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{A/N: F/F=Favorite flower}
{TW: Extreme cringe}
{Show: PDH season 1/Mystreet season 3}

I could still remember when Laurence and I first met each other.


I dashed through the halls of Phoenix Drop High, desperately searching for my homeroom. It was my first day as a Freshman, and I was already lost.

"Yes! That's the classroom!" I cheered.

I burst through the door and stood in the doorway. My H/C must've looked crazy and my E/C eyes must've been wild.

"Ms. L/N, you're late."

"Sorry Mr. Ben Dover, navigating through those halls is like navigating the Maze!"

"Your mother warned me about your obsession with The Maze Runner," Mr. Ben Dover grumbled.

"Ms. L/N, please sit down next to Mr. Zvhal. Mr. Zvhal, please raise your hand."

I looked around and saw a boy with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes raise his hand and softly smile at me. All the girls in the room were gawking at him.

I awkwardly sat down next to him and somehow tuned out the rest of the class. "Hey, I'm Laurence. What's your name, cutie?"

"First of all, never call me that again or I'll rip your throat out with my teeth. {Derek Hale 😍} Second of all, it's Y/N."

"Okay, if I can't call you what you are, can I call you N/N?"

I chuckled. "That's what my brother calls me. Sure, I guess."

"I think we're gonna be great friends, N/N."

"Yeah, I think we are."

~End of flashback~

I could still remember when Laurence asked me to be his girlfriend.


My big brother had moved away to the other side of the country for college, and I was devastated. We were best friends and now he was gone.

Our favorite place to hang out was under a special tree at the park. We did everything there. And now he was gone, and I wouldn't see him for a little while.

But even a little while seemed like forever to me.

I was currently sitting under our special tree with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms hiding my head. No one could see my face, but I was bawling into my knees as silent as a mouse.

"Hey, you okay?" I looked up to Laurence, my best friend in the whole world. Lately I'd been developing a crush on him, but I didn't think he'd ever choose me out of all the fangirls he had at school. He was wearing a white hoodie and jeans with brown boots.

My puffy E/C looked up at him with tears still streaming down my cheeks and leaking into my shirt. I was wearing a F/C V-neck with jean shorts and my sneakers.

"N-not re-really."

Laurence sat down next to me and pulled me into his chest, softly rubbing circles into my back. "Y/N, just because he left for college doesn't mean you won't see him again," Laurence reassured me. "And if it makes you feel any better, you. A lot."

I pulled away from our hug and looked up at him. It was late evening, and there weren't many people at the park. So Laurence and I had our privacy.

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