chapter 13 - tour

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After reaching San Francisco international airport, Y/N calls some buddies from JYP to take care of the car as they go in and get a ticket for Yumi while they wait around. After getting the ticket, they finally get to their terminal while Y/N got food for the girls while waiting

Yumi - so unnie, what do you like about Y/N?

Yumi was talking to Chaeryeong as Yumi laid her head down on her lap as the other girls went around to look for certain things while Y/N waited for their orders

Chaer - hmmm, your brother is very, nice, he's caring, he always takes care of us, he loves to be with us, and to make friends with others, he treats us like people rather than idols, he forgets to do his job most of the time since he forgets he's a manager

Yumi smiles as Chaeryeong went on with stories of her brother

Y/N - sometimes, he oversleeps since some of the girls sleep with him at night since sometimes they can't sleep without someone, and Y/N just enjoys their presence so he tends to oversleep. Like this one time,Chaewon had slept with Y/N after she came by unannounced

Yumi - Chaewon like Le Sserafim's Chaewon?

Chaeryeong nods as she smiles at Yumi

Chaer - the next morning, we were late and we had to drag Y/N by the ear out of bed, Yeji-unnie was mad but she forgave him shortly since it's Y/N after all, and Chaewon just waited for us till we got back since we only had a short day that day

Y/N - is Le Sserafim close with you?

Chaer - yeah, sometimes we come over to each other's places to celebrate events like comebacks or birthdays, I remember Yunjin's birthday a couple weeks ago, we came over to theirs and then again, Y/N and the rest of us got drunk while Eunchae and Yuna had to take care of us as usual including their manager.

Chaeryeong sighs and then smiles art Yumi once more

Yumi - sounds like you guys love having him around, and sounds nice too

Chaer - of course, he makes us better as a group. He keeps us on time when he does, and he protects us, he always argues with JYP sometimes since he can be a bit stubborn when we need a break but JYP always gives in since he knows how good of a manager Y/N is

Yumi just giggles a bit as Chaeryeong just caressed the girl's hair

Chaer - you remind me so much when Yuna debuted, she was only 15 at the time, so happy, and so excited to be an idol. I can see that with you

Yumi - really?

Chaer - mmhm, do you think you would try to audition with JYP?

Yumi - of course, I want to be with hyung as much as I can, it's my first time seeing him in years, I don't want to let him go so easily after that

Chaeryeong just hugs Yumi as Yumi caves in too hugging her back

Chaer - you're a good sister you know that?

Yumi - I know

They break off as Y/N comes back

Y/N - hey guys

Yumi - whatcha got?

Y/N - your favourite

Yumi - ooo!

Yumi takes the burger king bag from him and digs in

Y/N gives a separate bag to Chaeryeong as she ate too

Y/N - where's the rest?

Chaer - they're just looking for backup skincare products, apparently Yeji's and Yuna's ran out so they went looking for some with Ryujin and Lia backing them up since those two forgot to buy makeup remover

just a manager? (ITZY X MALE Y/N) 18+Where stories live. Discover now