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{Show: Mystreet season 1}

I heard my doorbell ring, and I raced over and opened the door. I saw Zane standing there, with his arms crossed. 

"Hey! Here to watch My Little Horsies? I heard another season came out." At this, Zane squealed like a little girl and jumped up and down. 

"You didn't tell me that!" He pushed past me and leaped onto the couch, turning on my TV. I chuckled as I closed the door. I skipped over to the couch and took the remote out of Zane's hands. 

"But, you promised me that today we'd make cupcakes. Now c'mon!" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him into the kitchen. I pulled out the ingredients and set them on the counter. "Now, we need to make the batter first." 


I looked at the recipe on my phone Zane and I used. It said we need flour. I pulled out my flour from a cabinet and set it on the counter. 

"Oh, Zane? Can you take care of the flour while I get the eggs?" He nodded, glancing between the flour and me. I walked over to my fridge and leaned down, pulling out my eggs. Suddenly, I felt something white and powdery {Is powdery even a word?} hit my butt, and I fell, dropping the eggs. 

"Zane!" I exclaimed. He laughed maniacally while pointing his finger at me. I stood up, marched over to the counter, grabbed the bag of flour, took a handful, and shoved it in Zane's face. 

He fell backwards and slipped on the broken eggs. He fumbled around, trying to stay balanced until he fell splat on his face. Meanwhile, I laughed at him the entire time. 

"Y/N! You're going to regret that!" 

He picked up one of the eggs and threw it at me. I tried to dodge it, laughing my head off. I raced over and picked up an egg as well. We chased each other around the kitchen with shattered eggs and flour-balls, having a food-fight.

 I tried to run away from Zane during the war, but I slipped on egg yolks, and I fell, taking Zane down with me. He landed on top of me and our faces were inches apart. I could clearly see that he was blushing through his mask. My cheeks heated up as well. 

He slowly stood up and backed away. I stood up as well, feeling like the world's biggest failure. I rubbed the back of my neck, avoiding eye contact with Zane. After what seemed like ages of silence, I decided to slowly look up and noticed that he was looking at the mess we made. 

I chuckled as I looked around. I turned to face him and our eyes locked. I reached my hand out and moved his hair out of his eye. He blushed heavily. I smiled at him. We slowly, inch by inch, moved closer to each other. He grabbed my waist, I pulled his mask down, rested my hands on his chest, and I closed my eyes as I melted into a kiss. 

Zane's P.O.V


Y/N slowly pulled away and looked at me. Her E/C eyes were gleaming as she wrapped her H/L, H/C hair around one side of her neck, giggling. I pulled my mask back in front of my face in embarrassment. She turned around. "Well, we need to clean up and finish these cupcakes, eh?" I nodded. She smiled at me warmly. I blushed as my hair fell back in front of my face. 

 Your P.O.V

We looked at our mountain of decorated, eggless cupcakes. I sighed and looked over at Zane. "Hey, uhm, we don't have to tell anyone about the kiss, right?" He nodded nervously. I chuckled softly. "Wanna binge the new season of My Little Horsies?" His eye(s) lit up as he dashed into the living room and turned on the TV.

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