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{TW: Kidnapping}
{Show: Mystreet season 4}

I woke up with a pounding headache and a feeling of nausea. I looked around the dark room, confused. Where am I? Why do I feel so sick? What happened? I gasped. I remembered.


I was with Aaron, Garroth, Kim, and Lucinda at the old lodge to fix up. Strange things had been happening. Someone and a bunch of wolves had broken into our house, and I was getting a cold and unsettling feeling about the place.

I was sitting in my bed reading a book when someone knocked on my door. "Come in," I said. Aaron, my twin brother, walked through the door. "Hey, I found this on our doorstep."

Aaron showed me a box with my name sloppily written on the lid. "Did you open it?" I asked, setting the book aside.

"No. Kim found it, actually. She thinks it's something that could kill you. But we both know how Kim is feeling with this place. I do kinda agree with her on this one. You don't know who sent that to you or what's in there, Y/N. I suggest you be careful."

With that, Aaron left the room, leaving the mysterious package and I alone. I set the box on my bed and gently lifted the lid off of the box. Inside was a wine bottle with a black, murky substance inside and a tag attached to the lid.

Drink it. All of it.

"Aaron, I'm sorry, but I'm kinda tempted to see what this concoction tastes like."

I picked up the bottle and with my werewolf strength, I easily opened the lid and chugged the whole bottle. It had a smooth yet sticky sensation as it went down my throat. It didn't have much of a taste, and I was a bit disappointed.

"What a freakin' piece of-" I was cut off when a wave of nausea crashed over me. My hand flew to my head and I dropped the bottle, sending it crashing to the floor. I stood up and leaned my other hand on the dresser for support.

It felt like my head was about to explode and my stomach was about to send everything back where it came from. I couldn't breathe and my chest was tight. I was shaking. Then I passed out and fell to the floor.

~End of flashback~

I looked around the room as my vision began to adjust to the lack of light. I could see that I was in a small room in what seemed to be a lodge. But it definitely wasn't the lodge I was staying in.

Candles were dimly lighting up the room, along with pictures of me everywhere. Me in high school, me in college, me in the lodge. Blood was pounding in my ears. My limbs were shaking. My chest was tight. My lungs refused to function. I was afraid.

"H-hello?" I called out into the darkness. I tried to move, but found myself chained to the wall by my neck. I clawed at the chain but I was trapped.

"Good, you're awake," A voice called out. "W-who's there?" I shakily asked.

"Do you not remember me?" It was a boy, that was for sure. But I couldn't recognize him.

"W-who are you? Show yourself!" He stepped forward and kneeled down in front of me.

It was Ein. I hadn't seen him in ages.

"E-Ein? H-how is this possible?"

"Don't ask questions," He snapped. Ein stood up and threw something at me. It splashed everywhere and all over me. It's a potion. The odd thing was that it was an emerald green color, and had a distinct smell. I remembered studying potions for a little while with Lucinda and I learned about forever potions. Potions that last forever. The kind of potion Ein had thrown at me.

My body seemed like it didn't belong to me. My mind seemed like it didn't belong to me. It felt like my soul had left my body and was now being used by someone else.

Ein walked over and unclipped the chain connecting me to the wall. "Stand up," He commanded. I didn't want to. I didn't mean to. But I stood.

What is happening?

Ein leaned over and hugged me, squeezing the breath from my lungs. My arms wrapped themselves around his body and my head leaned into his shoulder. Ew! I don't wanna hug this disgusting creep!

Ein pulled away from our embrace and kept his calloused hands on my cheeks. He slowly leaned in and kissed my lips. I kissed him back. No! No! No! No! Get away from me!

Ein pulled away, leaving an inch between us. "You are mine~" He whispered. And there was nothing I could do to stop him.

I know I shouldn't be proud of this one but I am

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