chapter 3 - home alone

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A couple months have passed since Y/N became manager, he took care of the girls daily and their romantic interest in them had grown stronger.

Doubtfully, the girls have not made moves on Y/N ever since, obviously they flirt and kiss Y/N and hug him but they haven't gone so far to even touch him further than that. Y/N doesn't mind but for the girls, it's been a problem for all 5 of them since they want to experience that type of love but are too scared to even pull a muscle to do such a provocative action that they think it would drive away Y/N

Today, Y/N was all alone in the company. The girls went on a break to film for vlogs and such content for MIDZY while JYP gave them the approval for a small break with the exception of filming it. But, JYP provided them with temporary managers who were just staff being delegated to become a manager temporarily just to protect the girls while on their individual trips but far away from them just to only step in if needed.

Y/N - what do I do now? I finished cleaning the entire house, I restocked everything, I took care of the girl's rooms, and now what do I do other than play on my switch?

Y/N talked to himself for a while until he had a bright idea

"Let's go to the building and explore the recording studio! I always was curious on how it worked, and who knows I'll make a song for myself"

Y/N grabs his keys as he walks out the door, locking the front door as he heads downstairs into his car. After some time, as he heads towards JYP, he parks in the garage greeting the guards

Guard - hey Y/N!

YN smiles and waves at him

Y/N - hey hyung!

Y/N heads inside where he immediately greets the receptionist

Y/N - hey noona, missed me?

Receptionist - Aigoo, you're so confident now, just a few months ago, you were so nervous to even talk to me

Y/N smiles and laughs softly

YN - I know I know, you don't have to tease me about me heh, I'm going up alright? Tell Han in advance I'm taking his room and don't forget, I'm buying you lunch alright? I won't take no for an answer

Y/N jogs off to the turnstiles as he waves at the receptionist

Receptionist - of course! Oh and don't forget to tell Elsa, she has to record for TWICE!

Y/N - alright I got it! I'll see you later noona!

The two wave at each other as Y/N heads into the elevator, greeting the people inside

After getting out, he goes into a practice room to find Elsa talking to the TWICE girls where Y/N bows and greets the girls and Elsa

Y/N - hey Elsa, noona said you got to record their lines for their new comeback?

Elsa - oh! Yeah! It'll be in a few minutes, I'm just teasing them about how I'm going to completely change their sound to something outrageous

Elsa whispers into Y/N's ear

Jihyo - yah unnie! Don't think about making it completely different from our style! Y'know how PD-nim will react

Elsa laughs as she holds her stomach

Elsa - I'm fucking with you girls, you got to record your lines in a bit, I'll meet you there in a few minutes alright?

Elsa bows and leaves the room with Y/N just standing there, completely still as he spaces out because his girls aren't around

Jeongyeon gets up and waves at Y/N's face

Jeong - earth to Y/N? Are you there?

Y/N notices her hand and snaps out of it

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now