want any friends.

Why would I?

For others, friends are people you can spend time with and have fun with, but for me friends were distractions from doing things that were actually important. I had a turtle named Scooter and he was all I needed. He was the best turtle in the world and I loved him so much. {Picture below}

{A/N: I got the name Scooter from my aunt, who has a turtle named Scooter}

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{A/N: I got the name Scooter from my aunt, who has a turtle named Scooter}

I was a Sophomore in high school and tried my best to let everyone around me forget I existed. And honestly, it worked. Not a single person at that school acknowledged my existence. Well, except for the teachers and Aphmau and this one boy with blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

His name was Garroth Ro'Meave.

Girls my age were always talking about boys and their boyfriends but I didn't need friends so why would I need a boyfriend? Garroth Ro'Meave had never interacted with me, but I would catch him staring at me sometimes. He would always look away whenever I caught him.

I was so confused as to why he was even paying attention to me while he had all these fangirls drooling over him. Why did he pay attention to me?

Something I noticed about him is that his best friend was always with him and his name was Laurence Zvahl. He had brown hair and blue eyes. I could hear them talking and I would hear them say, "Y/N," a lot. Why would they be talking about me?

Garroth was captain of the baseball team so that was another reason for the girls to be chasing him around. I was never interested in sports so I never attended any of the games or watched them on TV, I would just hang out with Scooter.

And that was fine with me.


I sighed and opened my locker. I grabbed my Math book and slammed my locker shut as fast as I could before she would come. I began to speed-walk away when I heard her squeaky voice. "Hey, Y/N!"


Now, so far you would probably think I'm one of those students that hates everyone and everything but you'd be wrong. I was just shy.

Like, extremely shy.

So a stupid potato always trying to be friends with me really didn't help and made me a bit defensive and though others would say I was being rude, it was just my way of hiding myself in my shyness.

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