Old Friend {Request}

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{A/N: This was requested by gracieMay233. Hope ya like it}
{TW: It gets a little ✨spicy
✨ at the end and I also put a reference}
{Show: Mystreet season 1}

I knew Laurence in middle school and we were practically glued by the hip. Everywhere he went, I went. Everywhere I went, he went. Nothing could separate us.

Well, we thought so, until high school. I never saw Laurence after middle school since we went to different high schools. Entering my adulthood, I didn't think that much about Laurence.

I was never very close with his family, either. It was usually just us against the world. But you have to grow up and let things go eventually, right?



Mystreet. What an absolutely perfect neighborhood. Where everything was okay and nothing went wrong. I was living alone with my dog Sookie. {Gilmore Girls 😍}

Yes, Aaron was my little brother but I figured he could take care of himself.

From the moment I laid eyes on Sookie, I knew we were the best of friends. Sookie followed me wherever I went and was always by my side.

After all, who needs people when you have dogs?

Sookie was my little angel and we didn't need anyone else in the world. {Picture below}

That was, until Aphmau, KC and Katelyn moved in

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That was, until Aphmau, KC and Katelyn moved in. Aphmau immediately tried to hit it off with me and we did become friends, but I was more focused on something else.

Or, should I say someone else. Turns out, Garroth, Dante, and Laurence followed Aphmau to Mystreet and were her neighbors. Oh boy.


"Hi! I'm Aphmau! And this is Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn!" A short girl with raven hair knocked on my door with a massive grin on her face. A meif'wa with pink hair and a girl with blue hair waved at me.

"I'm Y/N, Aaron's older sister. He lives down the street by himself. Hey, didn't you two have some history?"

Aphmau opened her mouth to speak but was cut off by a horn. We looked over and saw a moving van pulling into a driveway. "Someone else is moving in, too?" I asked.

We all trotted down the street and saw a boy with blonde hair, a boy with blue hair, and a boy with....

"L-Laurence?!" Aphmau stuttered. "G-Garroth?! Dante?!"

"Do you know these people?" I asked.

"Yeah, we were friends," She shakily answered.

We all got closer to them and low and behold, it was Laurence from middle school. They hauled out boxes from the moving van and noticed Aphmau.

I journeyed away from them and focused my attention on Laurence.

He stepped out of the van with a box in his hands and we locked eyes. "Laurence Zvhal? From middle school?" I hesitantly asked.

"Y/N Lycan? From middle school?" He asked back. I nodded my head. He smiled. "Long time, no see, gorgeous!"

"I would say the same thing to you if you were gorgeous," I shot back. Laurence laughed. "We have a lot of catching up to do, don't we?" He asked. I nodded with a smile.

"Need some help?" I asked. Laurence nodded his head to the back of the van. "Some wouldn't kill ya, would it?"

"No, but none would kill you," I answered. Laurence laughed again.

"Same Y/N as I remember. You haven't changed at all, have you?"

"Aaron doesn't think so."

Laurence looked confused. "Aaron- Oh! Your brother, right?"

I nodded. "Mhm! He lives down the street by himself."

I climbed into the back of the van and hauled out a box. I jumped out of it and followed Laurence into the brand-new house. I set it down and we went back and forth, sharing small talk and hauling in boxes.

By the end of the day, all the boxes were moved in, the essential items were unpacked, and all was well. Laurence and I were sitting in his room, talking and laughing about random stories.

It was getting late and I knew Sookie was probably missing me. "It's been amazing catching up with you Laurence, but I gotta get back to my house. Sookie is probably dying to see me."


"My dog."

Laurence nodded. I walked toward the door and pressed my hand against the handle. "Wait!" Laurence grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the door.

"Laurence, I really need to go. It was amazing spending the day with you but I need to get back."

"I know, I know," he answered, "just let me do this."

I crossed my arms at him. "Y/N.... I've missed you. More than anything. And you never know what it's like to love someone until they're gone and because you've been gone for so long, I-"

Laurence stopped talking mid-sentence. I raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh, forget it," He muttered. He pulled me toward him and in one swift motion, captured my lips in a rough yet sweet kiss.

I'd never gotten my first kiss so it was magical. His arms were firmly secured on my hips and my hands were on top of his. I hummed against his lips in pleasure and could practically see his smirk.

He pushed his lips roughly toward mine and I let out a small moan. As if the world knew what was happening, someone banged on the door and a British voice yelled, "Stop eating each other's faces in there! This house is brand new!"

I pulled away from Laurence's addictive lips and turned back toward the door. I giggled and pulled away from Laurence. "You heard the man. I gotta go now. Bye, Laurence."

I opened the door and Garroth stood there with his arms crossed. "Relax, he's a good kisser," I said. I walked out of the house and down the street. I made it to my house and opened the door.

Sookie barked happily and stood on her little legs. "Yeah, I missed you too, Sookie." I kneeled down and pet her fluffy fur.

A subtle ding was heard from my phone. I took it out of my back pocket and saw a text from Laurence.

Ur not as bad as I thought. Same time tomorrow, this time ur house and in bed? ;)

I giggled and texted him back.

Sure, ya goof. U weren't too bad either

"What an idiot," I muttered. "But he's my idiot."

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