Necklace Pt. 2 {4K reads special}

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{A/N: Part 2 to say thank you for 4K reads😊}
{TW: Drinking and smoking}
{Show: Mystreet season 3}

"Y/N! You ready yet?!"


I raced down the stairs holding my heels and caught my breath when I reached the bottom. I dropped both of my shoes on the floor and stepped into them. The heels made me taller yet gave me anxiety on the thought of trying to walk in them.

Lucinda, Katelyn, and I decided to go clubbing for fun and also because we hadn't had a girls night in a bit. Lucinda was the one who came up with the idea and Katelyn wasn't really looking forward to it but we'd somehow convinced her to tag along.

Katelyn wore a simple white crop top with skinny jeans and Lucinda wore a sleeveless, tight black dress while I was wearing a short, emerald dress. {Your dress below}

"Now I'm ready," I smiled

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"Now I'm ready," I smiled. Lucinda nodded. "Good. Let's go have fun, girls."


We entered the club and I was immediately overwhelmed with flashing lights, booming music and people dancing. The three of us made our way to the bar and we ordered a drink. "C'mon girls! Let's dance!"

Katelyn instantly shut Lucinda's idea down. "There is no way I'm going to dance. You two convinced me to come, I'm not gonna take part in any activities!"

"Katelyn, we won't tell anyone," I intervened. She looked between us. "You won't?"

"We won't say a word," Lucinda finished. Katelyn bit her lip. "Fine. Let's go."

Her and Lucinda stood up to go dance. Katelyn got lost in the crowd when Lucinda looked over at me, who stayed seated. "You comin' N/N?"

My eyes were locked on the boy who broke my heart, sitting on the other side of the bar. Lucinda followed my eyes and sighed. "Y/N, it's been five years. You need to let him go."

Five years had passed since Gene cheated on me with Sasha and I still hadn't gotten over him. Yes, I gave him the necklace but the memories still stayed with me. I missed him but I knew I could never forgive him. Knowing Gene he'd probably break my heart again.

"Y/N, we've all gone through break-ups, but exes shouldn't stop you from having fun. You're 25, live a little."

I tore my eyes away from Gene and glanced at Lucinda. She looked at me with pleading eyes and I sighed. "Fine. Just one more drink."

Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

Turns out that wasn't the last drink. After I'd had eleven shots of vodka I'd decided that I was done. In my drunken state, I noticed Gene had left the club and stepped outside. I turned back to the two girls who were also drunk and yelled over the music, "I'm gonna go finish things with Gene!"

They both nodded at me and I made my way through the bodies of dancing people until I'd made it outside. The cool, crisp air hit my exposed skin and I shivered, wrapping my arms around myself. I looked around yet saw no sign of Gene.

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